The Power of the Astrology Chart with Tammy Manzo

Hello Bright Lights! Astrology geek Tammy Manzo joins me for a conversation the energy and power within an Astrology chart including healing, sacred geometry, the Akashic Records and more. She has a unique perspective of working with an Astrology Chart as energy and the power of energy healing that is available using an astrology chart is amazing!
About Tammy: Tammy is a self-proclaimed astrology geek. She looks at everything through the lens of energy and vibration as shown in your birth chart. Using your chart as a navigational guide to your Akashic records, she can decipher the root causes of patterns, programs, thought forms, wounds and more. She uses sacred geometry to clear these in the birth chart. She also facilitates past life healing in the Akashic records. She loves nothing more than to "turn the old into gold" for clients, holding the space for magical transformations and spiritual alchemy. It is easier than you think.
About Sheila: Sheila is a coach, technical geek, author and energy healer. She works with spiritual seekers to assist them in discovering, embracing and standing in their Soul's power. She helps them create momentum with coaching, support and healing so they can light up their path to step forward in service to humanity.
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[00:00:09.190] - Sheila
Welcome to the Spiritual Geek Podcast, Wisdom for Modern Times, where we focus on living with intention to consciously create a life you love and celebrate. I'm your host, Sheila Franzen, and I'm so excited to share another episode with you. Today, Tammy has joined me for a conversation about Astrology. Tammy is a self proclaimed Astrology geek, and I love that. She looks at everything through the lens of energy and vibration as shown in your birth chart. Using your chart as a navigational guide to your Koshik records, she can decipher the root cause of patterns, programs, thought forms, wounds and more. She uses sacred geometry to clear these in the birth chart. She also facilitates past life healing in the Akashic records, and she loves nothing more than to turn the old into gold for clients, holding the space for magical transformations and spiritual alchemy. It is easier than you think. So, Tammy, thank you for being here.
[00:01:06.080] - Tammy
Thank you for having me.
[00:01:07.960] - Sheila
Is there anything else that you would like to share in your introduction?
[00:01:15.650] - Tammy
Well, that pretty much covers what I do. And there's so many variations of that. When I work with people in their chart, everybody's chart is so different in their past lives are so different that every session is going to be different. So that's it pretty much as an outline of what I do. And then within that construct, there's so many variations and opportunities. And it's just wonderful every time I step into that space because we don't know what's going to happen or what's going to come in.
[00:01:47.310] - Sheila
Well, and I love that aspect of the refreshing perspective that I think you... I almost feel like you do Astrology differently. I've had astrology readings in the past, and they follow a certain format. And just how you're speaking of this aspect of a birth chart and Astrology being energy, all Astrology has that to an extent, I guess. But how do you describe that? What does that mean, this concept of energy in an Astrology chart?
[00:02:21.940] - Tammy
Okay. Well, I look at the planets as pure energy, and each planet has a different function on this Earth plane. We're here as souls in a human body. Our mission on this Earth is to learn how to create and manifest using this energy that's available on the Earth plane. Each one of the planets has a different energy and a different property. For example, Jupiter, and Jupiter is really strong today, so I'm going to talk about Jupiter. Jupiter is the principle of expansion and making things bigger. Saturn is the opposite. He is the process of consolidation and bringing things in. Not making them smaller, but bringing them in and building a foundation. So you see, we got many different things going on at the same time where we as humans are working with all kinds of energy all the time. And some of them seem to go against each other. If you've got Jupiter and Saturn together, it's like driving a car with the brake and the gas on at the same time.
[00:03:39.070] - Sheila
Which would leave you feeling like you're going nowhere. Why is it that you love Astrology so much? How is it that you bring this concept of energy and the planets? I know how much it fuels you, right? How much you love to have conversations and how you see everything through this aspect of Astrology. Where's that love come from?
[00:04:08.850] - Tammy
Many past lives. Many, many past lives working with it. L ately, I've been finding a lot more of them. They'll just come up when I'm reading something or googling something, I'm like, oh, wait a minute. This is another one of my lives. Are you kidding me? This is amazing. Because I think we have past lives. I'm like, yeah, that must come from a past life. We hear that all the time. Where do you get that creative ability? Oh, you must have had a past life. But then it's so really cool when you really do find that life and it's like, wow, okay, awesome.
