May 15, 2024

Modern Ascension: Personal Stories of Spiritual Awakening with Carol Anne Halstead

Modern Ascension: Personal Stories of Spiritual Awakening with Carol Anne Halstead

Welcome to Episode 17 of the Spiritual Geek Podcast, titled "Modern Ascension." Join us as guests Carol Anne Halstead, Tammy Manzo, and Elizabeth Tackenberg dive deep into the transformative concept of Modern Ascension. Whether you're new to spiritual ascension or seeking to elevate your journey, this episode is packed with enlightening discussions and personal stories from our host and special guests. We'll explore the importance of ascending in today's world, share effective spiritual practices, and reveal how everyone can achieve inner peace and higher vibrational living. So, cozy up and tune in for an inspiring session that will nourish your soul and possibly change your perspective on spirituality and personal growth. Don’t forget to share your thoughts and ratings on your favorite podcast platform. Let's ascend together in this exciting episode of the Spiritual Geek Podcast!

About Carol Anne: Carol Anne Halstead is the author of "Modern Ascension: Stories From the Spiritual Paths of High Initiates" and "Divine Healing: Powerful Stories of Transformation With Higher Selves and Beings of Light." She has been affiliated with the Ascended Masters’ Portal in New Zealand since 2013, passing out of the cycle of re-birth in 2016. With no formal book writing experience, Carol Anne decided to share her Ascension journey and compile stories from others on the same path. Her books are meant to inspire others to raise their spiritual vibration and connect with the Ascended Masters for the purposes of Ascension and healing.

About Sheila: Sheila is a coach, author and energy healer. She helps others see the way forward so that they can consciously create a life they love and celebrate. You can discover more at

DISCLAIMER: Please note that the opinions and views expressed by the host and guests are solely their own and do not represent any particular religious or spiritual belief system. The information provided in this podcast is for educational and entertainment purposes only and should not be taken as professional advice. Thank you for joining us on this journey of self-discovery and spiritual growth.

WAYS TO WORK WITH CAROL ANNE & TAMMY - website for the book, Modern Ascension - Carol Anne Halstead's website - Tammy Manzo's website


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Welcome to the Spiritual Geek podcast, Wisdom for Modern Times, where we focus on living with intention to consciously create a life you love and celebrate. I'm your spiritual geek, Sheila Franson, and I'm so excited to share another episode with you. Today, we have four of us here to talk about the book Modern Ascension and our personal Ascension stories. Our fearless guide in the creation of the book, Carol Ann Hallstead, is the author, along with Tami Manzo and Elizabeth Takenberg, who have joined me today. Carol Ann is author of Modern Ascension: Stories from the Spiritual Paths of High Initiates and divine healing: Powerful Stories of Transformation with Higher Selves and Beings of Light. She's been affiliated with the Ascended Master's portal in New Zealand since 2013, Passing out of the cycle of rebirth in 2016. With no formal bookwriting experience, Caroleanne decided to share her Ascension journey and compile stories from others on the same path. Her books are meant to inspire others to raise their spiritual vibration and connect with the ascended masters for the purpose of ascension and healing. So, Tammy, Elizabeth and I are contributors to the book with our stories, and you'll find out more about each of us in the episode information, and of course, as we talk in this amazing conversation here.



I I'm so honored and humbled that we're here having this conversation. When I launched this podcast over a year ago, this was one of the episodes that I most looked forward to having. Yet all things seem to happen in divine timing, and so here we are in the perfect time to have this beautiful conversation about the book Modern Ascension. So welcome, Caroleanne, Elizabeth, and Tammy. I feel like the intro is we did it. We're here talking about the book. And so I'm curious, is there anything any of you feel inspired to share about yourselves as an introduction as we get started here? I think everybody must be good, which is perfect. So what I would like to do is the book we're talking about is Modern Ascension. You'll find that on the website, modernascension. Com. And Carolean has a beautiful preface in the book that I've reread this morning, again, because I'm just so, again, honored and wanted to be in the energy of the book. And I thought I'd start with reading just this wonderful couple of short paragraphs, and then we'll dive into talking about the book. So Carolean describes Ascension as a term used to describe the process by which an individual actively evolves into higher consciousness.



