June 12, 2024

Unlocking Spiritual Gifts Through Eclipses with Tammy Manzo

Unlocking Spiritual Gifts Through Eclipses with Tammy Manzo

Welcome to Episode 20 of the Spiritual Geek Podcast! I'm your host, Sheila Franzen, and I'm thrilled to have Tammy Manzo joining me today. In this episode, we dive into the transformative power of eclipses and their mystical influence on our spiritual journeys. Tammy shares her fascinating story of how looking at an eclipse heightened her intuitive gifts, and the energetic shifts she experienced. We'll also explore the concept of collapsing time and space, energy healing modalities, and the magic of alignment. Whether you're an astrology geek, a spiritual seeker, or simply curious about how celestial events can impact our lives, this episode is packed with insights and wisdom. Plus, Tammy offers some fantastic advice on how to harness the energy of the upcoming solar eclipse on April 8, 2024, for your own personal growth. Tune in, get inspired, and let's journey through the cosmos together! #EnergyHealing #Eclipse2024 #SpiritualAwakening

About NAME: Tammy is a self-proclaimed astrology geek. She looks at everything through the lens of energy and vibration as shown in your birth chart. Using your chart as a navigational guide to your Akashic records, she can decipher the root causes of patterns, programs, thought forms, wounds and more. She uses sacred geometry to clear these in the birth chart. She also facilitates past life healing in the Akashic records. She loves nothing more than to "turn the old into gold" for clients, holding the space for magical transformations and spiritual alchemy. It is easier than you think.

About Sheila: Sheila is a coach, author and energy healer. She helps others see the way forward so that they can consciously create a life they love and celebrate. You can discover more at sheilafranzen.com.

DISCLAIMER: Please note that the opinions and views expressed by the host and guests are solely their own and do not represent any particular religious or spiritual belief system. The information provided in this podcast is for educational and entertainment purposes only and should not be taken as professional advice. Thank you for joining us on this journey of self-discovery and spiritual growth.


Tammy Manzo's Website

Metatron's Astrology Cube


Course: Live a More Balanced Life

Spiritual Geek Podcast

Sheila Franzen's Website

Download FREE Expand Your Light EBook

Experience a Powerful Torus Energy Healing

Sheila Franzen

Welcome to the Spiritual Geek podcast, Wisdom for Modern Times, where we focus on living with intention to consciously create a life you love and celebrate. I'm your spiritual geek, Sheila Fransen, and I'm so excited to share another episode with you. Today, we have Tammy Manza with us to talk about the April Eclipse and what we might or might not have been noticing that's happened since then. Tammy is a self-proclaimed astrolog geek. She looks at everything through the lens of energy and vibration as shown in your birth chart. Using your chart as a navigational guide to your Akashic records, she can decipher the root cause of patterns, programs, thought forms, wounds, and more. She uses sacred geometry to clear these in the birth chart. She also facilitates past life healing in the Akashic records. She loves nothing more than to turn the old into gold for clients, holding the space for magical transformations and spiritual alchemy. It's easier than you think. Welcome, Tammy.


Tammy Manzo

Oh, thanks for having me, Sheila.


Sheila Franzen

Is there anything else before we dive into a clips that you want to share about yourself or your journey?


Tammy Manzo

Well, I was listening to that bio and I was like, Wow, did I write that? Where did that come from? Okay, I guess I do do all those things. It's so hard when we just try to describe ourselves and what we do because some of it's just indescribable. Some of it just happens in the moment, and it never happens again for another client. So it's hard to connect to everything that goes on when I look at an astrology chart or use it in a healing session.


Sheila Franzen

Yeah, you actually did write that. It's been a while, about a year ago when we recorded an episode. So when you talk about the present moment and then everything goes away, that's a great representation of that. Excellent. The present moment is where we live and where we exist, and it often is forgotten. We have some upcoming episodes that will be going out about the book, divine healing stories, which your story is in there. I have read that book recently. I'd read your story, of course. We've talked about modernism Modern Ascension recently on the podcast as well. I love how you say, Sometimes it happens for one person and it never happens again. I think that is just the beauty of surrendering to this new place that you do work from and do service from in that you've educated yourself in all these modalities and things that exist in this time and space as we're here on the planet with everything from Reiki and working with the Pleadians and the Arcturians. And yet it really is this aspect of just being the clearest channel you can be. And so then in any moment, you don't know what's going to show up.