[00:04:43.560] - Sheila
There's a bit of that when you bring up past lives, that can be a whole episode with a whole bunch of us talking about past lives. Yet in this context, I do love what you're mentioning there around there's ways and there's opportunities for us to... Sometimes we bring forth things that need healed from past lives. But we can also, what you're talking about is actually tapping into the power and the knowledge and the wisdom that we may bring forth from past lives. I think we often forget that part. We get tied up in the aspect of we need to heal a past life or something bad or trauma from our past life has come forward. I mean, I know over the past 30 years, I feel like every healing session I did for a number of years with anybody, with any anything, was like healing a past life. But we didn't do a lot with how you pull past lives forward. It's really cool that you're like, Oh, I've done that in a past life. Let me tap into that. Because if we've done it in the past life, we know it already. It's part of us.
[00:05:57.630] - Tammy
Yeah. And it's something easy to do. I do this all the time for clients and for myself. And of course, I do a lot more work on myself. But when a client is ready, we do a lot of clearing. We can ask to... Here's what happens for a rough outline. I have a client's Astrology chart, and hopefully they know their birth time. I can look in there, we can see what's going on. You can just see what's going on. We can see the gifts and the talent. We can see their life path, their soul path, the issues they're working on right now. And then we can see some wounds. We can see some old wounds that we've brought in where we've made sacrifices that turned into wounds, or we've been outright wounded by others. And we carry these imprints. And this is really what the birth chart is to me, imprints of energy. We have been imprinted. We carry these imprints in from all these past lives. The records are the strategy chart, all your past lives. So we carry in the imprints. And people will say that. You get people with their wounds, their chai runs in the seventh house.
[00:07:06.370] - Tammy
And I'll say, I'll describe it. And they're like, Oh, yeah, absolutely. They've been wounded in every relationship because that's what seventh house is. One on one relationships. They've been wounded. They sacrifice for people, etc. The whole story. So what we do is we go into their Akashic records and I asked the masters and the Lords of the Akashic, bring the lifetime that's responsible, the root cause lifetime of Chairan in the seventh house. The Masters know exactly what that is. It's just a symbol. Astrology is a very symbolic language. We see signs, symbols, glyphs, and they know what that is. The Masters know what that is. They'll bring the root cause lifetime, and there are some spectacular root cause lifetimes that come for people now. It's amazing. The ability to heal lifetimes now. I've noticed a big shift in the last month. There's spectacular lifetimes coming. The Masters are bringing these lifetimes that we didn't have access to before because now the energy has shifted on the planet. A month ago, we had a big, big planetary shift. There's about seven planets that shifted all at one time. Well, not all at one time, in one month.
[00:08:21.680] - Tammy
And it just brought huge wave of energy in it. I've been seeing it through the healings that we've been doing. Anyway, we asked for this lifetime to come, and then we clear a lot of things out of it. And then what we've actually done is we bring the lifetime in and then we make a connection. I bring the white light column down between the client and then this incarnation that comes forward in the records, we bring a white light column down over them, and then the client makes a white light bridge from their secret heart to that incarnation secret heart. T hey're really healing themselves is what's going on. You can feel all that energy going on. They've got this connection already. They're just bringing in part of their soul that's maybe got dropped off. They're bringing in their gifts. They're healing the wounds, the blocks, and you'll know when it's done. If you can feel energy, you know when it's done because they're shifting. And then after that, I asked the client, Would you like to reconnect to anything from this? Do you want any of these spiritual gifts back? Any knowledge, any wisdom, anything?
[00:09:29.700] - Tammy
Anything from this life that you worked on, you own these things. You already know these things. You've already done these things. Do you want to reconnect? And absolutely they do. And so we ask with their guides and angels, or you could ask your higher self, What do I need? You know what I mean? Reconnect me to anything that I could use from this lifetime. Bring the gifts and talents back and you can feel it coming in. And it shifts something in the client. It's like they've gotten a part of themselves back. They got part of their mind back, a part of their heart back. Sometimes it's their soul. There was a big session a couple of weeks ago with some... There's this theory of we lose part of our energy beings. We just lose part of our energy somewhere in a lifetime somewhere. There's a child somewhere hiding. There's part of our soul that's broken off and it's hiding. This is like a shamanic view where we go back in and we can reconnect to those. Go back in there and find those and bring those back. There's a huge soul healing for this lady.