Higher consciousness is an expanded state of awareness which transcends beliefs. Ascension is a vast spiritual process that does not appear to have an endpoint. It's not an external event that will happen to us on a certain day or time, nor will we be part of a wave of people who will leave the Earth all at once. Rather, it is what a person will experience as they grow in spiritual vibration. This vibration is increased by the greater light and radiance that comes into our chakras when we pay our karma. So welcome to Modern Ascension. Carol Ann, I would love to start with a simple question of how did the idea of this book come to you?


Carol Anne

Well, interesting. Back earlier, in probably late 2017 or early 2018, I was having a conversation with Louise Victoria Maria Winter, who has written a chapter in the book, and she was one of the early participants in this journey with Alpha Imaging. We were just having a discussion about the path that people have taken, and she said, Someday someone should write about modern ascension. And you know what? I just had this huge wave come in. I knew it was going to be me. I had been told by a couple of readers that I'd gone to, Psychic Intuitives, that, You know what? You're going to write a couple of books one day. And I thought, Oh, yeah, sure. And also I had in the back of my mind the sense of something, a golden pen that I had discovered as a gift when I was doing Shamanic training, and it was when we were on the journey to the high heavens. And we were to bring back a gift that was representative of something that we had within us. And this was probably about 13, 14 years ago. And I brought back a golden pen, and I didn't know what that was about.


Carol Anne

But as things transpired, it seemed like there would be something that would be created. And so when Louis talked about that, I thought, Yeah, that's going to be me. But it didn't come into any construction until a Immediately after I passed the seventh initiation. And I'd been rushed through the last four months of it, like about a third of the percentage points of it that are measured. And it seemed like it was This is needing to be done so that you can do something else feel. And I wasn't even barely given a breath. As soon as I passed the seventh initiation, which was in November in 2018, I had a vision of me sitting when I was in the Harasab temple, a vision of me sitting at a table with paper and a pan beside it. And I knew that this was about ascension and a book. And so I just went with not in really knowing any details, but posted this request on our closed Facebook site for the ascending initiates and just said, Is anybody interested in telling their story of ascension? Maybe we can create a book on this. And I had no training, no nothing.


Carol Anne

I was going on faith, and we did it. We created it. So here we are.



Yes, here we are. I love that it was just these simple little ideas and conversations that happened where you were handed things from a conversation with Lou and a journey of a vision, and that we can always look back. And those are those moments where I think we've realized how connected we all are, right? This connection of we inspire each other. And sometimes the messages come from the places we least expect it. I love that. It's a beautiful story. I remember as a very early boss that I had, 20-plus years ago, told me I would write a book, and I was like, I would be a writer. And I was like, it made no sense to me because I was a computer programmer at that point in time. I'm like, I'm not going to write a book. I'm not going to write. And so You just never know. It takes a long time sometimes. So thank you. Thank you for sharing that. So we each have been on our own personal path of ascension. And so, Elizabeth or Tammy, I'm curious, why did you say yes to sharing your story as part of the book when Caroleanne posted this inquiry?



I'll go. I was told as well. I think it's interesting that we've been told that we were going to be writing books. I was also told as well. A couple of years previous to this by a friend who, wonderful medium, psychic reader, she has never been wrong. So when she told me I was going to write a couple of books, I was like, I know it's going to happen, but I just don't know How is this going to be? So when Carole Anne posted that, I thought, Okay, this is it. I need to go in and offer my story. And boy, it was not just like writing any book. It took me months to do it, and it was a journey. I cried during it. I cried after it, going back to the old memories and the old emotions. And Caroleanne, I think I was probably the last one. Wasn't I the last one to submit But I might have been one of the stragglers, but it was so difficult. I had to walk away from it for a while and process what I had been writing about and thinking about. Actually, I was doing a lot of clearing at that time as well.



Any residual, anything that was still there was brought up to be cleared. But it was a journey writing that chapter, right?


