May 3, 2023

Creating Your Reality with Kimberley Roles

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Creating Your Reality with Kimberley Roles

Hello Bright Lights! Coach and Healer, Kimberley Roles joins me for an in depth conversation about creating your own reality. We discuss tools and techniques and inspiration along our journeys.

About Kimberley: Kimberley Roles is known for her dynamic storytelling, sense of humor, and her no BS approach to Spirituality and change work. She’s a Certified yoga and meditation facilitator, spiritual teacher and mentor, and workshop presenter. Kim brings a down-to-earth approach to spiritual concepts that can be powerfully applied in people’s personal lives and businesses. She’s a Law of Attraction Coach, writer, energy healer, and EFT (emotional freedom technique) facilitator.

After realizing her own ascension path for longer than she realized, Kim helps guide her clients to create their own unique experience with spirituality and to not just “take her word for it”. She uses Spiritual Mentorship to help her clients remove limiting blocks, rewrite old stories, rewire new beliefs, and reimagine their lives. She combines all her tools to coach both the conscious and unconscious mind!

She leads by example and shows that you can do deep, life-changing, healing work while still laughing and having fun! Reminding people that transformation is an inside job. She is a Guide, a Teacher; Coach for you; but someone who woke up; did the work, ( still does the work), remembered that we came here to create our own reality and would really love to remind you; that you are that creator of your own life!

About Sheila: Sheila is a coach, technical geek, author and energy healer. She works with spiritual seekers to assist them in discovering, embracing and standing in their Soul's power. She helps them create momentum with coaching, support and healing so they can light up their path to step forward in service to humanity.


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[00:00:09.670] - Sheila

Welcome to the Spiritual Geek Podcast, Wisdom for Modern Times, where we focus on living with intention to consciously create a life you love and celebrate. I'm your host, Sheila Franzen, and I'm so excited to share another episode with you. Today, Kimberly Rolls has joined me for a discussion about creating your own reality, one of my favorite topics. Kimberly is known for her dynamic storytelling, sense of humor, and her no BS approach to spirituality and change work. She's a certified yoga and meditation facilitator, spiritual teacher, and mentor, and workshop presenter. She brings down to Earth approach to spiritual concepts that can be powerfully applied in people's personal lives and businesses. She's a law of attraction coach, a writer, energy healer, and an EFT emotional freedom technique facilitator. She leads by example and shows you that you can do deep, life changing, healing work while still laughing and having fun, reminding people that transformation is an inside job. She's a guide, teacher, coach for you. But someone who woke up, did the work, still does the work. Remember that we came here to create our own reality and would love to remind you that you are a creator of your own life.


[00:01:24.190] - Sheila

Welcome, Kimberly. It's great to have you here. Is there anything else you would like to share as part of your introduction?


[00:01:31.600] - Kimberley

Well, it is great to be here with you again and with your listeners, and I thank you for having me. That was a lot that explains exactly who I am and what I do. However, I can't tell you that I just was born and just realized, oh, I create my own reality. It often takes, I would say, something that triggers rigger is something in your life to make you realize that something is not right. There's more to this. We didn't come here to just wake up every day and have breakfast, right? Go to work, come home, take a shower, whatever, eat, go to bed, wake up, go to work. So in my case, I had a child when I was a teenager, and that is exactly what happened to me. My life was robotic. I did what I had to do to get by. Still, it wasn't until my 30 s when my mom passed away, when that was probably the trigger, actually it was the trigger that brought me to where I am, to realize that I can change things. We were born for more. It's our birthright to have more than this 3D reality that we wake up to every day.


[00:02:50.700] - Kimberley

I know that's a lot. I know. I know. What happened for me was when my mom passed, like you said, I started before I became a yoga teacher. I started taking yoga and meditation because I had never done this before in my life. It was actually a psychologist that referred me to it because this talking to a psychologist just was not helping me move on with my life. Just repeating things that were wrong with me over and over and over just seemed to just keep them alive. You know what I mean? This isn't helping me. I flat out told them that. I'm like, No offense because I liked the guy, but I'm like, This is not helping me. Come in here and pay me week after week to just keep reiterating the same thing. The things that you're telling me to try or the medication that you're giving me is just not working for me. He actually was the one who said, Have you ever tried meditation or yoga? I'm like, No, what are you talking about? How's that going to help me? Well, Nielsen said it sure did. They say when the student is ready, the teacher will appear.