[00:10:34.480] - Tammy
And it's like, Wow, amazing. And then people go forward in their lives and they've got their pieces parts back, right? They've got themselves back. And we use that. Anastology chart is the key because the Akashic records are so vast, you could have 20,000 lifetimes in there. It would be like going through the woods, Hansel and Gretel. You would need bread crumbs to go through. Where should I go? Where do I start? And that's the Anastology chart. That's where you start right there. You start where that chyron is and where the wound is. And you go back from there. It's amazing stuff that goes on. And people are they're loving their life again. Their energy has so shifted. And it's really cool. I learn something new every time I go in there with people. And it's just so inspiring. It just inspires me as soon as I get down with a client, I want to go in and do my own. I want to do this again for me. So yeah, it's really neat. But yeah, that is a big part of we got to reconnect to what's in there. There's so much gold in there.
[00:11:52.330] - Sheila
Well, and I think when we can be on this journey of healing or consciousness, we're often always looking at... Well, often we move through healing by addressing pain, right? Where is their pain? Where is their resistance? And then how do we move beyond it? How do we heal from it? How do we shift the energy? But you can also approach healing from... And this is really what you're talking about, just this concept of the breadcrumbs, right? Following paths, asking for different triggers, which is still a bit of the pain, but I think that concept of also engaging in bringing forth the positive from the past lives is a really... It's like a bonus. It's like, why not? We mentioned the Akashic Records, and for those that don't know what that is, it's also known as the Book of Life. You might have heard it called the Book of Life, but it's the concept of the energetic record of, some would say the universe, some would say Earth, but it definitely contains this aspect of the energetic record of your duration of your soul's incarn, not just one. I really love that idea of It makes more sense to me.
[00:13:17.320] - Sheila
I've done work in the Akashic records for a very long time and lots of healing. Generally, the way you work in the Akashic records is frequently you go in and ask questions. You have to have the curiosity of what questions to ask, or you really don't make a lot of progress, so to speak, because it is so vast. It's unending because it's the records of everything. So to take and just have Astrology be a map is... That's really cool. A map for healing versus just a map for the future. A lot of people try to use Astrology to predict the future, and yet, sure, there's signs of pathways of energy for the future. But I think you are just tapping into a power that's available around healing and this guidebook that is really fun with with Astrology charts. So I think that's... Yeah, I don't know. I just love the fun aspect of it that it doesn't have to be so serious.
[00:14:31.280] - Tammy
Oh, yeah. I first started with Astrology in this lifetime when I was preteen. You're in that gawky stage where you don't look like a model. You know what I mean? You feel geeky, you don't know your place in the world, you have all that teen angst. Somehow I had an Astrology book. I don't know how I got a hold of it, but I was reading it and having my own chart and I knew where my placements were. And I was reading so many really nice things about myself. If your son is in Gemini, this is what that means. And I was reading a lot of really cool fun things about myself. I have a Gemini son. At that time, I didn't think I was anything great. I was really a shy, scared, nerdy person back then. Nerdy in all things. And to hear these things, it really brought things up into focus for me like, Hey, wait a minute. You know what? I am this thing. I am these things. And it gave me confidence. You know what I mean? It did a lot of things for me back then. And that's really one of the basic aspects of when people come for readings.
[00:15:46.930] - Tammy
They just want to know that there's something good about themselves that they haven't seen. They show up when life is tough. They rarely show up just for fun to have a reading. Sometimes they do. But sometimes they're like, Oh, my God. There's something going on in my life and there's something wrong with my life and I don't feel good about myself and I'm scared and I'm upset and I need some answers. I just need somebody to tuck me off the ledge. You sit down with me and you know your birth chart and you're going to find a lot of really nice, cool things about you. You know what I mean? It's all there but we just don't see it. Sometimes, like you said, we focus on what's wrong, what's going on, what we need to clear away, but let's bring the joy, let's bring that true essence of what is your soul. And that's what I do for people with readings. I see their soul and I feel their soul. And one of the jobs is to try to translate that soul back to them, reflect their soul back to them. And they're going to feel a thousand times better when they get done.
