Aug. 14, 2024

Conflict Revolution and Personal Responsibility for Peace with Barbara With

Welcome to Episode 25 of the Spiritual Geek Podcast! Join your host, Sheila Franzen, as she dives into an enlightening conversation with international peace activist, author, and psychic channel, Barbara With. In this episode, Barbara shares her transformative journey from conflict to compassion, shedding light on pre-birth soul agreements, free will, and the profound significance of taking 100% responsibility for our lives. Discover how to transform anger and blame into peace and understanding, and explore Barbara's pioneering Conflict Revolution methodology. From tales of personal growth to insights on global peace, this episode is a goldmine for anyone interested in spirituality, conflict resolution, and self-improvement. Tune in, breathe out, and get ready to be inspired! Don't forget to share and spread the message of conscious living. 🌟 #SpiritualGeek #ConflictRevolution #BarbaraWith #Peace #Spirituality #SelfImprovement #Podcast

About Barbara: Barbara With is an international peace activist, award-winning author/publisher, psychic channel, composer and performer, workshop facilitator and inspirational speaker. She is the co-founder of Conflict REVOLUTION®—World Peace, one person at a time, starting with self, a revolutionary way to resolve conflicts of the psyche based on her work channeling the “Angels” and Albert Einstein. She has authored six nonfiction books on metaphysics, including Diaries of a Psychic Sorority: Talking With the Angels with Kimberly Lilith Phelps and Teresa McMillian, and Imagining Einstein: Essays on M-Theory, World Peace & The Science of Compassion. Barbara teaches and trains Conflict REVOLUTION® in the classroom and on ZOOM, and is currently on a World Peace Tour, calling out to the Participation of the Willing for a “Worldwide Nonviolent Action to End the Age of War.” She is traveling the world presenting her Einstein’s Unified Field Theory, Maps of Human Consciousness and the Science of Compassion.

About Sheila: Sheila is a coach, author and energy healer. She helps others see the way forward so that they can consciously create a life they love and celebrate. You can discover more at

DISCLAIMER: Please note that the opinions and views expressed by the host and guests are solely their own and do not represent any particular religious or spiritual belief system. The information provided in this podcast is for educational and entertainment purposes only and should not be taken as professional advice. Thank you for joining us on this journey of self-discovery and spiritual growth.


Barbara With's Website

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Course: Live a More Balanced Life

Spiritual Geek Podcast

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Sheila Franzen

Welcome to the Spiritual Geek podcast, Wisdom for Modern Times, where we focus on living with intention to consciously create a life you love and celebrate. I'm your Spiritual Geek, Sheila Franson, and so excited to share another episode with you. Today, we have Barbara With here to talk about world peace being an inside job. Barbara is an international peace activist, award-winning author, publisher, psychic channel, composer and performer, workshop facilitator, and inspirational speaker. She's the co founder of Conflict Revolution World Peace, One Person at a Time, Starting with Self, a Revolutionary Way to Resolve Conflicts of the Psychie, based on her work, Channeling the Angels, and Albert Einstein. She's authored six non-fiction books on metaphysics, including the diaries of a Psychic Sorority: Talking with the Angels with Kimberly Willa Phelps and Theresa McMillan. Imagining Einstein: Essays on In Theory: World Peace and the Science of Compassion. Barbara teaches and trains conflict revolution in the classroom and on Zoom, and is currently on a world peace tour, calling out to the participation of the willing for a worldwide non-violent action to end the age of War. She She's traveling the world presenting her Einstein's unified field theory, maps of Human Consciousness, and the Science of Compassion.


Sheila Franzen

Welcome, Barbara. It's wonderful to have you here.


Barbara With

Oh, thank you so much. It's great to be here. I know we're going to have a good conversation. Awesome.


Sheila Franzen

Is there anything else that you'd like to share about yourself as we get started here?


Barbara With

No, that pretty much covers it all. I think that's a gracious plenty.


Sheila Franzen

Yes, it was a mouthful of words there. I always read everybody's bio, and then I try to say it out loud, and I'm like, I get tongue-tied.


Barbara With

Well, especially that one. There's a lot of twists and turns in that one. I was sharing with you before we got started that I had actually downloaded your Imagining Einstein book, Essays on M Theory, World Peace and the Science of Compassion.


Sheila Franzen

It's been wonderful. I actually just started reading it last night, and I then had to move through it a little more quickly this morning so that I could get to the end because I was like, wow, this is really incredible. The wisdom and the knowledge the power you share of how things work in this book is it's just really... Well, it brings the science with the spirituality, which, of course, feeds the geek in me, which is the title that I was given, I think, so that I could start this podcast when the inspiration and intuition guided me to do it. I spent, I don't know, it's just a couple of weeks. I was trying to, What am I going to call this podcast? One day, it finally popped in The Spiritual Geek. I was like, Yes. I shared it with my friends, and everybody was like, Oh, my God, that's perfect for you. You cover so many beautiful conversations in this book. The part that I think speaks to me the most is, I was reading it and I'm like, wow, there's people that will read this and just be like, you're talking at a level I can't even follow.


Sheila Franzen

I read how much you research quantum physics and string theory and probably had to get a lot of scientific terminology into your head to even be able to share all these concepts Einstein was sharing with you. But you've brought it into a language that's really beautiful and makes sense. I just want to acknowledge that. The book is really in-depth and just beautifully written in a way that allows trying to make sense out of this human experience. What are emotions? What's intuition? What's intellect? How do they work together? Just that is like... Because we spend all these years in self-help and self-development and spirituality and trying to make the world a better place or make ourselves better. But nobody explains how they truly work together. I really enjoyed that. I look forward to reading it again so that I can speak to it more.