[00:04:02.290] - Sheila

I love that.


[00:04:03.770] - Kimberley

I had never heard that before. But when I went to my first yoga class and became a member of my yoga studio, these people came out of the woodwork. It started for me all with a reading with a medium. I had never had a reading before. I can't say I don't believe in psychics and mediums, but I was brought up in the church e were taught it was the work of the devil. My mom that I knew of never believed in any of that or would allow me to do any of that. But I was committed to finding out if my mom was really there. I needed to hear from her. I needed to know. I needed to know what was true and what wasn't. I found a website called of spirit. Com. It was basically this guy who just does readings. He gets paid for or gets free readings probably at this point from any psychedelic or medium in the world. He lists who's good, who's not, who told the truth, who did. You get a vibe for who you want to work with based on his stories and his experiences. I knew it was down to two.


[00:05:16.640] - Kimberley

One was in Texas and one was a nun in England. I was so not awake at the time that I did not understand how a psychedelic was going to get in touch with my mom.


[00:05:31.180] - Sheila

Over the phone? How does that work? How can you.


[00:05:36.180] - Kimberley

Not be sitting in front of me and touching my.


[00:05:38.900] - Sheila

Hands or the piece of jewelry or something?


[00:05:42.300] - Kimberley

N ealist to say, I went with the Texas woman. I think she's a little closer than England.


[00:05:50.470] - Sheila

That's awesome.


[00:05:53.740] - Kimberley

This woman, she started this whole path. But I'll tell you this, she told me things that... This was 14 years ago. There was no way in hell... Google wasn't what it is today and you couldn't get as much information. But she was telling me. She was singing church songs that my mom would sing because she was in the choir. She knew my mom's name began with a D. She didn't know anything about me but my name and my phone number. She became a mentor to me. She and I had follow up readings. I even had a reading for my dad I paid for so that he could understand because my dad was going through stuff, too. I have a brother and two sisters, but my dad was more open than anyone. He had a meeting with this woman. I mean, I never saw the man cry in my life. And like I said to you, she was in Texas. I'm in Rhode Island, by the way. And I was at a point in my life where I was really depressed. I hated my job. I didn't have a mom. I was a mom myself and leaned on her to help me raise my son in a lot of regards.


[00:07:17.200] - Kimberley

I spoke to someone, not a psychopath, I guess what we would call these days a life coach, but I didn't even know what life coaches were back then. Literally all this stuff, it's amazing. So she advised me to go on a trip by myself. She's like, You need to go away by yourself. And I'm like, What? You want me to fly and go and stay somewhere by myself. I won't even go to eat by myself, go see a movie by myself. You want me to get on a plane and go live somewhere by myself? And it was the best thing I ever did. This is what happened. I chose a place. I love the beach. I chose a place in Florida because I figured, okay, it's still on the East Coast. It's only like maybe a three hour flight. I found a house on Verbo at the time. They didn't have the Airbnb back then on Verbo. Lo and behold, I did not have a car until anything else. I was just literally in this little house crusted from the beach. I went for a walk, walked by a bookstore. I say the FH word, I should have been Eitan.


[00:08:30.740] - Sheila



[00:08:33.040] - Kimberley

Was walking by this bookstore and there was a flyer in the window with the woman who I had the Psychic Reading in Texas with her picture and her name. Oh, my gosh. Yes, Sheila, I swear. It was an area of South of Tampa. She was going to be in this bookstore signing a book. I had never experienced anything like this, so I can't even explain to you. I'm feeling like my whole body vibrate right now as I'm telling you this and reliving it because I couldn't believe it could be true. I'm like, you're in Texas. What do you mean? This can't be happening. But it was. And I met her. And Nielsen say that was 14 years ago. I still am in touch with this woman. I had flown back and forth a few times since then to visit with her, who introduced me to other people, who introduced me to... She was like, I think you're ready for Abraham Hicks. Hello, Abraham Hicks. another hand, Hicks Wayne Dyer. She thought I was ready to start on this journey to realize that I didn't have to stay stuck in this situation that I was in and stay in this depression and stay in this job and stay.


