July 31, 2024

Unlocking Divine Potential: Sound Healing and Energy Alchemy with Charlene Locke

Hey Spiritual Geeks! Welcome to Episode 24 of the Spiritual Geek Podcast! I'm your host, Sheila Franzen, and today we have a truly enlightening guest, Charlene Locke. Join us as we dive deep into the transformative world of energy healing and sound therapy. Charlene shares her incredible journey into sound healing and the profound impacts it can have on our physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being. We'll explore how interrupting life's cycles can open pathways to joy and peace, and how sound frequencies can unlock your divine potential. Curious about how sacred sites and crystals play into this? We've got you covered! Don't miss out on this inspiring episode that promises to enrich your life and elevate your energy. Hit play and let's embark on this spiritual adventure together. Remember to rate, share, and comment to help spread the wisdom. Tune in and transform your world with us! 🔮✨

About Charlene: Charlene Locke offers a unique approach to intuitive energy alchemy, guiding individuals to unlock their divine potential through channeled healing, sound, and energy activations. With her expertise available worldwide, she helps clients tap into their inner power and align with their true purpose. Whether you are seeking spiritual guidance, emotional and physical body healing, or deep personal transformation, Charlene's sessions can support you on your journey to a more fulfilling and empowered life.

Energy alchemy sessions are available via Zoom, as well as the opportunity to receive powerful sound healing meditations and transmissions through her website via her recorded channeling and activations.

In addition to her remote and in person offerings, Charlene also leads spiritual retreats on the sacred lands of Egypt, where participants can immerse themselves in the ancient energies of this mystical land. Through guided meditations, temple activations, sound healing, and energy work while sailing down the Nile, Charlene creates a nurturing space for deep healing and personal transformation.

About Sheila: Sheila is a coach, author and energy healer. She helps others see the way forward so that they can consciously create a life they love and celebrate. You can discover more at sheilafranzen.com.

DISCLAIMER: Please note that the opinions and views expressed by the host and guests are solely their own and do not represent any particular religious or spiritual belief system. The information provided in this podcast is for educational and entertainment purposes only and should not be taken as professional advice. Thank you for joining us on this journey of self-discovery and spiritual growth.


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Sheila Franzen

Welcome to the Spiritual Geek podcast, Wisdom for Modern Times, where we focus on living with intention to consciously create a life you love and celebrate. I'm your spiritual geek, Sheila Franson, and I'm so excited to share another episode with you. Today, Charlene is with us, and we're going to talk about energy alchemy. Charlene Locke offers a unique approach to intuitive energy alchemy, guiding individuals to unlock their divine potential through channeled healing, sound, and energy activations. With her expertise available worldwide, she helps clients tap into their inner power and align with their true purpose. Whether you're seeking spiritual guidance, emotional and physical body healing, or deep personal transformation, Charlene's sessions can support you on your journey to a more fulfilling and empowered life. Energy Alchemy sessions are available via Zoom, as well as the opportunity to receive powerful sound healing meditations and transmissions through her website via her recorded channeling and activations. She also leads spiritual retreats on the sacred lands of Egypt, where participants can immerse themselves in the ancient energies of this mystical land. Through guided meditations, temple activations, sound healing, energy work, while sailing down the Nile, Charlene creates a nurturing space for deep healing and personal transformation.


Sheila Franzen

Quite a variety of things that you're doing. So welcome, Charlene. It's wonderful to have you here.


Charlene Locke

Thank you, Sheila. Thank you for inviting me.


Sheila Franzen

Yeah. So you propose It's this beautiful topic of energy alchemy, and I've actually been chatting with people recently on the podcast. So this is clearly a series almost happening around all these aspects of energy healing. I love that you put these two words together, particularly alchemy with energy. So you call it energy alchemy. Tell me, what's that mean? What's energy alchemy to you?


Charlene Locke

Energy alchemy to me is really the merging of different healing modalities. So this could be sound healing, it could be using frequency, it could be reflexology, Reiki, so many different energy systems and bringing them together. And this is really during my work, because as we know, during our lives, we will have experienced trauma or pain or been in situations where our physical body has been injured or we've felt these unpleasant situations. And energy alchemy is really about clearing anything that's really holding us back from our divine potential. That's what energy alchemy means for me within the sessions.