Carol Anne

Yeah, that's very true. That's also true for other people who submitted that there were times when they just really needed to be talked off the ledge, almost, because it was, I don't know if I can disclose this about myself. I feel so vulnerable. And so it was such a journey for so many people to allow that to allow their authentic self to be shown. So thank you for reminding us about that part of the process.


Speaker 4

Yes, I can totally relate to having... Well, I had resistance to it, quite frankly. I wasn't going to write a story. I thought, Oh, that's interesting. She was inviting people to write stories? Oh, how wonderful. But I don't think I want to do that. And another lady in the organization kept encouraging me to write and encouraging, encouraging. She was relentless. So I decided to write a story. And indeed, I found the same as Tammy. I was really confronted by my own story and had to work through issues and rewrite and rewrite and rewrite. And then by the end, I felt it was sufficient to turn in, and I'm really glad I did.


Carol Anne

Me too. Yes.






These journeys of being willing to share something that is so personal, right? I mean, our spirituality and our beliefs about God and our connection with ourselves, our our higher selves. It is a very personal journey, and I think that's the beauty of the book, is you actually are able to get these glimpses that are so deep and so authentic when you read 13 different stories from people whose paths, at some level, are all the same in our journey to discover cover this intentional path of ascension. At some level, we're all on this journey of ascension. We're just either ascending or not. We're going up and down or in and out or however you want to look at it. And so the amazing... I remember when you first asked, and the first thing I did is it's Well, higher self, do you want me to share? And I got an absolute yes. And I'm like, All right, here we go. But it was really... It's like I had my family, my children, who were... I guess they were in middle school at that point. And my partner all read my story before I shared it because I wanted them to know what I was sharing.



Because you're sharing the depth and breadth of who you are and I believe I had them read it beforehand. Now I'm beginning to wonder. Time starts to disappear. But it was hard. I mean, it's hard to dig into the personal journeys that we've been on. So thank you, all three of you, for sharing the depth of your story, and of course, the other nine people's stories who are also there. So we're talking about this journey called Ascension. And I would imagine listeners or people new to the concept of ascension? How does one know if they're ready to embark on this intentional path of ascension? Anybody have a answer that pops forward there?


Speaker 4

I believe there's an inner knowing, an inner feeling that the time has come, and it will appear differently for different people. I actually had a friend who I told her about the ascension, and I shared with her the things I was doing to ascend, and she would say, Oh, that's interesting. Well, that's for you. That's not for me. But we continued as close friends, and we would share a casheet record readings and so on. Then at one point, she did become interested. She connected with Berna on the website and started using the oils. But she lacked some understanding of how to use the oils. I don't quite know why. And then she passed away before she reached the fifth initiation. I often wondered, did her inner knowing delay her response to the ascension so that she would reincarnate? I just don't know. Because if she had started earlier when I first shared with her, she would have passed the Fifth Initiation in this lifetime. But she hesitated. I can only say that that was my own being. I have concluded that that was her soul's desire to reincarnate one more time, because my friend did have a strong desire to help the governments in South America in some way.


Speaker 4

I feel that in her next life, she will be doing that with very little karma holding her back, because she was very close to the initiation when she passed.



Well, I would share that. I have so many skills. That's just what an interesting perspective. That's really beautiful.



Could you imagine a whole entire lifetime with very little karma? Wow, what you could do on the planet. That sounds so wonderful and exciting to me. It's awesome.


Carol Anne

And that's what you're doing now, Thami.



Well, but imagine having 70 years. You know what I mean? Who knows how much time I have left here. But imagine starting from birth and not going through the struggles that we went through and getting right to your Purpose. How wonderful would that be? That's what I mean, I guess.


Carol Anne

They're talking about children today coming in without corona and not uploading like we did and had to go through it. So, yeah, certainly for us, the challenges have been great. It doesn't mean that they won't experience challenges just like we have. And it doesn't mean that they won't have to tame their ego like we have learned to do and are continuing to learn to do. In order to create what they came here to do, they need to learn to become good humans and kindness, compassionate behavior towards others, learning about oneness, and learning how to serve with the special gifts that they came in. And that's what we're doing, too. It's It's just been a different process for sure.