[00:16:51.340] - Tammy
They're going to walk out and they're going to feel like, Wow, you know what? Just like I did when I was 12 years old. Hey, you know what? I am worthwhile. I am valuable. I am somebody. You know what I mean? And sometimes people just need to hear that no matter where you are in stage of your life, how old you are, how much you've already experienced. Some days we just need that. So it's really an honor to be able to do that. And it's a privilege. And I don't take that lightly. That is a huge responsibility. And it's just, you know, it's major for me to be able to do that. And I'm just grateful for every person that comes that allows me to do that work for them.
[00:17:32.420] - Sheila
Well, you bring such a refreshing perspective and incredible healing in what you do. So, yes, you have definitely inspired in me. I have not used Astrology all that much in my life, and I'm a bit of a convert with you. I'm becoming a little bit... I'm not drawn as much to trying to make sense out of all of it. But I think a great example, and this is where when we talk about this aspect of healing or fun with Astrology is, a lot of people will do annual Astrology readings on their birthdays and get a refreshed chart. And I've never done that. And this year I was inspired to do that. And it was really fun because it wasn't necessarily that I... It was just for me, this year, I did it as a... I want to give myself a gift. And so I reached out and I was like, What's my chart for the next year? And in this moment, I actually don't remember all of it. But in the moment when I listened to it, it made sense. It inspired me. It allowed me to move forward in a new way. I think it's not about it being so prescriptive.
[00:18:55.770] - Sheila
It's just about you can have fun with it. You can heal. You can have fun. It's a bit of a universal tool. It's not just a predict the future or at least not how you work with Astrology. It's this universal aspect of tackling a little bit of anything and everything, and it lets your geekdom of Astrology shine through. It's totally fun. And then as we're sitting here talking, the other story that I feel like is so powerful to share is the bit of this podcast in its own way came out of new energy of starting a new business a year ago for me. And there's all kinds of the past year has been a huge transformation year for me. And we did an Astrology reading for the new business that I started a couple of months ago because I had a business called limitlessly, LLC for, I don't know, 15, 20 years. And that business had started out because somebody had said, I was trying to come up with a name for a business and I just wanted to start a blog. And they're like, Well, you seem to have no limits with anything you do.
[00:20:14.840] - Sheila
Why don't you call it limitlessly? I was like, Okay, cool. That sounds fun. I had started an LLC and recreated that LLC through several states as I moved around the country and really was having a great time with that business, was doing really well and always loved the energy and the name and what it brought to it. But it was really clear a year ago that that needed to close and I needed to start a new business. I was like, in this spirit of living a guided life, I surrendered and said, Okay, fine, I'll close the business and I'll start a new one. It's called Sheila Francis, LLC. It's just all things that I do going forward. But there was a part of me that was like, Why? It's a lot of work to close a business and start a new one. And all the fees and changing accounting books and all the administrative stuff behind the scenes. And I was like, Well, okay, I trusted its new energy. And then when we looked at the chart for the new business on the date that it started, it all made sense because there was this incredible alignment of new creation at the time and day that I actually established that business.
[00:21:38.170] - Sheila
I established it and did nothing with it for a year because I had some health issues to deal with. But it was like, Oh, that's why I did it. And so the Astrology Chart and that spirit of fun is you can use it as a birth chart, but you can look at... Everything has an energetic vibration, right? Just like everything in the... You can open the Akashic records and ask questions for your computer or an old piece of antique furniture. So everything has an Astrology Chart, right? It's point of creation in the universe. It has an astrology chart and it.
[00:22:13.030] - Tammy
[00:22:13.440] - Sheila
Really neat to work with that in those ways.
[00:22:18.890] - Tammy
Yeah, you're right. Everything has a chart. Your marriage, when you get married, the marriage has a birth chart, just like businesses do. The date and the time, if you're in Corporation. There's so many things that you can see in there. This is the fun thing. Since we're talking about fun with Astrology, a couple of years ago, I started reading some of Sidney Omar's old books. If you remember him, he was the big Astrology guru in the 60s and 70s. He did a lot of prediction with energy. I thought it was in the birth chart. I thought that was interesting. What he used to do was look at horse races. He would come up with, Oh, yeah. You could read these books and you could Google them. He came up with a system and he was very accurate with it. He would not give away what his system was. He would allude to it. He would give little clues. I'm in a rack in my brain, like, I got to figure this out. I want to know what this is because it's interesting. What is it? I just started sitting with my own energy work and I would make up horoscope charts for the races, like the Kentucky Derby, make up a horoscope chart for it.