Barbara With

Yes, it's a very in-depth book. I have to say that when When I wrote it in 2005, it was the... I channeled it. When I channeled it in 2005, it was the 100-year anniversary of E equals MC², and Einstein was on the cover of Time. I just thought, What would Einstein say? Well, let's do a little book just for him, a channel just for him. He came out with this, well, six sessions, and then I spent a lot of time editing, where I would be sitting at the computer and he would Okay. No, I didn't study any physics. I mean, I've been interested in Brian Green and string theory, but I'm not a scientist. So he would say, Google black holes, and I do that and look, and he'd go take those three terms, source, lens, and observer, which are three actual scientific terms from this construction of a black hole, and put him here on our map. I said it was like building a nest. But what he was building on, what he's building that nest on for that book was actually many years before, before he even revealed himself. And I thought I was channeling angels.


Sheila Franzen

And I have my two psychic sorority founding mothers, Kimberly and Teresa, brought together the three of us.


Barbara With

I was looking to do groups. Like you had mentioned that you were a Seth fan. I was very much a Seth fan. And I thought, What would happen if I channeled for a group? This is in 1993. I've been channeling since '87. Nobody that I worked with was interested. I thought that was so strange. But suddenly, Teresa showed up for a reading, never met her, just a referral. Then she sent six of her other friends, and then Kim came. In the long run, we ended up doing the first group reading that I ever did in December 14, 1993. In those groups, the angels told us, We have this formula that we think would be the answer to world peace starting with people, but we need people to actually see and test it on actual life conflicts, because the whole concept was about first resolving the inner conflicts first. And so here were the three of us, and three women have a pretty high percentage managed chances of having conflict between them and amongst them.


Sheila Franzen

It doesn't seem to happen that way.


Barbara With

And we did. And the very first time, because the three of us were on this honeymoon phase of channeling all the time and getting this profound information that was changing our lives about ourselves and how to do this. And we had our first fight. And we were at my kitchen table, and One thing led to another. Finally, I stopped. I said, Hey, let's get the transcript. So we brought it out, and what it said was, If you are involved in a conflict, the emotional root, the root of your part of the conflict. Let me say that again. If you are emotionally involved in a conflict, the root of your part of that conflict is within you. For me, as a pretty traumatized person who was also probably a little ADHD and maybe PTSD and all those other things, that was a revolutionary thought. That, wait, wait, no, it's that person who's acting so poorly towards me. Wait. And so the three of us, in that moment when we read the transcript, had the opportunity to catch it in the act for all of us. And so I completely switched from you, you, you to, Okay, here's what I need to do.


Barbara With

And so did the other two. And the synergy of that moment of change was so profound that when I went to work that night, I'm a singer, a pianist, and I was working at a place, and the waitress, historically, has never liked me. She never has said a word to me. She's never done anything. I walked in that night, and she could not get enough of me. Do you like Patti Smith? I've got some cassettes and put money in my tip jar. And I thought, This is what they're talking about. We manifest something completely different. I could never have solicited that change in her by going at her and saying, Hey, you don't seem to like me. You could never have done what happened that night. And so it's been an experiential, lifelong journey that I have to say that I haven't fully pursued but have been persuaded because I only wanted to have musical success. That was my whole entire life. I'm a songwriter. I was writing songs at 13. I was on the road at 17. That's all I wanted. So to be pulled into this heavenly mission took some persuasion, but I'm so glad I was able to follow my intuition through it all.


Sheila Franzen

Well, I guess that comes back to those pre-birth soul agreements that you are pre-birth, which you had a language for it. Yes. Yes. I love that.


Barbara With

We volunteered and were chosen. That's what they told us.


Sheila Franzen

Yeah. Well, and that's the free will, right? We still have to choose it once we get here, whether we volunteered on the other side or not. Yeah, I love the moment you describe that awakening, right? Really, that was the moment of awakening to move into 100% responsibility for life, right? It's not anyone else's responsibility. It's mine. And that moment when you are able to take 100% responsibility for your life, life changes because you see life differently and you realize that you have work to do. It's not anyone else. It's not because somebody else did something. I mean, they're serving you because they're giving you an opportunity to observe and reflect and witness your own journey through life. And I I think that's where we all eventually arrive at.


Barbara With

Well, we need to go.


Sheila Franzen

I always try not to use need, but it is the possibility that once we get there, you can't go back because you're like, Oh, yeah, I created this. It's my choices. It's my reactions. It's my responsibility. No matter what I've been through this life or past lives, the journey is about owning all of it so that you can transform all of it.


Barbara With

Well, and the ties that the angels, air quotes, brought in, and then Einstein later revealed himself and the party of 12 and the whole gang that is part of the whole movement, they tie all of what you just said to the importance of the global state. When I say need, I mean, if we're going to achieve the global piece that we're looking for, we all need to take responsibility for ourselves in these microscopic ways in order to stop. How did they used to say it? It's like we have these backpacks that we don't know are filled with dynamite, and we're throwing them around in our lockers, and we get home, and we throw them on the thing, and We have so much power that we don't realize has an effect on what manifestsates in the world around us. That's what I love about this Einstein work, is this book that you're talking about, Imagining Einstein, Einstein. Then that came out in 2007. Then for the next maybe seven or eight years, I traveled the world channeling it, teaching it, teaching the workshops, teaching conflict revolution, getting people's input, seeing really how it works. Then I put out the much more comprehensive book called Einstein et al: Manifestation, Conflict, Revolution, and the New Operating System, so that we have what you're talking about what nobody ever told us because no one ever knew.