Relearning. Yeah. Rediscovering, rebirthing.



Well, and several of you have just mentioned karma. I'm going to continue the next paragraph here that was in the preface, because I think it's important to understand when we're talking about karma related to ascension. So this is some more beautiful words that Caroleanne shared in the preface. Karma is the negative thoughts, words, and actions that we created in our past lives and in this life. All karma, past and present, is stored in our chakras. I remember when I first learned, I remember learning that, this is now Sheila talking, not Caroleanne, Karol-Ann's words. We have this concept of karma in the world. Maybe there's an episode we should have about karma at some point. But the fact that we get all of this back in our lives when we reincarnate, explains some of why this is so difficult, right? If we had a crazy past life or thousands of crazy past lives, we have to balance all of those. So any unresolved karma from our previous lifetimes, back to Karol-Ann's words, will be carried forward for clearing in this lifetime. Karma is created every day when we think, do, or speak in ways that do not come from love.



Conversely, thoughts, words, and actions based in love do not create karma. The The only way to ascend, meaning what we're talking about is being free from the cycles of incarnation, is to clear the karma we've accumulated through our lifetimes. Once we do this, we no longer need to reincarnate. With dedication and effort, we can clear our karma within this lifetime. So I just want to filter that in for those that are listening to understand when we're talking about karma and its relation to our ascension path. We're talking about clearing all the karma from our chakras so that this cycle of life here on this planet is... Our cycle of ascension, right? Our cycle of being human on this planet is complete. If we jump into another question, I know that all four of us have reread our stories and the book in the past many days preparing for this podcast, which has just been amazing to be in the the book again and everyone's story. But having read your story again and knowing that we're all five or six years out from when we wrote our story, when you read it again and you continued your journey of ascension, what do you think is missing from your story?



That if you were to go back and add or change anything, what would you want people to know about your journey that maybe you missed when you first wrote the story? Well, I'll start. So the thing that came to mind for me was that, and I wrote this, but it's so hard to portray it. I really struggled finding joy in my life. I was overachiever in every aspect of personal life and my corporate life, and even trying to be spiritual and trying to make it all work. And I've had some recent experiences lately where I've even come to terms with just the level of what would be labeled depression, the label of codependence, these ways we try to make sense out of how to describe what our life was like. And there was never enough. There was never peace. There was never joy because I was always, always striving for more. And if you have the opportunity and read our stories, my story of ascension, I feel like I've been on that path. Of course, we all have for lifetimes. But even in this life, at a pretty young age, was like, ascension was a word I knew, but also that I was like, Why can't I do that?



And then as I learned more and found more, I was learning everything I could to be. I knew that I wanted to be complete with life on Earth. But yet it's in the journey of ascension, and this ascension as the spiritual path that we've all chosen at this point, It's also like, I've had a lot of challenging situations in the past five years, six years, since I passed the fifth initiation, knowing that my cycles of life were complete and the reincarnation cycle was complete, my personal life has been extremely challenged in ways that are just personally challenged at the depth of my being. And yet in the past six years, I would also say it's the depth of joy and being present, whether it's experience the pain or experience the joy, that has gotten... It's just expanded. Like the meditation and sitting with my higher self or being in service with many others that are on this journey and on this path and the experiences of oneness. It does bring this fulfillment of being human. And even though an aspect of ascension is our completion of being human, I think for me, what I would love to share more of in the story is how being human is more enjoyable.



It's more real. It's more present. I'm hearing Eckert Tolle in the power of now, right? Really being in the now is where the power is where we ascend. We can only ascend being human. Well, if we're human, that's how we can ascend, right? You can't do it outside. You have to do it in your body, in our chakras, in our energetic structures. And so that's the thing that I would want portrayed more in my journey, is how this aspect of settling into higher consciousness and being more present has brought the wealth of what's available in this human experience.


Speaker 4

That's beautiful, Sheila. I totally agree. It brings us more into the beauty of life. And And as I've continued to ascent since writing my story, I have found that I come more into my heart, and I connect with my higher self in my heart. And we can have the most beautiful conversation versions, or sometimes we don't even converse. We just share the energy, and then I feel the energy radiating, and it has definitely enriched my life.