Sheila Franzen

I love that because I was just recently and I know your stories in the book, divine healing stories. I just spoke with Carole Ann and recorded a session with her talking about divine healing. One of the things we talked about was this aspect of healing requires There's more than one approach. Any issue we have going on, an emotional frustration, a physical ailment, trauma, what have you, there's always, well, typically Maybe there's one source, but my experience is there's usually been many sources. I don't know. If I take a knee injury that I've had when I did healing and work around it, it wasn't just one past life. It was many past lives. It wasn't just the physical way I had injured it. We talked a lot about this concept of you need a team of people. But I love what you're bringing of all the modalities you've learned and weaving them into how you are able to help people move forward. Because there's so many energy systems in our bodies, and maybe we can dive into some of those that you found to be the most helpful to have people look at and shift. And so this concept of, it's not just find one energy healer.


Sheila Franzen

It's find energy healers that can help for whatever the thing is that you're dealing with at a particular point in time. You're almost bringing... You talk in your story of working with the different ascended masters, and It's like you bring a team of people in to help with your energy alchemy, and that lets you really address so many facets of a particular thing that somebody is dealing with. So, yeah, I don't know. Can you speak a little more about how do those show up for you? How do you figure out these different facets of what you need to do or how you need to help somebody when they're on a path of healing?


Charlene Locke

Yes, of course. So as you said, it's a real synergistic approach to bringing in the masters. I'm really bringing in guidance during that session as well. But it's really acknowledging that all this interconnectedness of our physical, emotional, and spiritual selves By really addressing all of those together, we can begin to get to the root cause of maybe fears or anxieties or even physical body ailments and move towards a greater health and well-being. For instance, one of the sessions, we may be doing body memory work, and this really involves accessing and releasing emotions that can be stored in the body's tissues and cells. We think of ourselves as a physical body, but as we know, we're much more than that with these energetic bodies. We have our tissues, our fibers, our organs are all interacting together. So through techniques such as pressure points or breathwork or tuning forks or sound, we can really connect with higher cells and guides to the point of origin of where these things are being stored within the body. So for example, we could be doing a session on really holding on to emotions and fears, and these would be very much stored in our organs and tissues and fascia.


Charlene Locke

So we could be manifesting physical symptoms comes even pain within the body. So really getting to the root of that and starting to use frequency to release that from the body means we're really, really getting to the nitty-gritty of why is the body feeling this way? So it's really useful for so many physical discomforts and illnesses by really addressing the emotional imprints and addressing what's being held within the organs so that we can free those up and ultimately, live a much more fulfilling life by doing that.


Sheila Franzen

You mentioned frequency in there, and I know that you're referring to sound, right?


Charlene Locke

Definitely, yes.


Sheila Franzen

This concept We have these phrases that we say we're all energy, right? Everything is energy. And yet we walk through this 3D world where really a lot of our energy and the energy, I always think of a rock, right? It's like, that's still energy. It's just vibrating at such a low frequency that we can't see the energy, right? Well, The naked eye, those that have clairvoyance could see the energy radiating around a rock. But we have bodies that are vibrating at frequencies. We all have our own frequency, our soul's frequency, and then our physical bodies have a frequency. Each organ has a frequency. I'm reminded, what popped into my mind when I started talking, and I'm trying to figure out how to weave it in, so it must make sense to make sense to you or someone somewhere. I'm reminded of walking through a children's museum with my kids, and I believe it was, well, it's one of the science museums, big science museums. I actually can't remember if it was in Texas or Arizona, but it was an exhibit where it was all of these tiny little shavenings of metal that are in this enclosed case, and you could play different songs.


Sheila Franzen

And those different songs would vibrate this tiny shavenings of metal that had magnetism to them in different shapes. And so you got to see this really visual experience of how sound affected matter. And that arises for me because when I think about, I try to imagine what you're saying, and we talk about emotions being stored in our physical bodies. And I I think that's a hard concept for people to... We say it, but it's like, what's that really mean? That concept of trying to fathom that my frustration and anger with something or the trauma of an energy that happened when I was two years old or even in a past life is still locked into my physical structure, it makes sense, but then there's It's that part of it that doesn't make sense. It's that part that becomes hard to believe and try to figure out how to describe that. But that concept of sound and how it affected matter. I'm curious, how do you use... How do you talk about sound and sound frequencies from a healing perspective?