Barbara With

And leave it to Einstein to be the guy that dies, goes to the other side, figures it out, figures out how to woo three women to come and fight together. I mean, Einstein-ing all the way. And then deliver this process that it's so simple to understand. It's the hardest thing to do, but it's an elegant model based on in Einstein at all, he says, everything, every single religious, spiritual pathway that was ever walked, every scientific turn, the biology, the neurology, the psychology, and It's based on everything, but it is so simple and elegant. My World Peace Tour that I started last July took me all around the world, well, not all around the world. It took me over 23,000 miles around, though, in seven countries, in 16 states. People need to have a path that they can understand. You might not like You might not like to do the shadow work. But if you understand that you doing the shadow work is your actual part of changing the route, which changes because the route is situated in the Earth. I love that idea of the Earth's star that you were talking about with Jeanine Kim.


Barbara With

But Einstein's explanation is the center of our universe is the center of the Earth. It operates like a black hole. And of course, in 2005, when I was channeling that, I thought, you're going to have me go out into the world and tell people, oh, yeah, the center of the universe is a black hole in the center of the Earth. I don't even know what that means. Is that even possible? Well, now we find out it is. Brian Greene just came out with a big thing about it. And there's small black holes, and they operate exactly like we're talking about. And they're speculating that maybe at the root of everything is a black hole. It's like, Yeah, that's what he told me. For people to understand how their operating system works is so huge. It's like Everything drops into place. And even if you don't... Who's ever listening to this, and we'll get into what it means to do Conflict Revolution, but even if you leave the podcast and you never think of me again, or you I've never listened to anything that I say or read anything I've said. It's in there now. You've seen it, you can't unsee it.


Barbara With

I see everything on these maps that he's given us. I can tell you how past lives bleed through very clearly. All the time.


Sheila Franzen



Barbara With

But the mechanism with which they work. He's given us a map to show you exactly how that works. And what, again, Jeanine said about, you don't have to go through all of the details and retraumatize yourself. You got to feel and breathe the emotion and release it into the unification of aligning ourselves to compassion, which is what we teach people to do in conflict revolution. It's very exciting, but it's been a lifelong journey. Many, many twists and turns, that is for sure.


Sheila Franzen

Well, and I get lost in trying to listen in my own train of thoughts of information that's coming in. But that's the fun. This is the fun part. I want to come back to... Because there's a part... This is the thing that stood out for me in the beginning of the book that I'd love to dive into You've talked about these maps, and I got to go read the second book later, but that might have to be a future conversation. You talk about the gravity of your choices. Choice is one of those things for me that I have definitely, the moment I understood the power of choice, I think that was my awakening for me of understanding 100% responsibility for life. But you talk about it from the perspective of after death. I've always found this, it's these moments of people that have talked about their near-death experiences or how the actual energy works, and you said… What you wrote here is, How you direct your free will in life will determine the destiny of your afterlife. On your deathbed, life does does not actually flash before your eyes. The transfer of knowledge into energy is the sum and consequences of all the decisions you made in life, all of the if, P, then, Q.


Sheila Franzen

This is truly the moment of judgment, but not as if some hand reaches out and deems you on your way to heaven or hell. Instead, as the knowledge in your body changes into pure energy, something of a cause and effects takes place. You gain the energy compiled by all all the knowledge acquired from every action and subsequent reaction, as well as the impact of those actions upon you and those around you. There's no getting around this transfer of knowledge. This is a law of the universe. And upon your death, you are held accountable by this law for all the consequences of your life. And then you go on, before we dive into the meaning of that, the next You go on and you talk a little bit more. But this is the part that I was like, if we could just get people to understand this, you end a paragraph with talking about hatred, and hatred projected onto others while alive becomes a part of your compilation and the map of your gravity. That hatred increases exponentially after death, impelling the dark matter to organize into your own personal hell. On the same hand, consciously using free will to act in compassion, organizes a heaven in all its glory, as you will always imagine heaven to be.


Sheila Franzen

Either way, this is how your unique map path, which is part of your inner gravity, allows your consciousness to continue on after your physical body dies. That explanation. Yeah, that is brilliant. Thank Thank you, Einstein. Thank you for being the beautiful channel for him. But that description for me of trying to help people understand why our intention and our energy and our consciousness in this life matters, it matters because we take it with us. I mean, that's the whole thing. If we don't resolve it now, it's just another lifetime. Why not resolve it now? Why not find the freedom to live life in a different way now?


Barbara With

Yes. And by doing so, then we have been given this opportunity here in 2024 in this lens of physical reality that's being created as we're speaking, to also take in the emotion, intuition, and intellect of those other timelines, whether it be earlier in this life or other lives. The way that we're taught to process that, to integrate everything, is that it doesn't matter if it's a traumatized feeling from another life or from your childhood. It's if in present moment, you are fielding the emotion of trauma or anger, we have a very specific way we deal with it, which is much more like you're talking about emotion and the body being of breath. It shouldn't be connecting to the intellectual thoughts that are then defining why you're traumatized and projecting it into reality. We need to channel it through other thoughts. No thoughts at all is probably the best, but I've learned that- That's not always so easy. And that's why we have those conscious mantras. I used to have one that, I don't need to know why I'm mad. I just need to feel and breathe. I don't need to know why I'm mad. I just need to feel and breathe.