[00:09:47.530] - Kimberley

S he's like, Just listen to it, just read it and see what you get from it. Then there was the book, The Secret. The doors just kept opening. Then I met a woman who did Reiki. I never heard of Reiki. The doors just kept opening and opening. I think that's what happens when you are ready, when your soul, when your spirit knows that it's not really of this 3D reality, that you're more than just this body, this stuff just comes to you. It just happens and the right people come along and the right books and the right video, whatever, the right people just come along. It usually shakes everything up in your world and you don't know what's going on. And sometimes I know that you're going to wish maybe you didn't wake up to this reality because as your vibration rises, you're no longer the match of some of your friends or people that you've been friends with for years. And you don't have the same things in common anymore. And you lose friends and you might lose boyfriends or lovers, girlfriends. And you don't have someone to talk to and walk through with this new found sense of life that you have.


[00:11:05.720] - Kimberley

But one of the quickest and biggest struggles that I have or that people have when trying to manifest, I think is they teach you so nonchalantly in these books like The Secret, that what we want in our reality is going to happen if we just ask and we visualize and we ask for the universe to bring it to us and we put it on a board. I think there's a lot that was left out of that. I learned along the way that you can't... We pray for things and then we get mad when they don't show up because we expect them to come in a certain time, in a certain way. Going back to even before my experiences, just wanting someone to ask me to go to prom, praying to God every night with this guy asked me out, let him ask me to go to prom. You know what I mean? And just thinking that it was just going to happen. And sometimes it does. But to learn to let go, to learn to trust, to give up, to surrender, to learn that the universe and source can bring things in even better than what we're asking for.


[00:12:19.470] - Kimberley

If we can just let it go and trust that we're being taken care of, that there are things that we're trying to bring into our life that they see a bigger picture. And maybe later on, we find out why that didn't happen. I guess my point is that I just don't want people to waste years of their life getting to the point where they want to be now learning how to work with the law of attraction and spending all these years not knowing the right ways to do it. So I guess.


[00:12:53.520] - Sheila

I just want to... Well, I think that's just it. In some ways, there is no right way. You have to find the way that works for you. I do love what you've mentioned around... I think it's just a good reminder. I was actually thinking a lot about this recently in a conversation with one of my daughters where she had mentioned teacher versus student. That aspect of where's the responsibility lie? Well, the responsibility, just as we're going to talk about creating our own reality, it lies with the student, not with the teacher. The teacher has a responsibility, of course, to share information and do so in integrity. Whether that's in an academic world or a spiritual world or wherever you're learning, but it's really up to the student to take the ownership in what they're learning and how they use it and what they do with it. I just love that you mentioned that beautiful little phrase, when the student's ready, the teacher will appear. So that's the beginning of that manifestation. So when we talk about creating our own reality, you've shared your awakening story, which I love. I just think it's beautiful when we get to hear each other's stories around how we woke up.


[00:14:17.180] - Sheila

How did we come to this realization that we're the ones responsible for what's going on in our world? You mentioned quite a few things in that journey for you, but do you recall the moment where you were like, I created all of this, I'm responsible for fixing it and changing it. Do you remember what that was?


[00:14:40.910] - Kimberley

I can tell you, I don't know if any of the... I'm assuming people who are listening to your podcast have some sense of... We're on a spiritual podcast, so they must have some sense of that there is more than just what we wake up and see and do every day. I would say that what did it for me was the phrase, speaking of phrases, or the quote, energy flows where attention goes. Everything is an energy, everything's a frequency, everything's vibrating at a frequency, and you can change it just by changing your thoughts. And I would say that this is now not maybe who I would go to, but this was the thing that cracked me open was Esther Hicks channeling Abraham Hicks. I could not get enough if anyone hasn't listened and I don't know, maybe you're way above this and maybe you have never heard of... But this was my first... I never knew what channeling was. I never knew that you could channel beings. Back then, I didn't even understand. Like I said, I went to Church and I believed in God and angels and the Saints and the Ark angels. I knew that our soul went somewhere.