Charlene Locke

Yes, of course. As we said, we have frequencies we're interacting with on a daily basis without us even realizing, aren't we? Some frequencies are very positive, some frequencies that are negative, and these all impact us. For me, frequency is really using this unlimited potential for changing the frequency and harmonizing the body. This is all about using different frequencies like sound bowls or gongs or tuning forks to really harmonize the body, to really balance out everything that we're experiencing on a daily basis. And this brings the body back into harmony. I think Velkrin explained to me that sound is the gateway to the Cosmos. So whether even using your own voice or within a sound healing, there's unlimited potential for transformation within sound. So it's just a beautiful thing to harness.


Sheila Franzen

And how do you find... Are there particular frequencies and sounds that affect different aspects of the physical body? How do you know what sounds to use? Which singing bowl to use for what? How does that work?


Charlene Locke

I'm very lucky here, Shalita, because I have the help of the guides.


Sheila Franzen

That's beautiful. How does that work? How does that work?


Charlene Locke

Yes, it's so true. They explain to me that every single one of us is so unique. Each of us, just as no two snowflakes are alike, if we think of it like that, no two souls possess the exact same frequency. Each individual essence resonates with a distinct vibration. When we're feeling positive and joyful, we're in this blissful, distinct vibration. But if we've got into a low mood or we're feeling trapped, then our frequency dips. This is really all about bringing this harmony back to the body. These frequencies are like celestial notes that ripple through the Cosmos, so connecting all living beings, and they carry stories and experiences and emotions. With the help of the masters and the guides, they will actually show where the blockages are in the body. For example, if someone was suffering, as we said, they're feeling resentful or angry, it may be well presenting around the liver. We could use the tuning forks or a certain bowl of a frequency to really release that from the liver or releasing it from the tissues and the fibers. Usually with the tuning forks, you will press them onto energy points on the body.


Charlene Locke

It could be meridian lines or it could be lymphatic points if it's for drainage. Some of the bowls can actually be placed on the body as well. You really feel this deep resonance through the body. It's a wonderful experience, definitely in person and with the gongs as well. They could be placed around the body to really get this... You've probably heard of the expression sound bath. You're being bathed in these free This is all about reharmonizing and balancing the body and bringing it into perfect resonance again. It's a beautiful dance of frequency. As we said, everybody is totally unique within their session on what they're experiencing so.


Sheila Franzen

Yeah, I'm like, I did a sound healing many, many years ago, and it was with a couple of musicians who played didgery dos. The dig has this deep deep vibrational tone. And they were able to play that. That has its own frequency, just like singing bowls and everything else. And so I remember that. It was like an hour. They played a didgery do just over a friend and I because we did a private sound healing. And it was a sound bath. I still love listening to... Sometimes I just put singing bowls on and listen to them because the sound, the vibration of it being on your body is incredible. Then there's something that happens with just listening as well, which is this aspect of how you're able to also help people with your recording recording and sound vibration. The part that is the possibility of doing distance and remote healing, I think, is fascinating. I think it's confusing for a lot of people because they're like, you're used to seeing somebody in person. How that really is able to work through that frequency of sound and vibration that comes into our ears and then can affect our entire body just from hearing the sound, I guess we experience it all the time with music, and music is healing.


Sheila Franzen

But when we're talking about a sound healing session, what have you been shown or taught around this aspect of how just listening affects us?


Charlene Locke

It's incredible, isn't it, Shilja? It still blows my mind thinking about it. Yeah, so listening to these frequencies, even as you said, if we're doing a distance healing and the client's listening, you can feel it through your entire body. People are experiencing hair standing up on a range of emotions from joy to even feeling things coming through themselves, seeing colors. And this is all the frequency, the way that it's working within the body. It's just so magical to experience, whether it's in person or at distance. This is really getting into the cells from a deep level. We're working and healing from inside out, which, again, is something that is tricky, I think, to get our head around just how powerful it can be. As you said, some people feel a lot of joy. Other people have said that a range of emotions do come up and they feel quite teary and they don't know where that's come from. As you said, even listening to certain music We get these senses, don't we, that come up as well and these experiences. But with sound healing, I think sound healing is definitely frequency is medicine. It's this beautiful medicine healing of listening to these potent energies.