Barbara With

I literally We had to repeat it for several weeks during one particularly intense bout of emptying out that trauma. But we don't need to know what those past lives are, because whether it's past life, today, yesterday, traumatized. If it's in your body right now, it's calling to be released. That's all we need to know. Then we do a different thing other than the intellectual part of it, which is not feeling anyway. You don't feel with your intellect. It's not what it's meant to. You don't digest with your heart. Yeah, it's a really brilliant from the start. For me, having been first channeling the angels, and that's diaries of a psychic sorority, that's our actual diaries while we were going through it, and then the transcripts to learning that I could talk to dead people and then being given this opportunity to speak with Einstein Einstein. And now seeing 30 some years later after this long journey, hearing you read it and hearing it be its time is now. Like you said, that's the simple When you're evolved, it's not something you just throw down. I don't mean that ugly. There are things like Binay Brown.


Barbara With

There's people who have wonderful messages, and there's times when you need it. But this is very specific to those who want to be 100% responsible, those who want to know what the operating system is, and those who can then understand that if we're going to have world peace, macrocosm, microcosm, and starting here, my theory, and this is why I just spent 23,000 miles running around, and we'll start up again in the fall after I'm done being here at home, is because, first of all, Einstein proves why conflict revolution works with his maps and his science. He proves it. It shows it. It makes sense. Everybody goes, Yes, it makes so much sense. So let's do it. That means you don't have to go to a peace march. It means you don't have to gather and just sit in meditation. These are good things to do. If you are intuitively called to do that, if you are intuitively called. I always think it's good to be in meditation together. But if we be in meditation and then we go off and project all our junk all over our neighbor because we're pissed off at them or we're blaming Trump or Biden or we're doing any of those us-them things, then we're contributing to it.


Barbara With

So this totally fundamental self-scrutiny changes it from the root and manifestsests different things like that waitress. I could not have created that. So that's my world peace tour for the rest of my life, is to get this message out, have more conversations, have more people talking about it. Like I said, even if it's not conflict revolution, I'm not trying to sell anything here. I'm trying to inspire people to do whatever form of it that you do. People do young shadow work. People do Janine's work of helping people learn how not to get caught in the story of the past life and how to reprocess it differently. However we're doing it, do not underestimate how much it's helping in the manifestation of the macrocosm, because that's just the science.


Sheila Franzen

Well, and I love this aspect of, well, several things. I mean, that's just it, right? It might be that somebody's path is actually doing a peace march, and then they come around to more work they have to do themselves, right? We can never know what reflection and what path anyone's on in this lifetime, right? It's just a continual inspiration of what's available because somebody could listen to this, they could listen to some other podcast of somebody else talking about something. They're in a class, whatever, reading a book. It's something will awakened within individuals and There are so many of us here, I've said this in many podcasts recently, there's almost 8 billion souls on this planet at some level because there's an awakening happening. Everybody or the many millions of people stepping forward to be wayshowers and inspire these changes are what we're about. That's the aspect of the world peace in trying to move into a we don't need war and we don't need to battle our religions and our belief systems because war is always about being right. That's intellect, right? That's not dealing with what we need to feel and what our path is to create change.


Barbara With

Yes. Einstein has a great definition of evil.


Sheila Franzen

It's what I have pulled up right now on my screen. That's crazy. That must be what we're supposed to talk about right now. That's amazing.


Barbara With

Yeah, I love those things. Yes, evil. Making decisions for the good of the few at the expense of the many. You can think about it in Socialism, not socialism, but social terms, the microcosm, the external world. But when we talk about it in terms of conflict revolution, we have these three human dimensions. They each have a form and function, an interdependence upon each other. Nobody's one better than the other. You have to have a heart, you have to have a stomach. You have to have a kidney, whatever. And they work together. And when we're aligned to compassion, it means that each of them is functioning like they should as this trio of your human organs. So when the intellect, who has been strangely given the power of the heart of the energy where if you're going to turn left, it's intellect that sends the signals down the arm to grab the steering wheel to turn to the left. It's not the intuition. It's not the emotion. It's the intellect that has been given that power. So the intellect can say no when intuition impels, because intuition is always going to tell you to take the next step for the good of the whole situation, and the intellect can say no and do it something else.


Barbara With

We've all had this where your intuition is telling you to rest and your mind is saying, I can't rest. I've got too many things to do. I've got 100 things to do. Then off we go and we run, run, run, run, and then we get sick or we have conflicts. That rudimental... I mean, you can't get any deeper in the system than this moment where your intellect is the divine masculine that should be observing everything, computing, that's a car, that's a tree, it's telling you what things are, waiting for the intuition to impel the next step, and then willfully doing that for the good of the whole. But when it doesn't, so that's his definition of evil, and I think it also applies in a macrocosm.


Sheila Franzen

Right. And that's that aspect of the benevolent universe, right? We're in touch with the intuition of the good of the whole, not the good of the individual. Then we're in touch with those that would describe and talk about the benevolent nature of the universe. And then we have our free will where the intellect comes in. But if we dive into this- Can I just say one thing quick, though, about that?


Barbara With

Because for us, it starts with the individual. Is that it can't be for the good of the whole. If first the individual doesn't have the good of their whole altogether. We don't give stuff up so that the whole can be placated. We all- No. Great clarification. That was all. Okay.


Sheila Franzen

No, no. Yeah. Thank you. The good of the whole- Starts with us. Starts with us. And then we can move out to how we're affecting others. But we absolutely have to understand how we're affecting ourselves first and foremost. We touched on this hatred, you brought up evil. For me, when I was pondering these things on a walk this morning, the guidance I was getting is, let's explore a little bit. One of the things I noticed and observe, and we can witness it anywhere in our world, listen to the news, listen to the war, watch your local community. We It's been an incident in our local town last night where a gun was pulled, nobody was injured. But it's like there's an energy that literally, this is the play of the math and the science now. We all stand in our responsibility, and it's our choices and it's our decisions. And yet we have this actual energy that happens where people are affected by each other's anger and each other's hatred. And It's always our own responsibility. But I don't know, I'd love to explore, dig a little deeper on somebody's angry around you. Maybe you're in a household and you've got somebody who's really struggling with their anger.