[00:16:02.430] - Kimberley

But like I said, I needed that reading to prove to me that that really was true. But I would say that after listening and re listening and re listening and writing, I have a certain I know you can't see, but I have a suitcase full of journals, full of journals of things that I would just listen to, Eitan, and literally, you could just type in YouTube, you know what I mean? And then type in what your problem was, and boom, they would bring up an episode of exactly what you needed to hear. And everything that was being channeled was exactly what I needed to hear. And it brought so many aha moments. The moment I would say I was dealing with two things I think at once. I wasn't happy, honestly. I was not happy at this time in my life. I hated my job and I was only doing it because I needed a job when I had my son. I needed a job that made me money, that paid my bills, that brought me health insurance because my son didn't have health insurance. And then I got stuck in that job because that was what I knew.


[00:17:12.910] - Kimberley

I was also lonely. I also wanted a boyfriend. I would say that finding out that positive thoughts activate the world around you. What you put out positive brings you back positive results. Everything vibrates. Everything is energy. You are energy. Your thoughts and feelings are energy. You attract whatever you set your energy to. That was the law that put me in control of my life, of changing everything, of setting my vibration to match the vibration of what I want. I was able... Go ahead.


[00:18:02.460] - Sheila

Yeah. So that ownership of, one, recognizing that energy creates everything, but owning it. For me, it's the aspect of it's 100 % personal responsibility. And when you start to live your life from that, then it just becomes what are the tools? What are the beliefs? Where am I resisting something? But it all comes back to knowing that we create. What I'm getting right now is this trying to differentiate the aspect of... There's the concept of we create our reality and we really can attract things into our world. We literally, energy creates our reality. Then there's the aspect of choice that becomes what we're choosing, but also the aspect of choice that lets us perceive our reality in a different way. I remember when I first started learning about this concept of creating our own reality and the secret, what the bleep do we know? One of my earliest... I look back in my life and I can remember even as a basketball player in high school, I would sit and visualize every play that was everything we had ever learned before every game. So that when I got into the game, I would know where I was supposed to be on the court.


[00:19:43.850] - Sheila

I was sitting and visualizing how things were to work. And I didn't know what it was called then, but for me, I was like, I just wanted to be prepared. Now I know.


[00:19:56.140] - Kimberley



[00:19:56.800] - Sheila

Now I know that that skill is really part of what we talk about when we want to say we want to create our reality, right? I was creating a reality that said, I want to be where I'm supposed to be when I'm supposed to be there in my own little world. But you can do that if we start talking a little bit about actual techniques of how do we create our own reality, what does that actually look like? I think I've been looking at this topic for 25 years in this world of how do we actually do it? I remember listening to Tony Robbins' Personal Power series of cassette tapes back in my 20s. I still remember this story in there where it was people who took his teachings, his teaching from the perspective of we create our reality with our thoughts. And they sat and thought about winning the lottery. It was a husband and a wife and wife every day. And eventually they won the lottery. And I still remember that moment in my mind because I was like, Wow, okay. So we really can attract the entire universe to align for us if we spend enough time.


[00:21:16.660] - Sheila

And I think that there's a difference between thinking and feeling. We can create the thoughts and the imagery in our head, but at least everything I've read, continuing with all the different channelings by Saint Germain and Ascended Master Jesus and Yesheva and all kinds of people, it's whether we can drop into the feeling of knowing that it's already happened.


[00:21:43.890] - Kimberley

Exactly. One of the other things that I learned, speaking of visualizing and feeling and thinking, for me was, besides, like I said to you, I journal. I journal And when you're in that feeling, that vibration of what it is that you want and you're writing it down and you're turning those words, the words are powerful because your words bring up the feeling, which bring up the vibration. And vision boards, creating... The first time I took a vision board class, I had never known what one was, and now I make them all the time. And the things that I have created off my vision board, when I look back and think, maybe they're not the biggest things. I think that I try to... Well, of course, I do put things on that I want that maybe might take a while to get. But within 6 to 9 months, I try and create a vision board of things that will appear in maybe 6 to 9 months because I think if you try and start a little bit smaller to prove to yourself that you can create that, then it just builds up your confidence. I remember one of the things Abraham Hicks talking about, even Wayne Dyer, was creating a parking spot.