Yeah. You don't even have to talk. I love that, right? I can go take a walk outside and just be walking through nature. And it's a different experience of being here, being present, enjoying everything that is here, even on this incredibly chaotic planet. It's an incredibly beautiful school to learn in.


Speaker 4

Yeah, definitely. Given it has expanded my awareness while still being in my physical body and in my apartment. Regular life goes on, but at the same time, there's this expanded awareness and a richness that has become very present.





Carol Anne

I think what I've noticed in rereading is that there isn't necessarily a description of our perhaps our current and even then, spiritual practices that help us grow and enlarge our concepts, can reconnect with what we come to know as presence and have conversations with ourself. But what are the current spiritual practices? And some of the life experiences that we've all had. In some of them, they've been quite traumatic or difficult. And I think what probably most of us would say is that we need to practice forgiveness of self and others. We need to practice the clearing with the gift of the violet flame, which we all use directly in our karma clearing process. We can also use on a continuing basis to keep things clear so that we can go forward. Gratitude, and also the practice of surrender of the ego, that concept of I die daily. These are the things that our egos, our ego Our egoic structure is what we are viewed by others as having and expressing to our personalities or whatever. And we need to allow more of the divinity of who we are to be expressing through that vehicle or that structure of our personality instead of...


Carol Anne

It's like this balance that needs to be created. So it's not just, this is what I want. This is my show. I'm going to co-create my way. We need to be surrendering, letting go, practicing the gratitude and forgiveness on a daily basis. It's just a way of being now that maybe wasn't so well-expressed in our stories, but the spiritual practices that we all engage in are so key. Meditation, obviously. Because that's how we develop that inner connection. I love that saying that it's attributed to the Buddha, go within or go without.



Yeah. And just the amount of inner peace that's come to me in the years and years since I wrote that story. I forgot about how little inner peace I had before the ascension process. And, oh, boy, I'm so grateful for this inner peace now. It's just everything. And when you have inner peace, I feel like you can do all those things, all the great things you guys were just talking about, being in a moment and surrendering and all that. So, yeah, I was very early in the sixth initiation when I wrote that story. But yeah, it's some.



The inner peace is wonderful. Yeah, I hear the inner peace. It's just this acceptance of ourselves. A lot of spirituality is so focused on being outside versus inside. And so the inner peace, the being in the now, the spiritual practices, as Carol-Ann was talking about, it's this embracing of... What I'm hearing right now is it's embracing all of ourselves. And when we have lived thousands of lives, which if you're listening to this, you've lived thousands of lives because you're even open to the conversation that we're having, that it is about embracing and accepting all of ourselves. And we do that through managing our ego and the spiritual practices and the inner peace and the being present. And so I love those aspects that you guys brought forward of what else is the depth of could have been shared. I remember we were trying to keep the story to a certain length, and I don't remember I'm not sure what that was, but I probably need to keep writing because there's so much more that I think that is helpful for people to understand. So thank you guys for sharing that. So what is it that when we talk about this journey of ascension, I'm curious if you could identify what would you...



I'm tongue-tied. What do you most want people to know about the journey of ascension? What would you tell people that you want them to most know about this concept that we've all claimed as a journey of ascension?


Speaker 4

I I would want them to know that anyone can do this if they have the desire and not to give up.



For me, when I think about what I want people to know, it is that there's no right or wrong There's no, you don't have to. I think about Ascension, and for me, it's been there very deep, but everybody's on their own journey. And so whether you claim ascension, whether you don't, it's all okay. What we're really talking about is this aspect of being in higher consciousness. It's an awakening. This process of ascension is an awakening. And if you hear it and there's some spark of interest that you're like, What is that word? What does that mean? I want to know more. I'm curious, but I'm not sure if I want to do it. That's perfect. There's no right time, there's no right way, there's no right place. It's just about expanding your awareness. And however you do that in your own path and your own journey to be the best possible person that you can be, that's your journey. And your journey is just perfect.