Sheila Franzen

It's almost like, I experience anger almost often feels like a portal of energy. It can take over a whole house. And then everybody's angry, and nobody even knows why they're angry. And I've watched it. I'm sure many people grew up in households that way. I've talked to so many people. They've had the resolve anger that happened with family members, a grandfather, an uncle, a parent.


Barbara With

And there's this real palpable energy that happens with...


Sheila Franzen

No different than we have an energy that happens with love. We can all feel that. But this aspect of an energy that with anger and hatred. We saw it with what happened at Capitol Hill in the United States and how people all empty each other up in their own anger. I don't know. I guess there's something for me around how We know that world peace is an inside job, and we all have to take responsibility for our own anger. But when we're in these situations where we're experiencing anger with groups of people, or we observe it out there in the world, what's actually happening with that anger? How does it take over this life of its own?


Barbara With

I think there's an attraction, like you were talking about, Love attracts love. Anger attracts anger. When love grows, it becomes synergy. When anger grows, it becomes evil. People wanting to make decisions for the good of few at the expense of the many because you can't take out your anger on other people and have it be anything effective. There's no regenerative effect on taking your anger out on other people. But in the structure of conflict revolution, get back down to the room mental. First of all, my domain is my responsibility. Your domain is not my responsibility. For those of us, and I did grow up in a very angry, abusive, traumatizing family. I've used this to work my way out of it and have learned that When somebody is coming at me in anger and blame, that's not how I see the world. I see the world as, if I'm coming at you with anger and blame, then I've got some work to do. That's how I live. I don't come at you with anger and blame. I might in a moment of whatever, we all are human, but I'll quickly pedal back to going, wait a minute, no, and take responsibility for myself.


Barbara With

So what I see in the world today is that there's been this mythology that if somebody triggers you, that they have to change their behavior because they've made you mad or they've hurt you. And that's an interesting viewpoint that I can't share because that's not how I live. And also that I'm having a very interesting time right now because one of the things that I do and have done through my whole course of my life is be impelled to send my books to people. I only send books to my conservative leaders, or I only send books to the liberals, or No, this is a spiritual movement. We want to encompass as many people. I had to first revolve all of my prejudices that we're projecting. When I did that, I actually started to see a whole different world when it comes to those things. Last December, mostly, I'm also a journalist, and I'm an election integrity activist. I've been in election integrity since I found the touch screen poll tape dated March 30th, 1:30 in the morning for an April fifth election in 2011 in Wisconsin. I know a lot about elections and what went on in Wisconsin at that time.


Barbara With

I wanted to share that with Tucker Carlson because he was fired. Of course, everybody thought it was because he lied, which you rarely get fired for lying these days in those positions. But he had said something about voting machines, and I wanted him to know. I wanted to also work in Conflict Revolution because I want as many people. I would want to talk to Donald Trump about conflict revolution. I would want to talk to Joe Biden about conflict revolution. I'd want to talk to anybody about conflict revolution. I wrote him a letter and sent him a book at an address I thought he might get. Who knows? You'd send stuff Tucker Carlson. And a couple of weeks ago, there was an invitation from the network, Tucker Carlson Network, to apply to ask him a question. And he would meet in a Zoom live with maybe five people they were picking out of their whatever questions. And so I submitted, Do you believe in afterlife? And do you think we can talk to the dead? And I got picked. I had five minutes with Tucker, and his responses, as Kim says, because I said, he's one of us.


Barbara With

And she said, well, he's one of us, but he doesn't know it yet. And were just absolutely beautiful and correct. I thought, how many people in his universe have been now introduced to this idea that they... He said, This is totally not my wheelhouse. I have no idea about psychic mediums and such. But the way it fell out, it was beautiful. And it was my manifestation. Back in December, I thought, I'm going to meet Tucker. I'm going to talk to him. I'm going to get this message out. And I was frightened about what I was going to endure when I put this on my Facebook page because I have an equal number of liberal and conservative friends because I take those sides. I'm very much a constitutionalist, I guess, but I want justice for all, for everybody.


Sheila Franzen

Just justice.


Barbara With

Just justice. Yeah, just for everybody, whether it's Donald Trump or whether it's my water protector friend who got shafted when she got arrested and is now convicted of a felony. I want justice for all, whatever it means. Well, this morning, I'm contending with what do you do with people who aren't going to... I mean, I'm having good conversations, too, but people condemning me and looking down on me and judging me and calling me names. There's a sucker born every minute. What a lie. I'm telling you, I think the answer is only that my domain is my responsibility, and I have to feel and breathe all those triggers because they're triggering, make sure that I don't project, make sure that I don't get involved in this us versus them. But on the other hand, if I'm taking care of myself, if this was the real world and that guy walked through my door and said, Yeah, well, there's a sucker born every minute, I would ask him to leave. Not be ugly about it, not blame him, but I don't need people around me who are going to criticize and and belittle me, I would ask you to leave my house.


Barbara With

Don't talk to me that way. That's what I did. I asked him to leave my house and asked him not to talk to me that way. It's not trying to change him. It's just me taking care of myself and standing up for myself because I know who I am. I know that I'm not all those things, and this is a wonderful opportunity for me to get used to it. If I'm really going to take this message as big as I want to, then that criticism is only going to get uglier and darker. Well, let's focus on the participation of the willing who really wanted to do this work.