[00:23:07.010] - Kimberley

So you go into the mall at Christmas time. You've obviously heard this. Go to the mall at Christmas time, parking is crazy. But when you go in there knowing I'm going to have a parking spot right up front and not even worrying about it and driving. And don't you know, lo and behold, somebody pulls out and you pull right in and you got that spot right up front. So starting small. So I don't know for people who don't know what a vision... Some people call them treasure maps or vision boards or picture boards, and they don't even have to be on an actual physical poster board. You can nowadays even do it on your cell phone. You couldn't do it back then when I started doing it. But putting pictures or words or feelings or affirmations, things that you want to experience in your life that you can actually look at and put it somewhere. So mine is right outside between my bedroom and my bathroom. I have to walk by that every day. And it's a reminder every day of the things that I want in my life. I look at them and it automatically shifts my vibration, my...


[00:24:18.960] - Kimberley

What story I'm looking for? I might wake up like, I don't want to go to work. I can't stay in this job. I'm tired. And then by the time I... Or sometimes I'll even have Post it notes on my mirror in the bathroom. I walk by there and I'm like, Okay, I'm going to go to work, but I know this is temporary because I know that this is happening in the background. Because now I'm up, I'm looking at this, it's shifting my vibration. I'm remembering what it is that I'm really here for, what I really want. And by the time I leave for work, my attitude has completely changed.


[00:24:55.760] - Sheila

That's beautiful. It's the remembrance. It's the reminder of how do I want to feel and what is the outcome that I want to create. I spent a lot of time, probably, I don't know, five or six years, I can't even, probably hundreds of books I read in the late 20s and my early 30s. And some of the ones that stand out the most to me were I worked with a group of people and we were doing a ton of personal development work. And there was a set of books that was introduced to me called Neveling. I don't know if you've ever heard of Nevel Goddard, but we always... Oh, Nevel? Yes. Nevel. Yeah, it was called Neveling.


[00:25:36.550] - Kimberley

Yeah, I know who Nyer talks about. Okay.


[00:25:38.400] - Sheila

And so it's all about you have to feel it. And so that concept of you look at the vision board and it's a reminder, and then you find yourself feeling it. And it's the concept of focusing on not necessarily how you get there, but that you are already there and then giving a lot of the processes. The fun for me is I just learned about a new technique that I hadn't heard about before. I follow the Mind Valley work, and he's got a class out there around the Silver Mind Control Method by Jose Silver that was written in the late 70s. It's like all the techniques have a theme that runs through them. That's the fun for me is it's hearing how people have discovered on their own the incredible power that we live in. When we talk about creating our reality, Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill, that was back in the 30s. But it's a classic. If you haven't read Think and Grow Rich, you should read Think and Grow Rich because it's a classic in this world of talking about creating our own reality. It's just people that were like, Oh, I found that I could...


[00:27:04.820] - Sheila

Jose Silva did it by training his kids to actually become an aspect of almost telepathy, right? Like answering questions before the question was asked, or knowing the answer before the question was asked, and this aspect of tapping into the universal consciousness that exists and that we're all connected and that we're arranging our reality by the choices that we make and the energy that we put out. I love the aspect of pick a technique, pick any of them, but you have to practice it. I do the parking spot thing every time. Me too. I love that you remind me because I'm like, I do it automatically. I've done it for so long now. I go to park and I'm like, universe, bring me a parking spot and there'll be a parking spot.


[00:27:58.610] - Kimberley

It's amazing. When you have someone else in the car with you and they see it and they're like, what?


[00:28:03.990] - Sheila

And I'm like, Yeah, well, I just asked for a parking spot. They're like, You did what? It's like, Yeah, I'm asking for a parking spot. But I have gone back recently, actually, just in the past six weeks or so, and I've reread some of the books that were most influential to me. I started playing with literally every night before I go to bed again. I go to bed each night and I lay in gratitude for my day. But I hadn't been playing with this concept of, well, what do I want to create in my reality? I started doing some visualizations with little things again and just really intending because I used to have a whole list of things like I did every morning and every night. What am I creating? So it's really fun to just come back. I think Pam, I think, Pam, crap, Pam, gee, I can't remember the E squared books and all of these books. But one that I have recently reread is Dr. Meag Blackburn Lucy's Pyramids of Light. I just have read this in the past five days. There's a part she has in here of creating the reality we want.