Sheila Franzen

That's really cool. I love that.


Tammy Manzo

Yeah, it's exciting.


Sheila Franzen

It is exciting because the healing potentials are infinite and endless. So As we talk about something infinite and endless, and we dive into the energy of an eclipse, there's probably some infineness, maybe that's a new word, to what we're talking about that happens with this aspect of the eclipse. Remind people what an eclipse is from an aspect of just simply being here on Earth. Then let's dive into the energy of the Eclipse and what you've been noticing.


Tammy Manzo

Yeah, not to be technical at all, but what happens? The Earth has energy. The sun has energy, it is energy, the Earth is energy, the moon is energy, and they each have their specific paths and orbits through the universe. But at the Eclipse times, and they could be four times a year, it could be five times a year, it could be six times a year, they do something of the ordinary. Their orbits change a little bit. I like to think them doing a little dance. They're dancing, and they're creating a temporary energy that has never existed before at that point in time, and it's not going to exist forever. It will be there just for... Nobody really knows how long. Nobody can measure it, but they create something that's not a way to be. Correct. Correct. You're right. You're right. Somebody's going to be working on measuring that. But it's an energy that happens somewhere in the universe, and it happens somewhere in our birth chart as well. If there are planets or angles at the degree of where this portal, let's just call it a portal of energy, a temporary portal, that creates something very, very big.


Tammy Manzo

Two different kinds of eclipses, the solar, and that's what we had on April eighth, 2024, moves us forward very quickly. The other eclipses, a lunar, and those are what the soul is ready to release. That's more of a releasing and not a moving forward. But a releasing does move you forward. But this solar eclips that we just had was so important because it was actually connected to some other planets out in the universe. So usually an eclipse doesn't happen with another planet, but this time it did. And it was conjuncted, and it might be too much astrology geekness for people.


Sheila Franzen

Oh, but that's part of the fun. We get to get out. So share away.


Tammy Manzo

Yeah. Kyron. It conjuncted Kyron, which means it was right on top of it. And Kyron is the aspect of the wounded healer. And We all come in with the one major wound, the Kyron wound, that you can see in the chart, and we know what it is in our lives. We come in to heal it. And the Eclipse was conjunct to that and the North Node. And first of all, Kyron and the North Node have not been conjunct since 1969. That's how long that's been, because they each have their own orbits. For Kyron and North Node to be conjunct at the same time that the Eclipse happened on it, that's a huge amount of energy. What the North Node means is the new direction of the soul, and it's the new direction of the collective. We're always trying to go somewhere new. That's our intention anyway. Where this conjunction and eclipse was, was in Aries, the first sign of the zodiac. Aries is about the identity. What was happening was this eclipse of energy, energy portal was now a huge healing. It's a healing modality, and I've used it as a healing modality, and I'll talk about that coming up, too.


Tammy Manzo

But it's a huge healing for all the wounds in our identity that we have been trying to clear for who knows how many lifetimes.


Sheila Franzen

But this was a huge clearing, and we all got some of it in different ways.


Tammy Manzo

Some of us might have been noticing some of it mentally, physically, emotionally, or spiritually. Yeah, Okay, so am I too far ahead of people, Sheila? No.


Sheila Franzen

We talk about this aspect of things coming into different orbits. I was thinking or realizing that what we're really talking about with an eclipse, while it's, oh, we can't see the sun for the solar eclipse during that time frame, or we can't see the moon during the lunar eclipse, it's not like we often think it's something being hidden. But in reality, what's happening is they're all in alignment. I don't know that I had thought about it in that way because it's like the sun, the Earth, and the moon have to be aligned. And in that alignment, when you're talking about mother Earth, and Earth has its own energy, and obviously the sun has energy. We often talk about moon energy, although I think a lot of people often just think about it being more... The moon isn't visible without the sun, but yet the moon is a structure the universe and, of course, has its own energy. When these things align in a certain way, I think that's the part that is... There is an alignment. It is an alignment, as you're talking about, to move forward and to release of energy. That happens with anything when you line them up.


Sheila Franzen

That's the simple nature of alignment. When we line up and align our chakras, our body works better. When we align anything that we're working with, even our house. When our house gets in alignment, like I've been doing some... My partner and I have been spring cleaning. We were getting ready to pack for a trip and decided that it was time to let go of a bunch of stuff before we decided what we wanted to just take on a trip. That's an alignment of... Alignment, right? I just keep hearing the word alignment and thinking about these eclipses as actually the potential and the possibility of alignment, which always brings, of course, something new, right? It moves us forward, or you have to let go of something, and that's how alignment works.