[00:23:33.490] - Tammy
You can create that. You know the location, you need to know the city, and you know the time because that's already posted. Everybody knows the race time and the date and you make this chart. I'm telling you, it is accurate for the races because sometimes if you get a bunch of planets that are all jumped up together and they're in retrograde and I'm like, I look at the race and I go, Oh, my God. This is so messed up. I won't even bet any money. And I'll bet two bucks, right? Because just for fun. I love to do that. Sometimes I'll look at the energy, I'm like, I wouldn't even spend two bucks. If you gave me money, I wouldn't even bet on it because that's how weird the energy is. But I do want to say I'm going to toot my own horn just because it was so fun. A couple of years ago, I won $1,000 on a Kentucky Derby.
[00:24:24.630] - Sheila
That's awesome. That's really fun.
[00:24:28.260] - Tammy
Because I also look at the jockeys, and this is something that other people don't look at. They look at the horses, which horses come in. I look at the strategy chart of the jockey to see who is coming up for the win, and you could see it energetically who's got things coming up. Oh, yeah. I told you I was an astralogy geek. I got nothing else to do all day but astralogy. So I did this a couple of years ago because I was really into it. But I have a whole list of all the big jockeys and where they were born, and I got their charts and everything, and I'll look at them and they give you a list of the jockeys running in the big races. The Kentucky Derby, these are the top jockeys. I look at their charts and it's hard to find the winner because these are charts of winners. These are charts of competitors. When you look at the jockeys charts, you're like, Holy cow, man. It's like their soul knew they were going to do this in this lifetime and brought it. I'm like, Oh, my God. But I have certain favorite ones, you know what I mean?
[00:25:27.620] - Tammy
That I just resonate with their energy. You know what I mean? Like, what's happening with this guy? I'll say the name in case they made it once to bet Flavian Pratt. He's a jockey from France. He's got a very good birth chart. I would totally bet on him. He runs in.
[00:25:47.230] - Sheila
Not that we're giving advice here.
[00:25:50.330] - Tammy
No, no, no. Right. But it just shows you how much fun you can have. I mean, energy and it shows, right? It shows what you do with it and you can read it. So it's like when you want to find a wedding date, you want to find a date with the best energy patterns, right? Like, oh, yeah, this is going to be a great time. So we know there's patterns of energy and timing in the world where there's times to start things and then there's times to wrap up things. Like, we're in Spring right now. It's time to start all this new thing. Everybody can feel this energy. So it's great. Start something new. Yeah..
[00:26:31.090] - Sheila
There really are so many aspects to Astrology, like you were just saying of when's the best time to do something or something in the past. Why is this happening? I know you've looked at the strategy charts for entire families and what's lined up and what's going on right now based on the Astrology charts. Oh, yeah. Okay, that makes sense. And that's the part that I think I always come back to and love about it. Like, when you did just my birth chart reading, it was like a map of my life. I feel like I'm a pretty at this point, having spent so many years in this consciousness path of self help and self improvement, pretty.
[00:27:17.320] - Tammy
Aware of.
[00:27:18.310] - Sheila
My life and what's going on. But when you look back at your life from a perspective of where were things challenging, where was their resistance, and then go, oh, my God, it actually completely matches the birth chart at those points in time. It's like, okay, it makes it real. Because when you're trying to talk about the future, we're human beings with free will. We can always shift and change something, or it may look different. But when you can take an astrology chart and just so accurately tell a story of the past or someone's life, it's like, Wow, that's incredible.
[00:28:00.500] - Sheila
That's incredible. Somebody's dropping in this message. When you step into that energy of soul.
[00:28:15.790] - Tammy
[00:28:16.700] - Sheila
What our intentions, whether you call them soul agreements or our intention for learning in this life or our intention for balancing our carma and our journey in this life. The fact of the construct of this solar system that we live in that has energies to the planets and that you have this transparency Because Astrology is ancient in its own way. There's been some aspect of this that's been looked at for eons. People did it in different ways, and you're bringing in a bunch of old and new of what you're doing with it. But it's like, I almost had this vision of soul looking down on Earth. And you're like, I'm going to drop in right here because this is what's going to give me the biggest bang for my buck this lifetime. Meaning the path that I can take, the healing, the learning, the journey, the consciousness. I was born at the very end of a sign, and it's like a couple of hours later, it would have been a different sign, completely different energy. And it's like, no, it needed to be. And I was born way after my due date, like three weeks late, yet still almost like coming...