Charlene Locke

It's just so powerful.


Sheila Franzen

Yeah. And what I'm getting in this moment is what I was hearing is this power of the interconnectedness, not just of all of us, but of just our body. The fact that we can listen to something and it can have an effect on the entire experience of our entire body. It's a little bit like, I think you've mentioned you do reflexology, You can hit reflex points or the foot reflects all of it, reflexology that affects the entire body, different organs in different spots. Acupuncture, of course, we can see the meridians and how everything is connected. We say that, and yet I'm not sure that we always appreciate how much everything is affecting us everywhere in our body all the time. Our body is constantly communicating with every other aspect of our body. I guess I'm reminded of how well our body, and maybe this is where they were trying to go with this Where are you going? How well our body can hide things because it's like our body's purpose is to always provide the best experience it can for us. Our body isn't trying to make us miserable. Our body is trying to be the vessel for us to have this incredible experience of walking around and enjoying and living this incredible opportunity that we have here on this planet, right?


Sheila Franzen

Whether it's to see the beauty or hear, like I was up early this morning doing a meditation at the new moon, and all I could hear were all the birds waking up because it was 5:30 for me, and I was like, How amazing is that? And that's what's available in this physical experience as we walk the planet. And yet, not everybody. So many people, I can't speak for everyone on the planet, So many people are not doing that. I wasn't there most of my life. It's only probably been in the past 5-10 years that I think I could say I truly enjoy life more than I am trying to figure out why life doesn't feel great. I've had great moments throughout my life, but there's been lots of challenges physically, and emotionally, and mentally. And so that aspect of what's available for us is we have these incredible human bodies, and they're all so interconnected just within our body that we don't even realize why it is we're not feeling great. Maybe it's stuff stuck in our mental body that's affecting us, feeling depressed or emotions from a past life that are trapped in an old injury.


Sheila Franzen

And so then we're walking around in pain or what have you. And it's like we become so accustomed to that it's normal that we don't realize there's another experience available. We give up. We accept that this is just how life is. But in reality, life can be different. Everybody can have a different, unique, full experience being human. And I think that's where the hope is at that Carole Anne and I were talking about with everybody sharing their beautiful stories and divine healing stories is everybody deserves to be happy, to have a full experience. And what you're talking about with everybody's unique frequency and how shifting the energy and removing these blockages, what we're really trying to get to is joy and peace and fun on this planet.


Charlene Locke

That's it. Yeah, 100 %. And I think, as you said, we're all... Gosh, how's Velkent? She's explaining it. It's funny. We're all on our little hamster wheels, aren't we? Going to work and in this constant cycle of trying to get through life. And how often are we actually just sitting with ourselves and thinking, How do I feel? I think we become numb to the world around us, don't we? Sometimes I even say to a client, How's the body feeling? I don't know because we're so checked out from our own physical bodies because we're just trying to exist on going to work and coming back and dealing with children or families or whatever it is that we're in. We're so wrapped up in that. So I think even just to have a one-to-one session or a meditation or a sound, just to check in, just pause for a moment and and witness your own divinity. That's where the magic lies is within inside you, really. And just really, as you said, looking around as well at just how beautiful the world is and these small experiences of listening to frequency or sound or checking in with the body is so important.


Charlene Locke

So we come off our little hamster wheels and just realize that it should be joy and beauty and bliss, really. I think a lot of us have come so far removed from that. I spoke about that, I think, in the book, myself on my own path. There's times where you just think, Gosh, this just feels never-ending. I think now that the beauty of sharing this work is knowing that there is light at the end of the tunnel. We can get off our hamster wheels and start to pause and witness the beauty around us.