Tammy Manzo

What was coming into alignment was the north node, the new path of the now healed identity, more of a wholeness coming back into our identity. That part of ourselves where we thought maybe we didn't have enough confidence to step forward and do this thing we wanted to do. Boom, this is exactly what it's doing. It's moving forward, people forward into this being that they have always been, but they just couldn't perceive it. They didn't think they could do it.


Sheila Franzen

Yeah, I love that. I know you work with a lot of clients. I bet you've been seeing, well, lots of ways this impacts. But even before we get into that, this alignment, and In that alignment, we were talking about this a little bit before we got on the call of there's a portal. There's a temporary portal of energy that is available in that alignment. Can you speak to that? I think that's a really fascinating concept to think about how there's extra energy that if in our... Well, go ahead, and then I'll come back to my thoughts. I was in a complete area of totality in the part of Ohio, where we were going to be.


Tammy Manzo

We had four minutes. That was one of the longest times available where we were actually in it. I was able to get out there and stand out there in it and watch it. Felt it very strongly. But this happens for us in our chart. I can track all the eclipses back. There's records of them. You could Google them. You could track back where these other eclipses have happened in your chart. Well, it's where it's created, bursts of energy and where things It's happened very quickly for me. I can go back, sense of birth, and I can see exactly what happened. It's amazing how I can see how I've been lifted up by the universe and put out somewhere. Even if I was kicking and screaming and afraid to go, I went there and it turned out pretty good. The universe was putting this energy out. But right after this, I felt different since that moment in time. I have not felt physically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually the same since then. I was not sure if this was the energy I was feeling on the planet or if it was me, how long it was going to last, what was happening.


Tammy Manzo

I was just observing, but it was very interesting that That energy has not shifted since then. I've been feeling it differently in myself since then. It's not gone away. Since then, people just reach out because I'm on speed dial for people. I'm the astrologer. I'm listening under A, under their contacts. The astrology question, what's going on in the world? What's shifting? Because there's a lot of people that can sense it and feel it. They don't know what they're sensing and feeling, but they know there's something, so they reach out. Right away, there was a lot of people that had physical clearing symptoms. Oh, my gosh, there was almost like a wave of sickness. One of my close friends just got pneumonia out of nowhere. What's going on here? Her lungs were processing some old grief. I saw people on social media just asking for prayers. Oh my gosh, I'm in a hospital, somebody I know is in a hospital. There was like, drastic. There's just a big shifts and changes, physically. I'm still finding out. It's two months later and I'm still finding out from other people for the first time what's happened to them physically since the eclipse, a lot of things shifting and changing.


Tammy Manzo

Then this part is going to blow everybody's mind because it blew my mind. I'm going to pass along the explosion. I had people start coming to me telling me that they had actually looked at the eclipse without glasses, and their vision was fine. They're not blind. They looked at the eclipse Right.


Sheila Franzen

This is fascinating to me. Part of me goes, Where was that a myth and a belief? Where did we really come up with that being true? Or was this one really different? Does somebody actually look at the eclipse every time it happens and we know the people lose their sight? Or is it just something that's happened in humanity because we didn't want to do it anymore? That's interesting. I don't know.


Tammy Manzo

But every once in a while, I think in the back of my mind because I could talk on my eyes for just a whole podcast with all the past life things. My eyes are so super important to me, and I've learned it the hard way that whenever anything comes up about eyes, I am like, Oh, my God. You should have seen me at this eclipse. I had cataracts done last summer, and I was like, Oh, my God. My new cataract lens is going to be okay in this eclipse. I was freaking out because it was all the time. Old stuff. But the first guy came and he messaged me and he said, Oh, yeah, by the way, I looked at the eclipse and nothing happened. He's a friend and a client, but he's out there. He's way advanced. So I thought, Oh, okay, that's him. It's okay. Then the next guy came in and said, Oh, I looked at the eclipse, and this is what he described to me. He goes, I looked right at it for a couple of minutes, and he goes, and I felt something just explode in my brain. From that point, he already had empath abilities.


