March 20, 2023

The Energy of Spring with Courtney Dillon

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The Energy of Spring with Courtney Dillon

Hello Bright Lights! Experienced Channel and Medium Courtney Dillon joins me for a conversation about 'The Energy of Spring'! We discuss the possibilities available in this portal of energy we experience here on earth known as the Season of Spring. Happy Spring Everyone!

About Courtney: Courtney is an intuitive, teacher, medium and energy healer. She offers intuitive readings, mediumship and energy healing to help you see your life from a higher perspective. She's also a teacher and offers classes and programs to help others open their own intuitive gifts.

About Sheila: Sheila is a coach, technical geek, author and energy healer. She works with spiritual seekers to assist them in discovering, embracing and standing in their Soul's power. She helps them create momentum with coaching, support and healing so they can light up their path to step forward in service to humanity.




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[00:00:09.480] - Sheila

Welcome to the Spiritual Geek Podcast, wisdom for modern times, where we focus on living with intention to consciously create a life you love and celebrate. I'm your host, Sheila Franzen, and I'm so excited to share another episode with you. Today, Courtney Dillon has joined me for a conversation about spring and the energy of spring. Courtney is an intuitive teacher, medium, and energy healer. She offers intuitive readings, mediumship, and energy healing to help you see your life from a higher perspective. She's also a teacher and offers classes and programs to help others open their own intuitive gifts. So welcome, Courtney.


[00:00:43.860] - Courtney

Thank you for having me.


[00:00:45.360] - Sheila

Before we get started and dive into talking about this fun energy of spring, is there anything else you'd like to share in your own introduction to introduce yourself?


[00:00:55.960] - Courtney

Well, I think that was a really good introduction, so I don't have much to add, but I would say I've been doing this work to an extent for my entire life, and after a while it just became natural to start to offer it to other people. And I really feel it's like a soul calling. And so I feel very passionate about helping others open their own gifts and helping them connect with their own intuition and learning how to communicate with their loved ones and things like that. Thank you for having me. It's an honor to be here.


[00:01:42.520] - Sheila

Thank you for joining me. Spring is approaching the equinox next week. I know while we're not in the same cities, we both are in this beautiful state known as California that is finally coming out of a drought officially. I heard somebody declare yesterday that California is no longer in a drought.


[00:02:05.580] - Sheila

Wow. Yeah, that's a big deal after a lot of years of being in the energy of a drought and conservation. We've had a ton of rain, and the beauty of spring is very prominent and prevalent here. At least it is where I live. I get to enjoy actually seeing these hillsides that are always brown since I've lived here, be this gorgeous shades of green. It's just incredible to think about the energy of spring. And so I thought it might be fun, and we thought it would be fun to just talk and talk about the energy of spring because there is so much that we can tap into when we talk about spring. So, Courtney, when you think about spring, what does spring mean for you when we talk about the energy of spring?


[00:02:54.710] - Courtney

Well, for me, I think of the spring equinox. Really, every year this occurs to me, even if I try to have my beginning of my year really start in January, like I'm going to make changes or I'm going to start a new program or something like that. I really find that the spring equinox... And this year actually, we have the new moon in Aries the next day. So it's like a double whammy of energy. It's going to be like there's an intensity to it that I find that it's a really important moment when it feels like things can start to move, when they can start to get going. And it feels in my own life, it's like it's the go time, I guess you could say, when I'm coming out of that feeling of hibernation in winter and ready to move, take action in my life, ready to take physical action. I think that this is a really good moment that we can use this energy to take action in ways that our life wants to take action. So just noticing, what changes do I want to make? And this is a really good time period of the year to actually start to implement real change.


[00:04:25.240] - Courtney

So that's how I think of it and how I use the energy. It's also just a beautiful time when I notice it's a really good moment to really notice the abundance of the world around us and how available it is to us. And we can just start to... For me, I try to really appreciate it. And so that's how I think of it.


[00:04:52.300] - Sheila

As you're talking and sharing those energies of spring, I was just seeing and noticing how we are such busy people in the world. And when we become so ingrained in our routines and our day to day lives. We get up and we do what we need to do, and hopefully we find exercise in there somewhere and we're eating healthy. The world has so much going on in it. There's almost, I think, what, eight billion of us on this planet right now. That's a lot of people in their routines and their patterns in their day to day lives. We forget these beautiful cycles that are part of the energy of Earth and how Mother Earth goes through her own cycle of growth and rejuvenation each and every year. In the northern hemisphere, we're in the spring equinox right now, and the southern hemisphere is going into the of the fall equinox. There's a balance in Mother Earth above and below, and the whole planet is not in the same energy at the same time. But that energy, and we tap into that energy of growth and change, and we understand and appreciate how we can use that energy in our own lives as we watch what's going on in the planet.