[00:29:18.310] - Sheila

And she says, each time we make a choice in our life, we change the path of our consciousness toward the results of that choice. In the moment we make a choice, we affect all that we are and all reality in the universe simultaneously. As we expand the energy of that choice, that energy is communicating. And she talks about throughout the corridors of the null zones, which is the space in between atoms, and how all the particulates actually start to rearrange, creating a different set of harmonic relationships. Therefore, we're creating a new reality with every choice that we make. And it's like you sit with that and you realize that even the words we choose to say and the feeling... That's probably another whole... I'd love another whole conversation. I was just.


[00:30:14.780] - Kimberley

Going to add to that. It's a.


[00:30:16.300] - Sheila

Choice and how we want to talk about how emotions get created and all of that, but we can't cover all that today. But the final thing she says is we must believe unequivocally that reality will manifest. And so it's this play between we use our mind to create our beliefs and to make our choices. And that's the power of consciousness and free will on this planet. But then we have to focus on the outcome. And that's a lot of what Neveling talks about in Think and thinking grow rich and the silver. Tom Kenyan has a beautiful process that he channeled in the great human potential around how to manifest something and to be in the feeling of it, focusing on the outcome because that's the power. It's not... I just love this because is it true, we can create anything we want. The thing I'm hearing right now is, yeah, but I've tried it and it doesn't work. Yeah, it can feel like it doesn't work. But are you looking at what you're thinking?


[00:31:33.910] - Kimberley

Oh, gosh. I was just going to say something about that.


[00:31:36.890] - Sheila

Of course. Because the moment you say, I want to create... I remember I used to have goals of I want to manifest a job making $100,000 a year, working 40 hours a week. Because at the time, I was working probably 70 hours a week, and I was really tired of 70 hours a week. But then the mind, because it is used to how we can't do things in this universe on the planet right now. When the mind comes up and is like, No, you can't. Now you've accepted that choice and you've put energy into the no, I can't. One of the most powerful things with any of these techniques is recognizing and digging into what are the doubts that you're putting out into the universe? What are the questions? Where do you not believe it? Because those are the gems of how do you heal? How do you transform a belief that maybe you took on? I did a ton of work around money and abundance for a period of my life. We have so many cultural beliefs about money or spiritual beliefs or religious beliefs or family beliefs. It's always other people's money or we don't have money or we shouldn't have money or money creates evil.


[00:32:55.580] - Sheila

And so as soon as you say, I want to live in abundance and you're like, yeah, but money is the root of all evil. Well, now you put both into the universe, you're not going to get anything. It's like counteracting each other. You're like putting confusion into the universe. How have you dealt with those?


[00:33:17.360] - Kimberley

You just brought up so much.


[00:33:21.040] - Sheila

How have you dealt with trying to resolve the resistance? Like, I create this idea of a future because I think a lot of people do play in this reality of, yeah, I want to create my reality. I get that. I understand it. I've read all this, but then it doesn't work. And so then we stop. I think it's the how do you not stop? Where do you... How do you... What do you need to keep going?


[00:33:47.720] - Kimberley

I think we all follow the bandwagon. Sure. I agree. I have so many things I could say. Well, just focus on.


[00:33:58.670] - Sheila

The on one technique of how you keep yourself on the bandwagon.


[00:34:04.610] - Kimberley

Okay. Well, okay, let me start. There's so many things that I want to say about what you just said. So the first thing I would say to people is that energy attracts like, and where you're putting your focus is where you're expanding your energy. So too many people that I know, and this is really hard, and this is what I was talking about when I'm telling you, not everybody is going to agree with what you're doing or saying or how you're getting it. And there are people that are going to be jealous because they don't understand the concept that they can do the same thing that you're doing. But I feel like too much attention is given to the negative things and things that we don't want too much attention. And then I'm not going to stay on the subject, but I'm going to start here. Too much attention is given to the mass shootings, politics, the stock market. We give it so much energy by listening to it and fighting it. And even fighting it is giving it energy. We're not focusing on the good things on the opposite of that. We're like, you know what I mean?