Tammy Manzo

He could already get messages and hear and see spirits and things. He said he is on point like he would never believe. He has made a huge shift, and his spiritual gifts and abilities have just ramped up. The other guy said that as well. Then another friend came, and she's the one that had the pneumonia after that. But see how this had shifted her, the longs process grief. And this was just old, many, many lives of grief coming out. She told me that she was always skeptical because she's a skeptic and I love her. She's like, Yeah, everybody has been looking at eclipses for millennia, and nobody goes blank. She goes, I'm just going to look at it. So she did. And then she noticed her intuitive gifts ramping up, ramping up, and seeing all this stuff. And I went and sat with it with my own higher guidance, my higher self, and I sat there and I said, make some sense of this. Give me some information. I'm asking you. And then immediately I felt like I was going to cry. Like, oh, my God, I had missed that thing. This was a huge opportunity, and I had missed it.


Tammy Manzo

I had missed it. And it was so angry because I had fallen into that. It was old fear, I knew it was. It was my eyes. If you ever need a guest, if you want to hear somebody doing past life healing, I'll tell you about my 600 past life where I had things with my eyes you wouldn't believe. But I was so angry that I fell into that trap. I'm like, But Then I sat with it for a while and here's the beauty of it. We can all go back, and I have done it, and I have taken clients back to this. You can go back energetically and look at that eclipse. You just set the intention. So anybody that works with energy, if you work with Reiki already, you know that you can send energy back. You can do a past life healing. There's a symbol that you can use. You could send energy back there. But we know time is a made-up construction.


Sheila Franzen

Yeah, it's just in this dimension, right? Third dimension. Exactly.


Tammy Manzo

It's a made-up structure, so it doesn't really exist. We can travel across time and space. People that do remote viewing can go anywhere across time and look at things and come back with very accurate information. I've done this already for years. When I have a really good Reiki session with somebody or I've got healers that I go to and man some of these healings, I could do my own healing, but it's just nice sometimes to just lay on the table and let somebody else do it for you. It's just really nice. I can go back to those healing sessions. I've done it already. I just sent the intention. Oh, I'm going to go back to that healing I had from this person on this day, and I can feel it, and it is happening again. I said to myself, You know what? I'm just going to go back to that eclipse. I will set the intention, and I will go back there, and I will look at it. I did. And you know what happened? I felt energy moving through my physical body. Where's one of the first places it went to? It was eyes.


Tammy Manzo

Yes, it was. It was vibrating in my eyes, and I was like, Oh, I was a little bit scared. But I'm like, No, no, no. No, this is right. Energy is energy. It's just energy, and it's just shifting something off. I sat with it and it moved in different areas. I will tell you what, since then, my own spiritual gifts have ramped up. I feel like really what happened, this energy removed the blocks to what was already there. I don't feel like... Well, it's only been two months in, so we'll see what comes forward. But in the two months since I've gone back and redone this, I I feel like the blocks to what I already had are gone. Therefore, I can see it right away. It's on point, man. It is on point. I started talking about this to some clients that understand this. Maybe some people ran away screaming already. They're listening, Sorry, guys, through this podcast. Maybe this is a lot of mind-blowing, and believe me, it was for me, too. But I've taken several people back to look at the Eclipse, and there's There's been major, major clearings and shifts for them.


Tammy Manzo

There are even some gifts coming forward for some people. It just depends where you are.


Sheila Franzen

That's amazing from an aspect of feeling the energy, right? This whole concept, that's an aspect of how energy healing happens, right? Because we collapse time and space. In this construct that we live in, in this 3D world that is physical that manifestsates the lower frequencies of energy that manifest in physical form, then with our intention and using our intellect, traveling, no different than people can see across dimensions, you can pull in energy from different time and space. That part makes sense. We do that when we connect into Reiki energy or any other energy healing modality. There's a way that we are... It's like when time disappears, right? You're like, Oh, my gosh, where'd that hour go? Then there's other times, even in just meditation, when I'm sitting and I'm like, That felt like forever. Exactly. But the whole eye thing, I find that now I want to go research a little bit about eclipses and why is looking at it... It never made sense to me, I have to tell I've always thought about an eclipse, and I'm like, Why can't we look at it? It's actually less light than the other time. There's a part of it that sounds so ridiculous to me.


Sheila Franzen

They say, don't look at the sun during the day. Exactly. I don't sit and do sun-gazing during the day. And often, I have the opportunity to see the sunset when there are clouds in where I live. It's often cloudy in the summer, so now I don't have my sunsets as often. But I love to sun-gaze. And that last half hour, hour of the day when the sun's low enough that you can look directly into the sun. And they say that's really healing for your eyes, and it resets your whole energy system just because you're connecting in to that aspect of the solar energy and the sun energy. I even remember as a kid, it was all the stuff, look at the eclipse. In my head, I was always in my curiosity of the world. Well, it There's no sense. There's no light. How could it actually be doing, Danny? Yeah.