[00:29:45.970] - Sheila
I came in at the cusp of a sign, which created its own journey for my life, this lifetime. And it's like this little bit of standing in 100 % responsibility. Like when you go, oh, I wasn't just born on this day because that's when it happened. It's like, no, you dropped in so that you create your journey and you intend your path. And how fun to then use this chart throughout your life around getting the most out of your experience here.
[00:30:22.060] - Tammy
Yeah, absolutely. That's a really cool way of seeing it. But yeah, I never thought of it that way. But no, you're exactly right. We come in at that moment when we have to and when we're here to do the next thing.
[00:30:36.860] - Sheila
Absolutely. It's like standing completely in our power. It's like not going, oh, that's my chart. It's like, oh, that's my chart. Yeah, what am I going to do with this? So it's that lets us stand in our power, in our healing and understanding. That's how to make sense out of this life because sometimes this life doesn't always make sense. There are things that you can go through in this life and you're like, what?
[00:31:14.130] - Sheila
Yeah. absolutely. Whether it's illness or relationship challenges or what have you, and yet you can find perspective and healing within it. Is there anything else as we... I know as your Astrology Geekdom, you could give a thousand examples here of having fun with Astrology, but what would you like to share as we come to a completion with this fun conversation around Astrology?
[00:31:46.700] - Tammy
When we talk about everything that we've experienced in the Kashik records, it's held there. So we're talking about the good, the bad and the ugly, everything. We talked about how we want to clear out some of the stuff that we don't want to carry anymore and then reconnect to the joy and the fun things. But that can take a long time to do. That's a long process. We can pull these things out one at a time and focus on certain things. But what happened was, Metatron came in and if people don't know, Metatron's cube or secret geometry... Do you want to just give them a quick review of that?
[00:32:28.340] - Sheila
Yeah, go ahead. You're welcome to do that. Welcome to do that.
[00:32:31.090] - Tammy
Okay. So it's just shapes. When you look at it, there are shapes that we all know, right, from geometry class, from school, but there are certain shapes that have secret energy. They do things. These shapes are not just shapes like building blocks that we play with when we're kids. I read somewhere on one website, and I love this description, they said, sacred geometry is the thought form of God. Thought form of God. of God. Wow.
[00:33:01.160] - Sheila
That's beautiful. Like, oh, wow. Yeah.
[00:33:03.900] - Tammy
That hit me big. And I'm like, you are right. That's the thought form of God. So when we do, we could do any energy healing. I mean, there's all kinds of Reiki and everything. Higher selfhealing and higher self healing and ascended master angels. And that's all super powerful. But boy, when you can harness that sacred geometry of thought form of God to do some clearing and healing, how powerful is that? So a friend of mine that works very strongly with Metatron, and I had worked with Metatron before, but she has the advantage of hearing Metatron speaking words to her. And I don't have that... I feel energy, but I don't hear the words. One day she messaged me and said, When's the last time you talked to Metatron? And I said, Well, never. She said, Oh, he's trying to talk to you. You better go sit down with him. And I was like, What? This was a couple of years ago. And so I went and sat and I did it. The tourist meditation, sat and I could feel all the energy coming in. And he was really putting the energy into me and it was moving around and I could see I had that inner knowing in my third eye of an Astrology chart with Metatron's cube over on top of it.
[00:34:06.680] - Tammy
I was like, Is this the thing? What is this? What is this? So I started experimenting, and I always experiment on myself. And I've only blown myself up a few times, but I was able to recover. I know. I got to do it on myself first. But then I have people that volunteer after that. I had a couple of people volunteer and we work this. I'm like, What is this? I think this is the thing. It's going to clear stuff out. I don't really know, though, what's it going to do? Oh, yeah. It's a major healing and a clearing. I sat with somebody who actually hears the Masters talking as well to give a description and to really confirm what goes on there. But when people sit and they take their birth chart and we clear this Metatron's cube with it, clear it with Metatron's Cube. All past life stuff clears away old... It actually even clears out some karma, some stuck emotional energy. It does a certain amount of body clearing and healing as relating to any stuck emotions, things that are stuck emotions carried over from this life and past lives affect the body.