Sheila Franzen

Yeah. I mean, I love the hamster wheel because we have that in our own mind, right? Our mind can be the hamster wheel. Then we have our day-to-day life that is just a hamster wheel. It could even exist families where we just keep doing the same thing and repeating the same patterns. Then you have the hamster wheel of the cycles of life and past lives, and we just keep repeating things. It's the interrupt. I just heard the word interrupt. It's like willing to interrupt and jump off that hamster wheel. I think that's an aspect of the power of energy healing is it's getting to the root cause, but it provides an interrupt. It shifts something in the energy that creates a new path. Or I keep seeing the magnets and the metal shavings vibrating with sound. That aspect of energy healing is a frequency. We've measured that in science now. You can measure energy and they can actually record it. We understand the power of intention and all of the stuff that goes along with the depth of energy. But when we speak of vibration, even our voices can shift and change people's experiences. And then you take these divine healing frequencies.


Sheila Franzen

I love that you spoke of how a particular sound has an effect, a a particular tuning fork that is tuned to a certain frequency, a certain sound. And that some of those are, I don't know, master frequencies. We each have our own unique frequency, but these aspects of understanding that particular frequencies can help deliver, like you mentioned. I've listened to Tom Kenyan's work with incredible vibrational sounds he does, channeling different sounds from the Hathors, and just listening to different sounds affects different organs. That's amazing because it's like There's this divine blueprint that is about... That's available for us to actually bring ourselves back into alignment. We can release and disrupt and create new pathways for all of the energy to realign. And that's an aspect of the sound. It breaks things up, but it also brings things into alignment again, or at least that's how I'm seeing it in this moment.


Charlene Locke

Yeah, so beautifully, Prush. It's so true. It is. And it's activating things that are lying dormant within us as well. There's so many things that are activated a sound healing session or an energy alchemy session. Again, things that our soul has long forgotten about. So, yeah, this activation is so important as well of really helping people step into their power and stepping into what it is that brings them joy and happiness as well. It's unlocking all of that divine potential.


Sheila Franzen

So I'm curious, how did you get into sound healing? Where did that come from, learning about this concept called sound healing?


Charlene Locke

She did. It's an actually very interesting question because I don't actually know, if I'm honest. If someone had said to me, 20, 25 years, are you going to be doing sound healing in crystals? I would have thought, what on earth are you going on about? I think I wrote in the book, a lot of this was actually triggered by the birth of my daughter and the process of becoming a mother. I started looking at other things to do with health and wellness and things that we were both going through. And I just remember reading an article on sound and frequency, and I thought, just something sparked in my memory, and I thought, this sounds interesting. I'm going to go learn more about this. And I can honestly say within a couple of weeks, I was booked on a course with this incredible gifted healers here in London to learn. And it just absolutely accelerated this path of ascension and learning these because sitting there in that training room, you could feel the energy shifting, feel just how impactful these sessions were. But it really just came out of the blue for me. I think it was divine timing, as they say, don't they?


Charlene Locke

I think somewhere I'd put a little seed in my mind of, is this the right thing to do? And it's happened with all my energy work. As I said, I was very skeptical, thinking, What on Earth is this going to do for me? But now, Years later, looking at the impact it has on people's lives, I can hand on heart. So it's life changing.


Sheila Franzen

Yeah. Most healers that are stepping forward. There's always some awakening. It's like, Oh, wow, how did I find this? And I always love hearing the stories and sound. It's like you bring in so many varieties, but But yet, I've heard quite a few of your sound recordings and meditations and part of some other programs. There's another energy that seems to flow through when you're playing the sound. I don't know, it's like it's amplified from probably the guides and the masters that are part of the support that, I don't know, maybe it's amplifying the vibration or or bringing it more alive? I don't know. I'm not sure how to… It sounds different, right? When you play the singing bowls, there's another level of energy than me listening to singing bowls on recording of somebody else playing singing bowls. How do you experience that?


Charlene Locke

For me, a lot of the... We said about really channeling the masters and the guides. I'm really listening to what it is that they want me to bring through. It's through and see that's through the frequencies. For example, we touched on some of the retreats that we do. Some of the retreats when we're in Egypt using the temple, some of these temples have been designed around frequency and healing. The acoustics in there are to amplify these energies that you're putting in. And it's the same when I'm doing a sound healing session. The masters are very clever on how they bring these frequencies through. And it is really for ultimate, penetrating all the cells, the fibers, the tissues for healing. And this is what these temples were also used for as well. Thousands of years ago, they were designed for healing, for rejuvenating the physical body. They understood all of this. I think somewhere along the way, we've lost that connection. But thankfully, it's really coming back to the forefront now. So listening and amplifying the sessions, it really does have a huge impact.