Tammy Manzo

And you know what's coming to me now as we're thinking about it? I think back in the dark ages when everybody was so superstitious, I think people looked at the eclipse and their spiritual gifts came out. Maybe all of a sudden they were seeing spirits and hearing spirits and things, and that was a no, no. No, don't do that.


Sheila Franzen

That's what I got when you were talking about it. I had this aspect of what popped in was, well, Well, probably one person somewhere had something so drastically healed or happened that they couldn't see what they used to see. I don't know. And then it was like that became true, right? It's how so many things that we believe. I just had the opportunity for some friends and family members. They have high school graduates, and My partner and I, several years ago for Christmas gifts from a company she worked with, had received these unique gifts from... It was like the leadership of the company. Rather than sending a single gift to people that they were working with, they each did a unique gift with a unique message that meant something to them. Somebody provide a luggage tag, and somebody was like, This book I read, and it really inspired me in the past year. They were these super simple little gifts, but they were personalized and thoughtful and had meaning from the person who did them. For graduation this year, previously, Cynthia had sent some graduates' books, and I'm like, I want each of us to do a book.


Sheila Franzen

We each picked out a book that we wanted to give to high school graduates as they're starting their journey of life. I spent a lot of time looking at books and what would I want to share with the graduates. I looked at recommendations from other people. One of the books was called Think Again. It's the concept that we have to... Like I've always thought about college as learning how to learn. Like high school and college, you learn these content areas, but you're really learning how to learn because you have to learn all these different topics, and in that learning, you have to learn something different. The book is Think Again by Adam Grant, and he talks about unlearning. That's an aspect of what I'm reminded of when we talk about the eclipse and all of our beliefs around it is we have to unlear. We have to be open to what's possible and what's the potential of things, of unlearning what's available.


Tammy Manzo

That's right. Having that open mind. If it's not open, nothing is going to get in.


Sheila Franzen

And boy, our beliefs can sure keep that from happening.


Tammy Manzo

Oh, yeah. So what else I'm seeing then since this, because this energy, even if we did not look at the eclipse, even if we stood there like I did with the glasses the first time, we got chips. I am hearing just from a client I had this morning, he shared that just recently. He just said, Oh, in April, I lost my job. I'm like, Oh, yeah. I didn't call it the eclipse because that was a whole other conversation. But I found that interesting. That job, he's something Everything new is coming for him. He needs to be somewhere else and see how, okay, and that's part of what that solar eclipse will do. Sometimes for us to move forward, something needs to be let go of or pulled off. I'm having other clients come in that are doing deep clearing of wounds, personal wounds from other lifetimes that are still hanging on them that have been brought up by this eclipse. It's half healed up, but half of it is still stuck because there's some major work that needs to be done. That's wounds to speaking up, to saying our truth, to finding the right career, where we feel like we're good out in the world, making a difference.


Tammy Manzo

All this stuff is coming up for people since this eclipse. We're all maybe finding that we want to do something different, or we've always wanted to do this thing all along But now we feel like we can. So this is great. This is like a huge breath of fresh air going across the collective right now. Everybody's waking up, opening the mind, thinking again, as you say, for a possibility endless possibilities.


Sheila Franzen

Well, I actually went back and I was like, So has anything changed for me? I was like, You made me quit. I'm like, Well, what's really happened? And I looked back at April and I had done a ton of stuff prior to that. And then my daughter's spring break finished and I came out of spring break, and that was the day of the Eclipse. And I missed seeing it, but now I'm going to have to go back and see it in my mind. I'll travel back and go play with time and energy and say, take me back to the time of the eclipse and see what happens. When I look back, you asked me before we recorded if I had noticed anything that It changed. As I've been sitting here, I'm like, Well, I redid my whole website in April and relaunched who I was and completed recording a class that I had done on living a more balanced life that I had wanted to get out there and available for people. I'm like, Now I got to go look at exactly what week I did that because I think it might have been that week.