Sheila Franzen

Well, because the willing is where the change begins. There's a movement that happens, and you're creating an aspect of it. It's a movement of peace, but it's a movement of inner peace. What I got, and I actually got this at a level maybe somebody was showing it to me, is this thing that happens when we feel like someone else is causing us pain, whether it's anger, hurt, abuse, frustration, whatever that is. You mentioned trigger. Trigger is definitely what it feels like. But at an actual cellular level in our atomic math, in each unique frequency we are as a human being, when someone projects their anger onto someone or we are in an experience of someone else's anger, and then we find ourselves angry or upset or whatever that emotion is, whatever the trigger is. Take any aspect of the emotional realm of emotions. Anger is just one that has the most power that I think we often walk through life wanting to think other people have caused this anger because we don't walk through life going, Oh, other people caused me love. It's all the same. It's literally all the same when we talk about and ask...


Sheila Franzen

It's like the codependency in the world. I can't love myself unless somebody else is loving me. They're all the same triggers. And so what I was seeing at a cellular level is what happens is it's actually... And we all say it. We say it superficially. It's like whatever's happening outside triggers something inside. But literally, there's an energy flow that's happening at this cellular level, and it It might be... This is the part where you mentioned this at the beginning when we were talking of past lives, and we don't even have to know what a past life is. It's just that it triggers an energy in the sense this emotional body of ours. But at a cellular level, there's an aspect of like something wakes up. I don't know. I'm presented with somebody that's in front of me and they're upset or they're angry or whatever that emotion is, if I'm reacting to it, it's not them. It's literally that some aspect of a memory inside of me has been remembered, has been awakened. And It might be that I can feel. It's like falling in love. We feel an energy of love that we're like, I've never felt that before, and we think it's the other person.


Sheila Franzen

But really, it's the memory within ourselves of the power and the possibility of what love can be. Well, the same thing happens. Well, there's the power and possibility of what anger can be. But it's not ever about the other person. It's literally about what's happening at a cellular level with the memory and the awakening of energy. It could be a trauma that's triggered, or it could be a happy moment from our childhood that's triggered, or it's a past life, and they're all energetically stored within these. This is the part that I think is so trying to inspire people to understand the depth and the breadth of what's stored in our physical energetic as Einstein puts it, math, right? Our math, our unique math inside of each of us is so complex. But I don't know. It's so complex and yet also so simple to change. But it's like there really is, I think there's times where if people understood or we continue to find ways to explain the literal cellular thing that's going on and then how it can be transformed formed with a simple breath because breath changes everything in the body, right?


Barbara With

Yes. That's what conflict revolution does. Here's the example is that you read the passage about Every decision that you make, every decision I make, gets programmed into my compilation of my consciousness. This is just a simple example of, I'm younger and I I do something. I'll take an actual conflict that I revved. I had a Marketing Manager at a place where I worked, and I called her the Drunken Marketing Manager. She always gave me work to do that wasn't mine to do. Then she would criticize it, which was just completely annoying while she was drunk. It took me quite a while to get the sound bite of the story, the sound bite of the story, what that person that is triggering you, who's having whatever, you're identifying that person is having an emotional reaction to you, and then you get triggered. Whatever you're defining they're doing is going to be the clue to what of those compiled, programmed actions are calling for your attention at that moment. My Drunken Marketing Manager, I finally got the sound bite, the intellectual sound bite. She me do her work, and then she criticizes me for it. That's one piece of discovering what to do when we get there.


Barbara With

The other is what we talked about with the breathwork, is that every single emotion, the whole gamut, we don't want to just feel the good stuff. We want everything moving through us, our bodies and our breath, not attaching to any thought process that isn't regenerative. It doesn't matter. Don't think anything. Think your own thing. But as far as that sound bite, so I had to then go into my witness, which your listeners and you know what that is. You step outside yourself and you're observing yourself. And what you're looking at is, what are you feeling? What is intuition impelling you to do? And what is intellect saying? What is the story? When we identify that very... You got to get down because you know the intellect. It's like horses. You'll be thinking about your grandmother and your past life. It's like, No, no, no. Let's identify very clearly what is the person doing to you or doing to themselves that you're conflicted about. Now we're going to watch, in the course of a day, this isn't just thinking, this isn't just reasoning, where am I making somebody do my work and then I'm criticizing them for it?


Barbara With

Where am I doing that in my life? Because that is the root That person is just showing up. But because nobody knows quite the exacting way to do what we're talking about as a rule, nobody teaches us this, we get caught up in each other's energy, and then we get caught up in the he said, she said, well, you need to step back. Let me tell you where I found that route. And this is what's so beautiful about conflict revolution. It's almost like an art. It's a music. It's a mystery. I needed help, so I called a friend. I called Theresa. Where is this sound bite? Where do I do this? Because I don't do this. First of all, I don't make them do my work, and then I don't criticize them for it. She said, Think about when you had that time when you separated from your husband and you left him with the house, everything, paying for everything, changing the screens, taking care of the dog, you just left. And then you complained that he didn't support you. And you have an aha moment. We call it hanging and dang when you realize, Dang.


Barbara With

I I did that. And you catch yourself doing it. I didn't need to catch myself because it was in the past. But when I saw it, it's like, Hit me, and you have this epiphany. That's it. That's It's it. And so all that emotion that you think is about that person who's having an emotional response is stuff that got stored up. Like, we store it up, we don't feel it at the time because we're not capable of it or whatever. Here it is to show us what it is. And once we do that, then that person who's triggered you, who, by the way, might not even have triggered me. I could have been in the room with you. I might not have been triggered because that wasn't my lesson. That was your lesson. That's why those triggers are so important and so personal.