[00:06:26.800] - Sheila

I feel like sometimes we almost fight the energy of what the natural cycles are in today's world. We try to make every season a season of completion or the season of doing, which is a lot of what summer is. And we try to make every season the same. And we try to live our lives in this routine. Yet if we step back and honor that aspect of Earth and the seasons that are going on, we actually can find more energy in that to do what we need to do, but to also just live a more balanced life rather than fighting the energy of it sometimes.


[00:07:06.420] - Courtney

Yeah, absolutely. I really agree with that. And honestly, I'm still learning this in my own life. I don't think I have it figured out because what you're saying of how we're all, most of us really just have these very full lives. And I know I do. And I think that for me at least, I think there is an aspect that I have been programmed culturally to have to believe that we have to be productive all the time or be hustling or working or grinding and working hard all the time. And I agree with you in that if I don't really notice when I sink in with the seasons and observe when it's time to step back and actually give myself time to rest, which is very new for me and it's probably not as much as I actually need, but trying to do that, trying to honor when it's time to rest, time to step back. Not everything needs to be action oriented all the time. And that you're exactly right. I think it's when you notice and honor those times when it's time to step back, that when it's time to go, or when it's time to move forward in some way in physical action, that we have more energy to do that.


[00:08:42.500] - Courtney

So yeah, I think it's really starting. And I think a lot of humans are starting to really understand that they need to reorient themselves with the natural world. I think it's this disconnection that has, frankly, it's not serving anyone. That we somehow have forgotten that the natural world, it's not like we're separate from it. It's in our bodies and in our lives. It's really just a microcosm of the natural world. And it's easier actually if we honor the cycles within our own lives in some way. I don't think it's any coincidence while we have something like spring cleaning. It's like that moment of like, let's just clean everything off. Let's start fresh, let's start new. You know what I mean?


[00:09:38.860] - Sheila

Yeah, I remember as you mentioned spring cleaning, I'm reminded of a neighbor when I was young, and she would actually seriously go through everything in her house every spring. And it was this beautiful ritual of letting go of clothes and food that had been in the cabinet that wasn't needed and dishes maybe that she hadn't used or just things that accumulate in drawers that you don't need. I would often help her. I love to be involved and help people do things even as a really young kid. But I do remember that. It was like making sure that, I don't know, even the curtains got washed and cleaned. It was just such an honoring in the home what you can do to honor the cycle and the rhythm of Spring. I was the rhythms of Earth and the microcosm that you mentioned really resonated because there is a natural rhythm to the planet. We're in a natural rhythm on this physical world that we live in that has cyclical things, cyclical things that happen. The sun rises and the sun sets and there are seasons. As we've been talking, I hadn't really thought about this up until we were starting to chat.


[00:11:01.910] - Sheila

But I did a class many years ago and it was from a person who channeled Yeshua or Jesus, and it was a class around our cycles of life. And that we were actually born into different seasons, and you have to notice your own life and recognize, I figured out that I was really born. It's not the time of year that you were born, but it's literally your own energy that you come into with as a human. And then we go through a seven year cycle of seven years where you are in the energy of your soul of summer and then seven years as fall and seven years as winter, and seven years as spring. And if you look at your life, you can see these seven year cycles. I've heard other people describe similar cycles. Maybe they describe them on seven years or 10 years. But there really is an aspect of energy that sometimes we're in a phase of life that is really about introversion. It's about recovery. It's about going inside. And then there's phases of life I can look back on my own life now and the wisdom we have as we've moved through life and I can go, Wow, that was a time in my life where I was living the energy of spring and creating and then summer and just doing and accomplishing.


[00:12:27.260] - Sheila

There's so many rhythms and cycles that are happening on the planet each and every day. I think you mentioned the word remember, and I was getting the aspect of remembrance. There's a way of remembrance of how we can just take a moment and honor that and be thankful for it. Then tap into the creation. I get why we were talking about spring today because this is a brand new podcast and so it makes complete sense that I would share an episode on spring as we launch the podcast next week. I launched this because there's an energy supporting it. There's an energy for us to come into life and I knew it was needed to happen in March. It's like, Well, of course, because I don't have to fight creation. I just get to allow creation to emerge and allow it to come forth. Yeah, that's fun.


[00:13:23.480] - Courtney

Yeah, I think what you're saying about honoring this idea of our creation, what I've noticed for myself is, and I like to fight things sometimes, as we all do. But when I notice an energy that's present and it doesn't. For example, if I feel like I need to... I'm trying to force something or I'm trying to force a creation in the world and it's not really supported by what I feel internally or my own life, it's really like I find almost like swimming upstream. And so what I've noticed is absolutely what you're talking about. It's like when I want to bring something into the world, I actually really think of what is the energy feel like in my own life and really try to honor and acknowledge that. And then also what is the energy in the world? What is the energy of the seasons? What's astologically happening? Because in truth, those cycles and those planetary movements really affect how we feel supported when we bring things into the world. So I totally agree. I'm just actually launching another big course in April and I'm going to start talking about it in March because this is the moment of transformation for a lot of people.