Sheila Franzen

Then I started rerecording these podcast episodes, and I had had to take a break for personal reasons with things going on in my life. And yet, it was early in April that I started doing the recordings for everything. So I'm like, Oh, my God, that's hilarious, right? Like, Holy cow, how. It was the second week of April, third week of April. So, yeah, April definitely was a huge set of energy going on. But I was like, I just felt this push in its own way for all kinds of reasons in our own journey and guided lives. But there wasn't energy available when I looked back that was there because I could have very easily said, Oh, I've got a lot of stuff going on over the summer. I'm not going to start this till I get back in the fall. And I was like, No. Now is the time. And it's been effortless in its own way. It's been fun. I've had a blast doing it, and it's been I even feel like, to be honest, as we talk about this podcast and doing it, the recordings are different. I'm definitely more at ease. And speaking publicly, even though this is on a recorded podcast, has probably...


Sheila Franzen

I don't know. Maybe everybody on the planet has their own wound of public speaking since it's the number one fear in humanity.


Tammy Manzo

But it's been easier.


Sheila Franzen

I I haven't... Yeah, it's just been easier. It's been easy and effortless and fun. And so I love that. And as we're talking and I look at people in my life, I can see changes and different people that maybe got sick or had something, like some clearing or just a new way of thinking or being or moving ahead in their life. I love it. There's an energy there. How What would you describe when we talk about this energy of the Eclipse? We've talked about that it's an alignment and that they're... What's your understanding of... Because I always want to go back to the geeky of why. Is this an aspect of the cycles of our solar system that are always supporting us to move forward and change? Yes.


Tammy Manzo

That north node is the new direction. Sometimes it's hard for us to go into a new direction, depending on who we are, what we've already done. But like you said, this energy was pushing. It was pushing you in the new direction. Like, Okay, I need to do this now. Yeah, okay. When we do it, it's easy and effortless because the universe has our back and we're going there.


Sheila Franzen

I'm just pausing. It just boggles my mind. We live our day-to-day lives, and We talked about this a little bit when we talked about astrology and the energy of a birth chart and these pre-planned... Not planned is the wrong, too strong of a word. Lives with potential and possibility for us to shift and change. Maybe that's a better way to say it when we come in and have our life laid ahead of us. And yet we have an entire universe, or at least this solar system, and the intricacies that are designed within the solar system that are always happening. We have these incredible cycles, whether it's the cycle of the sun and the moon each month and the energies within that that I keep leveraging more in my own life of the time when it's best to reflect and the time to take action and the time to be in motion and be visible and be seen. But that there's these other aspects going on outside of the planet that it's so perfectly designed, I guess, is what I'm seeing or hearing, just the perfection in what available in our journey here on Earth. It's not just our own journey, but we're supported at every level.


Sheila Franzen

Yes. To just take Take that in for a moment of the awareness and the recognition of Earth and the moon and the planets. There's this master thing happening all the time, and it's not random. I think I guess that's what I'm seeing. It's not random, even though it can feel random. If you were able to look up above the orbit and how you said the orbits change periodically, and yet it's all in perfection and alignment in its own way, right? Yeah.


Tammy Manzo

Yeah. This was a beautiful blessing. This was a wonderful blessing that we all received. But of course, like you said, we have the free will to choose. We could put off doing or jump right in. We're all on a different path with that. But the other beautiful thing is that when we're all connected to each other and with each other and part of the collective. As some of us move forward and we go in this portal and do the new thing, it's helping all of us. It's big.


Sheila Franzen

Well, and I love what you just mentioned there of the aspect of these energies are available and there's such power. Well, I think there's an aspect of the more you you surrender to living in flow with the universe being in the present moment, there's a way that you... I didn't know this. I knew the eclipse was going on, and I know. I know because I'm in all the circles and groups of people that are like, Oh, yeah, it's a portal of energy and blah, blah, blah. But I didn't really change my intention or my intellectual choices in that moment to take advantage of it. But I think because I do try to live in the present moment in the most powerful way possible, I was in the energy without knowing it. Organically. Yes. Organically. That's a good way to put it. But there really is an aspect of... There's an aspect of our intention that can... It's amplification. We can amplify the what's available in these energies if we use our intention and that we connect into what's going on.


Tammy Manzo

That's the part that is possible for anyone.


Sheila Franzen

It lets it get amplified. That's the real gift of then our own free will, right? Our own free will, our own choice, our own personal power of who we are. We We get to take advantage of it or not, and we can amplify it by choosing to connect with it.