Sheila Franzen

Well, and sometimes they just like that example you just gave. It feels like you could have a result. I think often in the personal self-help, personal responsibility movement. There's an aspect of, Oh, well, if I deal with all of this, then I'm good, right? And it's like, No, no, there's no end. There's no end.


Barbara With

And this is a system. That's why we It's a system to use a lot.


Sheila Franzen

If you can deal with it in the moment and recognize... Well, the more you can deal with them in the moment, you can usually touch into what it is, or at least breathe and let it go. But sometimes they get stuck. It feels like the energy is just activated and you're like, you can't move through it and your intellect is telling a story about it and you're just stuck on it. I think it's beautiful that you called a friend and said, I can't see this. I often am that echoing person for people. They'll call me and they're like, I can't see this. I'm stuck. Why can't I move forward? It's that aspect of being able to be the witness for people is One, owning it enough to ask for help. That's huge. There's a whole lot of the world that can't ask for help. Then just being able to have groups of people. This is the part where we're all connected. Sometimes we can't see it within ourselves. But if we allow ourselves and truly want to have resolution, then somewhere, I always sit in there, I'm like, Okay, I'm stuck, but which of my friends should I reach out to?


Sheila Franzen

I use my intuition, which one can help me in this moment? And it's not always the same. Sometimes it's this person, and other time it's that person. And sometimes it's like, Just go read a book. And I open the book to that page, and I'm like, That's it. So that's the and the art of our interconnectedness at a cellular level. There's always a way that there's a path forward. There is always a path forward. You don't have to be stuck. I think people become so used to their patterns and their triggers and their frustrations, whatever they are, that they become a normal part of life. Yet, you need to accept them. I am a big proponent of radical acceptance. But accepting them doesn't mean not be willing to transform it as well.


Barbara With

Well, I think that's what people think. If I just accept, if I don't fight it, then I can't transform it. But it's exactly what you said, is not only accepting it, but for me, feeling. Feeling my feelings is not about being tossed and turned on a sea of emotion. Anymore. It's about regularly through the course of a day, consciously using my breath to move emotion, and especially if I'm triggered by someone, then there's two different areas. Here's a classroom Don't go into here and feel your emotions. Here's a classroom, go in there and analyze what your thoughts are saying and what is it trying to tell you about yourself. How many people out there today are willing to look at that piece of willing to look at, okay, I'm triggered by the fill in the blank, the Republicans, the Democrats, the Conservatives, the Liberals. What is it in them that I'm seeing that's mine? People have to be willing to do that. And nations, imagine in the macrocosm, if every nation said, wait, before I blame anybody else for how they're affecting the world, what am I doing? Well, the US is in deep DoDoo if they stop to say that.


Barbara With

We would have to stop all war because that's what we're doing. So microcosm, macrocosm, they're two different ways of dealing with what needs to be dealt with. And the breathing aspect is so powerful. If you're stuck, I always just stop, get off the focus, and just start breathing.


Sheila Franzen

Yeah. Sometimes my kids would ask, Why are you breathing? Because it's the I'm going to shift my perspective.


Barbara With

It's time to breathe. Come along with me, kids.


Sheila Franzen

Then when you can't breathe, it's like, Oh, that is locked up. Okay, let's walk because you have to breathe when you walk. Yes, there's always a way to find a shift in that. It's really interesting. We talk about this, and I've lived this for years, just like you have. It's like, how do we truly inspire? How do we inspire people to want to change? We can say all of this, and we can That's what I'm hearing this moment. But we can say it all, we can do it, we teach it. And yet, what is it that creates the tipping point for people to move into this new direction?


Barbara With

I don't know, and I don't know if we could ever pinpoint that for any one particular person. You and I know that we're sowing seeds, and as we sow those seeds, sometimes there's resistance. When I posted my Tucker Carlson information on my Facebook page and started off a mail storm of conversation, I have an opportunity to demonstrate in those conversations conversations, what I want people to be, how I want to inspire people to deal with it in love and with truth and not letting myself be trampled and also extending my love and my compassion and my understanding to the people who don't see eye to eye with me. This is a full-time job in life these days. I don't have time to even think about anybody else's journey. That's what I love about the participation of the willing to come and take part in this worldwide movement to end the age of war by stopping the war that we ourselves are waging within our intellect against our intuition. I truly know that if the world did this, even the 25% of us were willing to go into that dark side and feel those feelings and breathe and realign to compassion, that the natural manifestation is peace.


Barbara With

Also, I think we need to take chances. That was part of posting that article. But when I left last year, I left my home on October 15th, and I just left. I had friends. I was also pet sitting my way across the UK, I went to France. But everywhere I went, I had this conversation. Everywhere I went, especially in the foreign countries, because people were like, Oh, what are you doing here? It's like, I'm on a world peace tour. I'm world peace one person at a time, starting with each of us. People are all excited, but how many of them are really willing to sit down and look at their own war? We have the answer. Conflict Revolution can help anybody do it, but you don't need us. You can find your own way if you intend and follow your intuition and be a part of that willing. I'm excited. I think the world is ready, willing, and able, frankly.