Sheila Franzen

I love that you mentioned rejuvenation. It's like one of my favorite things to do is to listen to Tom Kenyan, and I'm like, I've got to look at your website because I haven't looked at recently what you've got out there for recordings. But I love what you just said, a recording for rejuvenation. I actually, I don't nap every day, but I frequently take 10, 15 minutes naps, and I always put some sound into my headphones that I'm listening to that is something about rejuvenation or restoration. My family's always like, How can you take an eight-minute nap and feel better? And it's like, because I'm listening to something that is rebalancing my body, I do it five or six times a week. It's incredibly powerful to... I'm just reminded of how I use sound in my own life. I'm like, Yeah, it's become a habit that I I have forgotten, maybe not forgotten, but I underestimate the benefit that that's providing in that I tried to do a daily energy routine and those things that are realigning our bodies every day. And what a beautiful way to do it with sound. It's so simple that we underestimate its power.


Sheila Franzen

It's like essential oils or having crystals around us. We underestimate the balance that that's bringing into our lives.


Charlene Locke

And this is the beauty, you said about these synergistic approach to energy alchemy, is that you can imagine the impact of bringing crystals and hands-on therapy and sound into a treatment room. It's just another level of healing, I think, to bring all of that together. As you said, about feeling rejuvenated. People, quite often, I have to say, fall asleep in the sessions, which is wonderful. It's like you're really doing the job and they're getting that a chance to switch off, but they wake up half an hour, an hour later and feel like they've had a whole night's sleep. So it's just, again, because we're affecting at a cellular level really deeply within the body. And how many of us have disturbed sleep and don't sleep that well and we're not rested. And so to have that time out is just so important to the physical body.


Sheila Franzen

Yeah. Well, I've just found on your site your meditations. I didn't realize these were out here, so that's got to move into my rotation of my sound naps. That's awesome. I love that you have shared some of your sound meditations out here and made them so easily available for people. That's brilliant. I love it. I have worked with crystals for years and years and years. And so the question that's in my mind is, do you hear sound from crystals?


Charlene Locke

I do, yes. Yeah, and certain kinds as well. And again, I keep saying, if you'd said this to me, 20, 20, five years ago, I would have thought that person's lost their mind. I remember going on my crystal training course and everybody saying, I can see this and I can feel this. I remember sitting there thinking, I can't see or feel a thing.


Sheila Franzen

It's like a muscle and the more you work with it, the stronger it becomes.


Charlene Locke

I think my connection to the crystal realm has really accelerated over the years. Now, yes, certain ones do have sounds. Certain ones have colors that come through. Even I have experience with sometimes even a taste the higher metal content in some of the crystals. There's so many things that come through in our senses with crystals. They are amazing beings to work with in their own right.


Sheila Franzen

I have crystals and rocks, but all kinds of crystals all over my house. But I also worked with the therapeutic gemstones through gemosphere, and they are incredibly clear, powerful therapeutic gemstones. And Michael Katz's book, Wisdom of the Gemstone guardians. He talks through his experience of channeling and meeting these beautiful, I've read the book so many times, Gemstone guardians. There's guardians of all the gemstones and their energy for us on the planet. They speak in there how the crystals can have sound and, of course, color that we see. But just the depth of the energy, like crystals can provide that same alignment and disruption. They have a sound like citrine is at least the one I remember that has one of the most powerful sounds, at least for the people I was working at the time. I still remember the first time I used citrine. It was a fairly good size necklace of citrine. One of the processes was you put it on your head and you just allow... No, wrong process. My friend said, Don't wear this for more than a half hour. That was a period in my life where I did everything more.


Sheila Franzen

It was like I was doing everything I could to learn everything about anything. I wanted to heal, and I wanted to change. I was like, I can handle wearing it longer than a half hour. I think I left it on half a day. By that night, because what citrine does is unwind, it's an aspect of unwinding and clearing blockages. It's a pretty high vibration. I was in so much pain that night in every joint in my body because the citrine had created that vibrational frequency disruption, the energy that needed to move. I was like, Okay, from now on, I'll listen. It was one of those really visceral, shocking experiences of how energy, a crystal, could really have such an effect. Because there was a part of me, I think, that maybe didn't believe it, right? And maybe that was my own process of coming into acceptance of, Oh, this is real. This is really real. These really are affecting me in ways that are beyond my understanding.