[00:35:10.360] - Kimberley

So it's like, oh, we've had X amount of shootings this year so far. Okay, yeah, let's give that more power. So we don't want to focus on that stuff. So I think a lot of people are so heavily focused on what they don't want to see. They don't want to see the price of eggs going up, but they keep talking about the damn price of eggs going up. Start saying, I can't believe how cheap eggs are. I can't believe how much the price of eggs... Do you know what I'm saying? So that's.


[00:35:39.530] - Sheila

The moment. That's the part that is we create our experience of life by how we choose to look at things. It's as simple as is that glass half full or is it half empty? And people feel like they don't have choice, but it really is. and it takes practice. If you've spent 30 years and you grew up in an environment with parents whose glass was always half full, and a whole lot of us did, because guess what those parents grew up with? They grew up with parents living in a depression and the glass was only half full. So it's going to take practice. Sometimes it's just practice to say, no, I can look at the glass that's half full and I can forgive. Listen to last week's episode. I can forgive my parents and the grandparents and the parents before them for all of those mental patterns that were handed down to me.


[00:36:38.200] - Kimberley

My dad, literally two days ago... My dad's 80, he's going to be 81 soon. He is on Medicaid. It's a long story, but I found out that my dad is entitled to Medicare. He doesn't make any money other than social security, and he's a veteran, so he gets some benefits from the Veterans Association. But he's entitled to so many things like heating assistance, electric, a card that will help him pay for his food if he applies for Medicare. So I'm finding this out and I say to him, dad, how do you feel about... I know it's paperwork, he gets very nervous and anxious and I do too because it always turns back on me. It's on me all this. But he eats food out of the can. And I say to him, Let me help you. If we can apply for this Medicare, then you can get a card that you'll have so much. It'll be like your credit card. You go to the market and you use it and you can buy actual prepared food that you can just stick in the microwave. But it's better than eating Campbell's soup every day or whatever.


[00:37:47.330] - Kimberley

He's like, I don't know. Let me think about it. He's like, I feel like I don't want to take that away from... There's other people that might need it. I'm like, Oh, my God. I know so many people right now that are not working, that are fully capable of working, that are younger than me, that are getting this from the system. But he has that mindset of that there's not enough. If I take this, that means I'm taking it away from someone else because he doesn't have that understanding that you're not taking it from someone else. The world is an abundant place. There's plenty for everyone. I grew up, like I said, religious. I grew up in a church, but I can't say that I am religious. I am spiritual. I still have that background, which I'm grateful for. I wouldn't even know who the archangels and the Masters and Jesus and God and all these things were if I didn't go to church. But it says right in the Bible, there's so many people really read the Bible.


[00:38:49.430] - Sheila



[00:38:49.780] - Kimberley

The Hebrews says, Now faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see. God loves you to meet your needs. Matthew says, do not worry. What will we eat? What will we drink? What will we wear for clothing? For the gentiles, eagerly seek all these things for your heavenly father knows what you need. All these things. And God is able to make all grace abound to you so that always having all sufficiency in everything, you may have an abundance for every good deed. I mean, it just goes on and on, Sheila. And you.


[00:39:25.420] - Sheila

Can find that in every spiritual philosophy. There is aspects every religion, every Bible of each religion, so to speak, has similar concepts of manifestation and reality and provided for and being personally responsible for our reality. That's always the intent and it gets skewed by all kinds of things. But if we come back to that, it's our beliefs. But how do we get past those? How do we shift into creating our own reality? I always find resistance is the biggest gift of life is noticing where your resistance is because if you're going to create something and you realize there's resistance, if you don't deal with the resistance, creation is not going to be easy. Right.


[00:40:22.550] - Kimberley

Now, you can return now to what feels right with an adjustment of your thought process, an adjustment of your vibration, which I'll talk about, and changing your point of attraction, and then finally letting in all of that wellbeing that just flown to you always, as Abraham Hicks would say. For instance, getting addicted to feeling good, exercising in nature to release good endorphins, watching a beautiful sunrise or sunset, hug a puppy, pet a cat, doing good things, create an attitude of gratitude, where you keep a journal and add to it every day all of the blessings that you got today, all the blessings that you have now, and expressing the gratitude for what you have now just manifests the more desires that you're putting out there that you're trying to bring into your existence. Trying to guided meditation and visualization of what your world would look like when you have manifested the prosperity that you desire, creating visual images like I talked about earlier, like on a vision board or whatever. I love.