[00:15:07.100] - Courtney

So it's a really good moment to start talking about that and how we can really actually move the needle and create actual change and transformation in our own lives. And so, yeah, I think it's important to start to really pay attention to these cycles. So yeah, thank you.


[00:15:27.060] - Sheila

Yeah. I used to spend I think it was David Goddard's book, and he did a lot of the ceremonies with the angels. I remember for a period of my life, I would really tap into this aspect of even how many of the beings of light with the angels are available to. There's so much going on in our world, I guess, that we don't always see. These aspects of when we talk about energy and we can find our remembrance by often interacting with those beings, but often just watching Earth, watching Spring. I took a walk this morning and I was like, Wow, the flowers here, they are exploding right now. They're so happy with the rain that's supposed to come in the spring and the beauty. That's what we get to discover in ourselves, right? Reminding ourselves of our own beauty as we create and share and move forward. Did you have something else around spring?.


[00:16:39.080] - Courtney

No, I just love what you're saying about you've been taking the time to walk outside and remember it. I mean, it's so simple actually, but how often do we think we have better things to do or check our email? And myself included.


[00:16:57.100] - Sheila

Oh, yeah. I was excited about doing the podcast, even though we weren't 100 % clear exactly which topic we were going to choose yet. And so it feels just perfect that guiding... I'm like, I need to go feel the Earth. I need to walk and feel grounded so that clarity will come. And then, of course, there were just all the flowers of spring, so that was perfect this morning. So I think a reminder for everyone is to notice spring. Check into those energies, leverage the energies of spring as you consciously and intentionally create life, rather than just going through the motions of life, really tap into what's available with these honoring of the equinoxes. There's beautiful ceremonies that so many people have out there that you can tap into. I often, even though it's spring, I actually still love lighting a fire and a candle and just those little moments of doing something different on the day of the spring equinox to just remind myself and my family that it's intentional. We have to take the moments of creating intention and consciousness so that we do things differently and intentionally remember and then consciously create with what we've remembered.


[00:18:20.600] - Sheila

Yeah. So thank you.


[00:18:22.080] - Courtney

Go ahead. Thank you. No, I think that's... Yeah, I'm definitely going to do something on Monday. It's always just a nice little moment to pause any of these markers in the year and take stock of what we're creating in our lives and what we're wanting to create. I think it's a good reminder.


[00:18:42.560] - Sheila

I keep getting this sense and I keep hearing portal, a portal of energy. I know you've, with your teaching aspect, have done a few classes around the equinoxes over the past several years because I've enjoyed listening to those. Then I think of another friend and colleague who does a lot with us traology and could probably give me the actual names of all of these portals of energy that are created with the equinoxes. But there really is an aspect of new energy. There's new energy Earth is sharing. There's new energy coming into the universe. These are unique and special days that we don't even always understand in this 3D world. But if we simply tap into the remembrance, we're tapping in and connecting to that energy that's available.


[00:19:29.880] - Courtney

Yeah, definitely.


[00:19:32.740] - Sheila

Thank you, Courtney, for joining me today. It's been so much fun to talk about spring and this renewal of energy. Is there anything that you would like to share about what you do, how people can work with you, anything you have coming up to be connected with?


[00:19:53.140] - Courtney

Thank you, by the way. This has been a lot of fun and I'm just so excited for your podcast to hear more of it and all the wonderful people you are going to have on. Let me think. One of my big offerings of the year is going to be called Living Intuition. And that will launch, the first class will be April 19th. And we're going to really dive into how to be more connected with your intuition and what even that means. I think it's going to be a really fun class. And if you sign up for my newsletter on my website, you can receive a free emotional alchemy workshop, and then you will find out updates about that. It should be launching in the next week or so. I'm pretty excited about that. Otherwise, I will have my books opening soon for summer one on one sessions, and I'm hopefully going to have a bigger program in the fall as well. So yeah, sign up for my newsletter and you can find out about those offerings.


[00:21:08.680] - Sheila

Awesome. Thank you.


[00:21:10.140] - Courtney

Thank you.


[00:21:12.120] - Sheila

And thank you to everyone who's listened. You've just been listening to the Spiritual Geek podcast. We appreciate you joining us. If you've enjoyed the episode, be sure to share a comment and rating on your favorite podcast platform. If you were inspired, consider sharing with friends and family. Wishing you love and light. May your day be filled with joy and joy. and wisdom as you consciously create your life.


Courtney Dillon Profile Photo

Courtney Dillon

Intuitive | Medium | Energy Healer

Courtney is an intuitive, teacher, medium and energy healer. She offers intuitive readings, mediumship and energy healing to help you see your life from a higher perspective. She's also a teacher and offers classes and programs to help others open their own intuitive gifts.