Speaker 4

Absolutely. Everyone has an ascension master guiding them, and that ascension master will know when the right time is. In fact, when my time came, I felt like I was picked up by the collar and moved. So I love that description.


Carol Anne

It is your time.



Get on the path. Exactly.


Speaker 4

My ascension master took charge.


Carol Anne

I think it'd like people to be aware that there are so many paths to ascension. What we have described and what we all have in common is that we used a particular initiates path that has been created through Verna and Maruata, or Verna Maruata and Waireti in New Zealand, by creating over a three-year period an ascension portal for 108 beings of light, ascended masters, angels, divas, eluims, to come through to bring us products, services, healings, information about ascension. And it was It has been a very well-mapped-out path, and it's been really great for us, and we're all happy that we landed on it, but there's many, many options. So if someone's not particularly interested in doing it this way, do it your way, but just do it. Just step into it. Experiment a bit. I think that for most of us, it was a real discovery for us to have feedback about where we were at along the ascension path. So all of us have something similar to say about the fact that we had been on this path, not necessarily ascension, but on a spiritual path of awakening, learning, learning about healing or whatever it was that we were doing.


Carol Anne

We were steadily moving forward, we thought, but after years and years, discovered that we really hadn't made a lot of actual spiritual progress in terms of clearing our karma. And so getting that feedback has been exceptionally unique and part of the process and been highly motivating for us. But again, timing, divine timing. And as Elizabeth said, we have an ascension master who will pick us up by the collar and put us on that path. If we're meant to be there, we will feel that impulse, and it will move us forward.



There's so many tools out there. There's so many tools tables and people doing it. Just look around. Everybody that I seem to know is waken up since 2020. What we all went through with all that situation, everybody's coming to a new awareness of, Oh, let's have more unconditional love for each other. Let's help each other more. Let's stop judging. I think we all woke up a little bit since then, and that's coming to that higher awareness. Once we come to that higher awareness, like Sheila said, of different ways of thinking and going to the heart space, thinking from the heart, that's huge. That's the first step right there.



Yeah, exactly. It definitely is the head versus the heart, right? I mean, heart math. There's so many tools, and I love that everybody is mentioning that because it's about your own journey. It's about finding what works for your soul's journey at this time on the planet. So thank you all for sharing that. Before we wrap up here with a final question I have for Caroleanne, Elizabeth, Tammy, and/or Caroleanne, is there anything else you want to share about the book, the Ascension journey, your own story, anything else that you are inspired or want to share before we close out our conversation here?



The effort that you put in through the Ascension work has come back like a million fold in so many ways. It's hard to even find the words to describe it, but people that know me. I talk it all the time. Do this, do this. Oh, my gosh. I'm the biggest cheerleader of that, out to people.



But it's definitely It's worth it. I love that, Tammy. In rereading your story, I was like, I had forgotten this, but it makes sense that you're the cheerleader for it in its own way because you were focused on marketing in your early life, right? And I'm like, of course, you want to be able to market and tell the story. And who knew that you would take probably those skills and you use them every day, even in your story here, your healing work that you do, the sharing of the conversation mission that we're having now is just being free and open to talk about ascension and bringing this concept forward. It's so simple at some level, right? Clear our karma, right? Move into higher consciousness. And yet the journey of humanity and being human and managing our ego, as Caroleanne mentioned, and being present and willingness to be seen and share, all those things come together and make this part of just a beautiful... I'm just so grateful for, one, the opportunity I had to get to tell my story, and that other people are telling their story, right? That there's such a movement of awakening on the planet of all of what's going on everywhere, right?



There's ascended masters channels all over the planet that are sharing information and techniques and tools that are ancient and current and modern. And so, yeah, I think it's about having fun. It's about being all that we can be in these human experiences and returning to more of who we are each and every day in each and every moment.