Sheila Franzen

Well, exactly as I touched on earlier, there wouldn't be so many souls on this planet right now. Exactly. A hundred years later of Einstein. I love the hundred years later in 2005, right? We're now almost 120 years later from E equals MC². But there weren't near as many souls on the planet a hundred years ago. There's a lot of souls on this planet right now. Those architectures of our soul's journey is the possibility of awakening in humanity on Earth is so powerful because of the resistance, because of the structure. As you talk about with Einstein in your book, there's no place Earth. That is so incredibly true. Our potential and possibility from the quantum level, it's actually what I wanted to close with here is this aspect of the quantum level, everything is just potential. None of our differences exist, as you say in the book. There's an innocent future in the void and where everything and nothing exist at once. Your difference are merely intellectual voices of culture, fueled by the emotion of fear, inciting you to make decisions that caused the molecules in the void to arrange as a conflict, dissidence of war.


Sheila Franzen

That's that part of understanding that we are really moving energy with our choices, with our emotions, and that in the void, it's all possibility, it's all potential. I always love talking about everything is a possibility and a potential. But are we willing to rearrange the molecules? If your life isn't how you want it, are you willing to do the work to rearrange the molecules, or do you just want to, as you then say, and I always ask this, every human must ask, do I want to be right or do I want to make peace? I often use from a lot of education and work I did with the tone scale work, this aspect of anger is, do I want to be right or do I want to go for a result? But I love the shift of thinking about, do I want to be right or do I want to make peace? It's like, yes, do you want to be right or do you want to make peace? I love that- It's that simple.


Barbara With

That they say those are two different skill sets. You pick up a different tool. Sometimes you need to be right, but other times you really need to make peace.


Sheila Franzen

Yes. I was cleaning my closet this week, and I have a shirt that says something along the lines of, One day your kids will... It's like, One day your kids will acknowledge you were right. It makes me laugh because parenting is a journey. I mean, it's a journey at every level, and it's beautiful It's been incredible, and I love it. Sometimes I just want to be right. Then I'm like, No. But on the other hand, I'm also the peacemaker.


Barbara With

Well, and if we're truly right, If we are truly right, then we don't have to prove it.


Sheila Franzen

There's no conflict then, right?


Barbara With

We just have to be it.


Sheila Franzen

Yeah, we just have to know it. Be the change, right? Be the change. As we close out here, what's the best way for people to start? Where would you tell them to start if they wanted to learn more about what you're doing with the incredible movement you're creating and/or all the classes and knowledge and wisdom you have out there?


Barbara With

I would say start at synergyalliance. Llc. That has the complete story. It has all of the books. I think if you're I'm really interested in the diary type of format with the three women learning this step by step, Diaries of a Psychic Sorority. Of course, we talked about the Imagining Einstein. I also have a Conflict Revolution workbook that is for those people that just want the down and dirty, let's just get into the bullet points. You bring a conflict and we do it. I also I have an autobiography, Party of 12, 9/11. Then Party of 12 is my 12 famous dead people, including Einstein, who revealed themselves. Also on my YouTube channel, I've got so many videos of so many different things. If you wanted to work with me, my suggestion is barbrawith. Com. That way you can go over and there's my readings. Also, I have a column about propaganda and how to... It's called Breaking Formation, because I think not only has this culture been propagandized to levels that I don't know if the world ever has been before, but I realized that conflict revolution has always been about undoing the propaganda of the intellect.


Barbara With

The propaganda of the intellect says we can't do it or we're good enough or that person is all whatever. I've got a few more of those things over on barberwith. Com. There's a lot of information that I've made available. I'm working on a course. I'm almost done with it for the whole of the science and conflict revolution. Then I'm going to do it a down and dirty downloadable training just on the basics of conref, thoughts, feelings, senses, intellect, intuition, emotion, how to do it on a daily basis. Then I'm planning as when the fall comes, I'll take to the road again, and who knows where I'll go this time.


Sheila Franzen

I love that. I admire your commitment to, surrendering to really being in service. You're in service to this planet, to your own intuition, your own intellect, where you're guided and It's just a beautiful, beautiful journey.


Barbara With

Thank you so much. And it is. Thank you.


Sheila Franzen

You're welcome. You just listened to the Spiritual Geek podcast. Thank you for joining us. Thank you, Barbara, for having this conversation for the work that you are doing in the world, for your commitment to your journey and to the greater good. It's been beautiful to talk about peace.


Barbara With

Yes. Thank you so much, Sheila. And thanks to all your listeners. I hope we reconnect again.


Sheila Franzen

Yes. I think we could pick any number of topics and dive deeper. So, yeah, super fun. Thank you for geeking out with me. If you've enjoyed this episode, be sure to share a comment and a rating on your favorite podcast platform. If you were inspired, consider sharing with friends and family. Love and light to each of you. May your day be filled with peace as you consciously create your life.


Barbara With Profile Photo

Barbara With

International Peace Activist

Barbara With is an international peace activist, award-winning author/publisher, psychic channel, composer and performer, workshop facilitator and inspirational speaker. She is the co-founder of Conflict REVOLUTION®—World Peace, one person at a time, starting with self, a revolutionary way to resolve conflicts of the psyche based on her work channeling the “Angels” and Albert Einstein. She has authored six nonfiction books on metaphysics, including Diaries of a Psychic Sorority: Talking With the Angels with Kimberly Lilith Phelps and Teresa McMillian, and Imagining Einstein: Essays on M-Theory, World Peace & The Science of Compassion. Barbara teaches and trains Conflict REVOLUTION® in the classroom and on ZOOM, and is currently on a World Peace Tour, calling out to the Participation of the Willing for a “Worldwide Nonviolent Action to End the Age of War.” She is traveling the world presenting her Einstein’s Unified Field Theory, Maps of Human Consciousness and the Science of Compassion.