[00:35:22.150] - Tammy
We know the health of the body, so that can be cleared. And there were so many other things that it was doing. It was amazing. And it was doing it multi dimensional. It was doing it from all lives, all that exists all at the same time, not just the current lifetime. So that was really fast tracking people's ascension. And we know that many return is working, holding the world in ascension, supporting us for ascension. And he brought that. And that's very quick, clears a lot of stuff out. So that's something major for people. Like you said, we've been doing it so many years of the clearing and the pulling this out. And then we don't even know what to pull out anymore sometimes. We're like, Oh my gosh. And then this happened to me. I've taken an aspect of I've cleared everything out of this one situation that I can think of to clear, and something is still stuck. What is it? What is it? But when you do the metatrons, it takes away the we don't have to know as an ego. As an ego, do we have to control everything? Do we have to control what we're clearing?
[00:36:30.800] - Tammy
Do we have to know what we're clearing? No, we don't. Sur surrender it up and let it go. That's the thing. I just wanted to add that.
[00:36:41.480] - Sheila
No, that's awesome.
[00:36:44.140] - Tammy
Yeah, and people just listen to it. In case you're wondering, how does that happen? Well, we take the chart and put a metatron's cube over it and the energy runs and the thought form of God. There's many parts, I think it's 13. Aren't there 13 separate shapes inside metatron's cube? They all know what they're doing and that's powerful. Then they just start running the clearing. It's on video or audio. I'm not speaking because I found that most people were falling asleep during this session. They can't stay awake during it because it is the multi dimensional. It's other lives. I was describing it first. I'm like, oh, I'm feeling it in the throat. Now I'm feeling it in the heart. Now I'm feeling it here. And so many people would message me and say, Oh, my gosh, I fell asleep during the session. Does that mean, did it work? Do I need to do it over again? And I was like, Oh, my gosh, people are sleeping during the session. Well, they don't need me talking. So I just stopped. I just put myself on mute and then I just wake them up at the end. I'll come back on about an hour later and I'll say, Well, your session is done.
[00:37:51.330] - Tammy
Come on back. And people go in and out of consciousness during the session as well. There are few people were able to stay awake during it, but I think those are the energy champions. They must be attuned to very high energy. They're able to stay awake. But yeah, it's major. Well, and what.
[00:38:13.720] - Sheila
You're really describing is a unique form of energy healing. And there's energy healing that exists in so many different methods and modalities in today's world. A lot of people know about Reiki. You're also part of a group that we do tourist healings, which is another energy healing. And you're actually doing energy healing through the Astrology Chart. And so it's really a technique that you're able to channel this aspect of energy because that's really what energy healing is. We're channeling an aspect of energy and directing it and guiding it. This is a really unique thing that you do with an astrology chart that is that aspect where we then play in the true concept of healing from an astrology chart versus just shifting and predicting of the future or understanding the past. It's very powerful. I've experienced it in several different forms for myself and for structures and relationships with others. It's really neat. It's a very cool experience.
[00:39:31.390] - Tammy
It's amazing. And again, I'm just honored and privileged to told this space for people.
[00:39:39.230] - Sheila
Yeah, it's beautiful. So thank you, Tammy, for joining me today. It has been super fun to geek out on. It challenges me. And also just like I love finding everything that can bring us back to our power and help us make sense out of this life. And the way that you do astralogy definitely brings that. So thank you for sharing that.
[00:40:09.840] - Tammy
Thank you for having me.
[00:40:12.840] - Sheila
You're very welcome. You've just listened to the Spiritual Geek podcast. Thank you for joining us. If you've enjoyed the episode, be sure to share a comment and rating on your favorite podcast platform. If you were inspired, consider sharing with friends and family. Love and light to each of you. May your day be filled with joy and joy and wisdom as you consciously create your life.

Tammy Manzo
Astrologer/Energy Healer/Akashic Records Navigator/Spiritual Alchemist
Tammy is a self-proclaimed astrology geek. She looks at everything through the lens of energy and vibration as shown in your birth chart. Using your chart as a navigational guide to your Akashic records, she can decipher the root causes of patterns, programs, thought forms, wounds and more. She uses sacred geometry to clear these in the birth chart. She also facilitates past life healing in the Akashic records. She loves nothing more than to "turn the old into gold" for clients, holding the space for magical transformations and spiritual alchemy. It is easier than you think.