Carol Anne

To add to that, Sheila, as you were referring earlier to maybe how you felt as a younger person and what the transition is for you now so that you have become more joyful. And this is no coincidence. It's what happens in the ascension process. As we grow and we engage more, then we experience the descension of our higher self that resides firmly within us in our fully hearts. We learn that we can actually have heaven on earth. We can have that experience all the time of joy, abundance, peace, and love. It requires a lot of surrender on an ongoing basis for each of us, but that's a beautiful part of ascension. We don't have to wait till we die to go to heaven anymore. We can have that all here now. So it's absolutely worth the steps. It's worth the journey, even though it's challenging and we have a lot to let go of in the process. It's a beautiful thing.



Yes. That so well summarizes what I was trying to say, which is the journey of the thousand steps brings us back to this moment, right? So the journey is definitely worth it, right? That's what I want people to know. The journey is worth it because there is light at the end of that tunnel, and it involves being present here on Earth right now. So thank you. So, Carole Anne, as we close this out, you named the book Modern Ascension. And I would love to just close with where that came from, how that was inspired for you.


Carol Anne

Oh, actually, going back to the original story, Luz came up with the term Modern Ascension. She was the one who said, You know what? Maybe someday someone will write about Modern Ascension. And that was when I knew that it was going to be me. So Modern Ascension stuck, and that's why it's the title. The fact that it was going to be stories of people on the spiritual path that I was working with or knew about at the time did not... That wasn't a known, but that is what came about. So the term was actually it belongs to Liz, and we'll credit her.



Well, I love that. And thank you, Liz. Thank you for your inspiration. I remember when I found... I've been working with the Ascended Masters and reading lots of books about them before I found what Verna and Wairetti were sharing on the alphaimaging. Co. Nz site with the Ascended Masters portal. And I remember when I found it, and I write this in my story, it was like I had found home. And I can remember so many conversations with people Prior to having found it. I was reading ancient text and current text and the I am discourses. And it's like I would tell people, I want to find somebody who's talking about stuff right now. What do we need to do in this experience of our human bodies on this planet with almost seven billion souls here on the planet? Not when I lived lifetimes of being a monk off in a cave somewhere. What is it that is about now? And I remember using the term, I want modern information. I want current information. And so when you brought forth what Louz inspired you with around modern ascension, I'm like, yes, That's what it is. There's an aspect of a movement to those two words, modern ascension.



And even in the description for this podcast, when I sat with my higher self in the ascended masters, I say that it's wisdom for modern times, ancient wisdom for modern times. And this path of ascension is part of the, I don't know, energetic structure of the planet, right? We could go into a level and a depth around there's an aspect of consciousness and everyone ascending and ascension in the consciousness of the planet and ourselves. But modern ascension, there's just something about that. There's an energy to that. And Caroleanne and I have chatted about this. It's a movement, right? We're creating a... By being willing to share our stories, the 13 people who step we're going to go forward here and all the other hundreds and thousands of people who share their awakening and spiritual stories on the planet, it's such a gift because we are inspiring in the consciousness, this collective consciousness that is part of us. We're all connected consciousness is what I'm hearing as I say collective consciousness. I'm having this sense of it's a connected consciousness. And so when we work true and let go of all of our egoic structures and fears of what other people will think.



And we just speak about our personal journeys and our journeys to connection with ourselves and others. We are in the connected consciousness. We're all helping each other, and we're all supporting each other. And I think being able to bring that into modern ascension, it is for now, right? Modern brings up the energy of now. What is it for right now and what's going on in our times right now on the planet? So, yeah, it's been, as I said when I started today, this was what I most wanted to talk about when I was given, provided, inspired by this idea of doing a podcast, to have intentional conversations with others, is I wanted to be able to share, and maybe this is where I need to do more of it, share people's spiritual stories, share their journeys, have intentional conversations about how people are awakening and stepping forward and sharing in this world with a microphone, which is a gift I've been given in many visualizations and have had to talk about a lot of work to be present and be willing to speak and share with others because I was a pretty quiet child and petrified to be in front of an audience and speaking to others.



So this journey of ascension has allowed me to claim that and share this with others in this world of modern ascension. So thank you so much, Carole, Anne, Tammy, and Elizabeth, for not just sharing your story, but being willing to talk about it and speak about it and share about this book. So it's been a wonderful, wonderful 40 minutes that we could probably spend days talking about. So thanks to each of you. If you want to share anything additional around what you do or how people, if you have a healing business and want to share how people can get a hold of you or work with you, now would be a great time in your little closing comments to share anything you would like.