Charlene Locke

That's it, yeah. And then less is more sometimes. I think some of my favorite clients are usually the skeptical ones that look at you as if you have two heads when you say, I'm going to do a crystal grid on you, and you can see them looking as if, do I run out the room now? Is this girl totally crazy? And then at the end of the session, they're like, Oh, wow, this is not what I expected. So I think it's great to experience that firsthand, isn't it? Just the power of these different things is incredible.


Sheila Franzen

Yeah. I think that those moments, if I look back, I haven't thought about that in a long time. And these moments that come back into my memories of my own healing journey are like, yeah, those are the moments that you realize that, I guess it's just part of the awakening, and you forget about them when they become such a part of your life. But it was one of the first gemstones I worked with, and the person that introduced me to them was very in tune with the gemstones and the gemstone guardians. She was like, This is the one you need to start with. I was like, Okay, fine. I'm like, Yeah, blah, blah, blah. Let's see. And then I was like, Whoa, okay, this is real. This is no joke. And that was probably an important moment moment in my own appreciation for what was available that could truly make a difference, that could create a change so powerful with a single citring necklace that affected my entire body in four hours. I think it was an experience for my mind and body that really opened me up to say, Okay, I want more of this.


Sheila Franzen

And this is really what's available. I don't know. I feel pretty humbled in this moment thinking about that journey and how having that a visceral experience really put me on a path to go in-depth to the level I have around what's possible with energy healing. I hadn't really considered that.


Charlene Locke

Yeah. So Trisha, and I think especially as adults, we were saying at the beginning about disconnecting and not really understanding fully what's accessible to us within the energy world. We do switch off from that as adults, whereas you look at children. I've worked with children over the years with energy alchemy with the crystals, and they are so in tune still with either they tell me that they can see the colors, they can feel the crystals. They know intuitively what they're supposed to go to pick up. It's just an absolute joy to watch children working with those crystals, whereas as adults, we become totally disconnected from that. Again, it's just, as you said, coming back to that place of knowing and just appreciating how much more there is that we're not noticing on a daily basis.


Sheila Franzen

Yeah, I'm reminded my daughter, one of my children, I would take them in every crystal shop in every city that we visited. And part of the adventure was always getting to bring home crystals from where we traveled to. And I mean, for years, the only crystal in an entire crystal shop that she would pick out was rose Quartz. And I was like, Clearly, you need rosequartz, right? Every time she's like, I know, Mom, this is just still the one I want. I'm like, Okay, you can have more rosequartz. They know what they're drawn to. Well, thank you. It's been fun to just recall healing, but to really venture into the depth of sound. I think that this aspect of alchemy, when we talk about alchemy, alchemization, Saint Germain must be like, Hey, don't forget to talk about what alchemization is. Alchemy, right? It's this I think it's most typically known the forerunner of chemistry, turning a base metal into gold. But when we talk about alchemy, you talked about using all the modalities, but we're really talking about creating something that transmutes, that transmutes and transforms our experience of life. That's what I was just got in this moment, this aspect of energy alchemy coming back to where we started of what is energy alchemy and how do you share your gifts with the world.


Sheila Franzen

You've labeled yourself an energy alchemist. It's transmuting, it's transforming. I don't know. I felt called back to come back to that word alchemy. What else? You get anything else about alchemy to share?


Charlene Locke

No, I think that was spot on. Actually, it's alchemizing, isn't it? As Velkrin just said to me, it's really the alchemy part of it is really the power lies within the person that you're working with. This is all within inside us all, and it's just giving people the time and permission to access that again through this alchemy.