Tammy Manzo

Exactly. There are some other physical things that I've been noticing in myself and in others because there's this new energy coming in, and it's just boosted us up. I feel like this eclipse has just raised our frequencies as well. I noticed sleep changes. People might be noticing people listening to the podcast, they might notice that maybe they've slept differently since then. I noticed there's different... My body is telling me something different, like it's craving some different foods or eating in a different way. I've been doing the intermittent fasting for about two, almost three years now, and I'm getting my body's telling me, Don't do that. But I don't know what the new thing is. I'm trying different things, and I'm trying to connect into that energy shift. I've been hearing that from a lot of other friends and clients as well. We're all recognizing that. Let's see, what else is the next thing? They're all noticing a little bit more inner peace. There's just some part of us, I think, that, like you said, surrender. Surrender We'd let go of something. So this new thing could come in. I think there's a lot more in the people that I know, like you, that live in the present moment and in alignment, we're seeing more inner peace as well.


Tammy Manzo

Well, people that aren't living in that inner moment, in that moment, they might be experiencing all kinds of discombobulation because this energy is shifting things. Even though we have will to step into it, to squeeze every drop of juice out of it, everybody's getting something. Whether you know about it, whether you're open to it, everybody, because it's energy, and we are energy beings, and there's no way to block that energy out. If you're human and you're living on the Earth and the Earth had an eclipse, you got some of it. Something's happening.


Sheila Franzen

Yeah, right. It's whether you're tuning into it, consciously aware of it, want to understand it or not. It doesn't matter. It's not right or wrong. It's just this concept of how can we have fun with the perfection of this universe that is offering us possibilities.


Tammy Manzo

Exactly. Going with the flow. I know a few people that resist the flow, and it's very hard to resist the flow of the universe. That's where the difficulty comes from. But like you said, when we surrender and we go with the flow, I mean, everything's going to turn out exactly right for us. There's no difficulty. We're going to go with that flow and let go of what we thought it had to be and just go with what the universe is bringing us, and it's going to happen.


Sheila Franzen

So thank you. This has been a fun little conversation of just a great little moment of geeking out on the Eclipse. So thank you. I learned something and reminded myself of things, so hopefully, others can do the same. If people want to tap into this energy of the Eclipse, sounds like they can do some of that on their own, but you're doing some work with people, too, if they want some help doing that. Yeah.


Tammy Manzo

If they want to come and they could find me on the website, iamsolealchemist. Com, especially if they're struggling, because this part of the identity wound that wants to go away, it could be pretty much screaming at them right now. They'll know if they need something with it, because people are starting to come with that. Don't worry, we could clear anything. It's all going to be okay. But people can certainly just go back, set the intention in your mind, go back to the eclipse, the solar eclipse, April eighth, 2024, and set the intention. I found that when I made the statement, I am now looking at that eclipse, and I had my eyes wide open. Boom, I could feel that energy. You set the intention. I'm now looking at it, I'm now accepting it. I'm not receiving the energy, and it's just going to flow. I do notice that for some people, there's a lot more than others. It could go on for 30 minutes. You might want to hold that space for about 30 to start with.


Sheila Franzen

I love it. I guess that's the power of additional energy and how it can affect us in this 3D world of time and space. We still have to spend the time receiving. I mean, that's really what it's about. It's about the receiving. Yeah, I can keep it. Awesome. All right, Tammy, thank you so much for inspiring a new topic here today and wanting to jump on and talk about the Eclipse. It's been a lot of fun.


Tammy Manzo

Thank you, Sheila. Thanks for having me. It's always wonderful to talk these things with you.


Sheila Franzen

You've just listened to the Spiritual Beat podcast. Thanks for joining us. If you've enjoyed the episode, share a comment and rating on your favorite podcast platform. If you were inspired, consider sharing with friends and family. Love and light to each of you, and may your day be filled with joy and wisdom and the energy of the Eclipse as you consciously create your life.


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Tammy Manzo

Astrologer/Energy Healer/Akashic Records Navigator/Spiritual Alchemist

Tammy is a self-proclaimed astrology geek. She looks at everything through the lens of energy and vibration as shown in your birth chart. Using your chart as a navigational guide to your Akashic records, she can decipher the root causes of patterns, programs, thought forms, wounds and more. She uses sacred geometry to clear these in the birth chart. She also facilitates past life healing in the Akashic records. She loves nothing more than to "turn the old into gold" for clients, holding the space for magical transformations and spiritual alchemy. It is easier than you think.