Carol Anne

I work with Jan Thompson, who's another initiative, and we have a business called Ascension Dowsing, and we work to use sacred geometry to protect homes and properties and raise the vibration within clear negative influences, such as negative portals or vortexes, to clear the way, EMF, sources of EMF and geopathic stress, which is underlying water. Anyway, we do quite a number of things. It changed the frequency and vibration in the home to make it a sanctuary for people who want to to who are on the ascension path or anyone, actually. It creates a really high vibe place for people to feel safe in their homes. You can find us on our website, ascensiondousing.



Com.thank you, Carole.I.



Have that done for my home. I've told Carole this before, but I remember when they did that remotely for my home, and I was out of the house at the time. When I came back in, I didn't know it was being done. When I came back in, I was blessed with all this high vibration energy like, Oh, my gosh. I think it was a good, what did I say, Carole, about a good 24 to 48 hours. I was calibrated. I was calibrated to that energy that was in my home. That I thought, was awesome. I totally recommend. I'm cheerleading for this. I totally recommend this to anybody, anybody and everybody. Oh, my goodness. Yes. And they can do it distance, right? With energy healing as well, I have a few people that don't understand how something can be done over distance, but they can do it over distance. So they don't need to come to your home or measure anything out, but they will do it energetically. And it's just amazing as with anything that Saint Germain and the Ascended Masters do. Just amazing. Excellent. I'll just talk about my higher self. We do healings and clearings through histology readings, through looking at the birth chart, pattern clearings, past life clearings, beings, pretty much anything.



My higher self is on the seventh ray, so it's all about transformation and transmutation. Anything that somebody wants to clear, shift, change out of their lives, he can do it. So my website is iamsoelalchemist. Com, and you can find the listings of things that I do there or that we do there.



Thank you, Carole Anne and Tami. Elizabeth, anything last closing comments from you?


Speaker 4

Closing comments. Well, I don't have a business at the moment, but I would like to give a special shout out to Carole Anne, and thank you so much for bringing this book forward and inviting us to write our stories and share them and supporting us along the way, even a second edition of the book. Thank you so very much. A big thank you to Sheila for creating this podcast. And sometimes I want to listen to things rather than read things. And so I think your podcast is a brilliant idea.



Well, thank you. So much gratitude for everyone listening. I hope you've been inspired by the journey and our conversation here. So you've just listened to the Spiritual Geek podcast. Thank you for joining us. If you've enjoyed the episode, be sure to share a comment and a rating on your favorite podcast platform. If you were inspired, consider sharing with friends and family. Love and light to each of you, and may your day be filled with joy and wisdom as you consciously create your life.


Tammy Manzo Profile Photo

Tammy Manzo

Astrologer/Energy Healer/Akashic Records Navigator/Spiritual Alchemist

Tammy is a self-proclaimed astrology geek. She looks at everything through the lens of energy and vibration as shown in your birth chart. Using your chart as a navigational guide to your Akashic records, she can decipher the root causes of patterns, programs, thought forms, wounds and more. She uses sacred geometry to clear these in the birth chart. She also facilitates past life healing in the Akashic records. She loves nothing more than to "turn the old into gold" for clients, holding the space for magical transformations and spiritual alchemy. It is easier than you think.

Carol Anne Halstead Profile Photo

Carol Anne Halstead

Author, Home and Property Dowsing Expert

Carol Anne Halstead is the author of "Modern Ascension: Stories From the Spiritual Paths of High Initiates" and "Divine Healing: Powerful Stories of Transformation With Higher Selves and Beings of Light." She has been affiliated with the Ascended Masters’ Portal in New Zealand since 2013, passing out of the cycle of re-birth in 2016. With no formal book writing experience, Carol Anne decided to share her Ascension journey and compile stories from others on the same path. Her books are meant to inspire others to raise their spiritual vibration and connect with the Ascended Masters for the purposes of Ascension and healing.