Sheila Franzen

Yeah, and I always think of alchemy as magic, right? The word that keeps coming up is magic. I even have come across my social media feeds occasionally, people doing magic tricks, right? It's this aspect of Magic in our world is the illusion. We are... Where are they going with this? We live in this illusion that everything physical is real. Maybe that's it. The magic... Excuse me. There is an aspect that feels like magic because we are shifting something that That feels, well, it's the unseen, the unseen, the hidden, the inside our body can feel like an illusion. It can feel like a mystery because we can't see inside of our body. We can feel it, we can be in tune with it. In the fun, if we play with the concept of magic, there is an aspect of energy, and particularly energy to me, that feels like magic because you are transforming and transmuting these hidden aspects. Then it's like, wow, I feel different. Life is different. That pain is gone, or I have a new opening or a new perspective. I think if people can approach their healing journey, that's it. That's where I say, if we can approach our healing journey with an aspect of curiosity and being our own magicians, our own alchemists.


Sheila Franzen

You, as an alchemist, are amplifying what each person can experience in their own healing journey. Yes. That's really fun. That's magical. That's the aspect of... It is a little bit of a mystery, but it's the mystery that is the magic and is the fun.


Charlene Locke

It is, yeah. There's unlimited potential for that transformation as well. I think Yeah, incredible.


Sheila Franzen

Yes, the unlimited potentiality of the universe. There's always more available in that aspect of alchemy than we have any idea. Charlene, what is the best way for people to get started working with you, knowing that we have listeners all over the world? If people wanted to experience this alchemy that you are able to bring forward with people, how would they get started with you?


Charlene Locke

Yes, of course. We can do one-to-one sessions. They're available in the UK and Luxor, Egypt as well. All the information is on the website for booking those, but we can do distance healing as well. So they're available on Zoom. And then for those of For those of you who want to come and journey with me, we're running retreats in Egypt. Alchemy for the Soul, they are called. They're seven to 10 day retreats where we can really tap into all of these healing modalities that we've been talking about, going to visit the sacred sites and temples and really alchemising all of the potential there as well. So yes, either in person UK, Luxor, distance healing online or the retreat as well. The next retreat is September. That's all available on the website.


Sheila Franzen

Awesome. Well, thank you so much for joining me.. Yeah, it's been super fun to I can't talk about energy in this- It's been a lot of hours and hours. Yeah, that's my experience. It's these intentional conversations of interacting with people that walk this path of being the healers on the planet today, being the way-showers of what's possible. I've met some interesting people that I've never met or known before and get to have these incredible conversations. Then people like yourself that we are on a common path of ascension that we've shared in our stories in books and working with the ascended masters. It's like connecting and interacting with people I've known all my life. And whether it's the first time I've talked with them or many conversations I've had with somebody, it's like meeting old friends. It's like we've all probably had connections in past lives. And so when we get to live in this purity of the energy that we are vibrating in, then when you connect with others, it's like you've known each other before. It's like just this beautiful gift of, I hope listeners can connect in. If you're listening, just imagining that we've all known each other and we're remembering these conversations and these possibilities, and that we're, through these conversations, inspiring those old memories within each listener so that you can find what your next path is on your own healing journey.


Sheila Franzen

It's just super fun. Thank you for being part of it.


Charlene Locke

Thank you. Thank you for having me.


Sheila Franzen

You've just listened to the Spiritual Geek podcast. Thank you for joining us. If you'd enjoyed this episode, be sure to share a comment rating on your favorite podcast platform. It helps the podcast rise up in the rankings and make this amazing information available people so that they are inspired on their own healing journey. Love and light to each of you. May your day be filled with joy and wisdom as you consciously create your life.


Charlene Locke Profile Photo

Charlene Locke

Golden Ray Energy Healer

Charlene Locke offers a unique approach to intuitive energy alchemy, guiding individuals to unlock their divine potential through channeled healing, sound, and energy activations. With her expertise available worldwide, she helps clients tap into their inner power and align with their true purpose. Whether you are seeking spiritual guidance, emotional and physical body healing, or deep personal transformation, Charlene's sessions can support you on your journey to a more fulfilling and empowered life.

Energy alchemy sessions are available via Zoom, as well as the opportunity to receive powerful sound healing meditations and transmissions through her website via her recorded channeling and activations.

In addition to her remote and in person offerings, Charlene also leads spiritual retreats on the sacred lands of Egypt, where participants can immerse themselves in the ancient energies of this mystical land. Through guided meditations, temple activations, sound healing, and energy work while sailing down the Nile, Charlene creates a nurturing space for deep healing and personal transformation.