[00:41:30.260] - Sheila

That because what you're really listing are the ways that we heal, right? If we're not creating the reality that we desire, then we have something that needs to heal or something that needs to transform, whether it's a belief. I love that you mentioned beliefs or energy and all of these beautiful, amazing things that we can shift our perspective, make different choices. Exactly. And it brings awareness to those pieces and processes of creation. So as you started to mention those, it feels like we're probably at a fairly good stopping point. There's so much stuff. I could talk. I love this topic. I love creating reality. So, Kimberly, why don't you share with us how can people, you clearly have some expertise around this. If people wanted to work with you and learn more about manifesting, where would be a good place that they could start to know more about working with you?


[00:42:41.600] - Kimberley

Sheila, thank you. I actually have an awesome website that someone created for me. It is just Kimberly Roels. Com. I am actually giving to all your listeners today, just a starting point, one of the courses that I created. Actually, it's not even so much a course as it is an activation, a meditation, something to listen to, to raise your vibration, to help you understand that you do create abundance and you can do this called Creating Total Abundance Clearing webinar. And if you go to Kimberly Rose and that's Kimberly with an E, K, I, M, B, E, R, L, E, Y, and then my last name, Roles, R, O, L, E, S. Com. Kimberly Rose. Com create. I'll be giving away this free webinar where we'll be doing some amazing energy healing and activations together. W e'll have all our helpers from my other side there with us and cut once and for all some cords that we didn't even know that we were carrying, which could be another whole episode. It's clearing your energy. Hopefully, it will open up your life on how the universe steps in to give you everything that you've ever wanted.


[00:43:59.830] - Kimberley

That's the law of attraction. And you'll always receive the exact frequency that you admit. Just remember that the universe is always saying yes to you. So head on over to Kimberly Rose. Com or Facebook. I usually have those little one minute reels with some inspirational videos for you on my Facebook page of the same name, Kimberly Roles.


[00:44:22.600] - Sheila



[00:44:24.160] - Kimberley



[00:44:25.040] - Sheila

You. Thank you for joining me today. It's truly so much fun to talk about creating our reality because there's a whole lot of us here on the planet and it's easy to get caught up in somebody else's story and somebody else's beliefs and frustrations or our own. And it truly is just stepping back into our power, our inner strength and owning that we create our reality. So thank you again for being here. Thank you, Shayla.


[00:44:59.970] - Kimberley

Thank you all. You've just.


[00:45:02.900] - Sheila

Listened to the Spiritual Geek podcast. Thank you for joining us. If you've enjoyed this episode, be sure to share a comment and rating on your favorite podcast platform. It helps others to find the show and enjoy these incredible conversations. If you are inspired, consider sharing with friends and family. Love and light to each of you. May your day be filled with joy and wisdom as you consciously create your life.


Kimberley Roles Profile Photo

Kimberley Roles

Spiritual Junkie

Kimberley Roles is known for her dynamic storytelling, sense of humor, and her no BS approach to Spirituality and change work. She’s a Certified yoga and meditation facilitator, spiritual teacher and mentor, and workshop presenter.
Kim brings a down-to-earth approach to spiritual concepts that can be powerfully applied in people’s personal lives and businesses. She’s a Law of Attraction Coach, writer, energy healer, and EFT (emotional freedom technique) facilitator.

After realizing her own ascension path for longer than she realized, Kim helps guide her clients to create their own unique experience with spirituality and to not just “take her word for it”. She uses Spiritual Mentorship to help her clients remove limiting blocks, rewrite old stories, rewire new beliefs, and reimagine their lives. She combines all her tools to coach both the conscious and unconscious mind!

She leads by example and shows that you can do deep, life-changing, healing work while still laughing and having fun!
Reminding people that transformation is an inside job. She is a Guide, a Teacher; Coach for you; but someone who woke up; did the work, ( still does the work), remembered that we came here to create our own reality and would really love to remind you; that you are that creator of your own life!