Hi!  It's wonderful to meet you!  This is my intro from the first episode and it truly is about me and this podcast! Enjoy

You can learn more about who I am and what I offer at sheilafranzen.com.




Welcome to the Spiritual Geek Podcast: Wisdom for Modern Times, where we focus on living with intention to consciously create a life you love and celebrate.  I’m your host Sheila Franzen and I’m so excited to share this first episode with you.
Today I thought I would take a moment to introduce myself in a short episode before launching into conversations with others.
Where to begin I wonder...  I'm a seeker of knowledge!  About all things. I have been this way as long as I can remember. I loved school and I loved fixing things and I wanted to know how the world worked.  I remember taking apart an electrical weed whip when I was 11 or 12 and putting it back together. I just wanted to know how it worked. I was always helping family and neighbors put things together. I just had a brain that could see how things fit together.  The directions made sense to me at a very young age.  Oh, if they had only had more lego sets when I was young!  I still love legos and putting the complex sets together.
Academically as a high school student, Math was comforting to me because it filled the inner need within me to solve problems. I would spend hours just doing math for fun. I know... kinda weird.  A geek was born.  That love of math lead me down a path of taking a Computer Science class in College and I was in love.  The geek now had room to expand! I loved programming and working with different computer languages. It was truly pure joy to write code. The amazing moments when lines of code drew things on the screen or processed 1000’s of lines of accounting transactions to get a number. I loved thinking about how to make things work.
That love of problem solving continued with a desire to understand how the world worked, how life worked, who was god, what was the universe?  The questions were and still are endless for me.
My spiritual journey was never a single path, it’s always been how they all work together.  I grew up in a conservative Christian faith that taught about a very judgmental God and a very loving Jesus.  It didn’t always make sense to me.  In my 20’s, I began exploring alternative new age spirituality in every form I could get my hands on. I loved reading and learning and practicing the techniques among all these religious philosophies.  Eventually I discovered the Ascended Masters through the books from Baird Spaulding called the Life and Teaching of the Masters of the Far East.  Honestly I don’t remember those books specifically, as it was the next set of books that hooked me in for life.
I read the I AM discourses by Godfrey King that are his experiences in physical life with St Germain.  The first book Unveiled Mysteries, I read on an international flight while traveling for work and I finished the last page and started the book over again.  I needed to fully understand what was being shared and taught.  The depth of knowledge and wisdom shared was incredible.  This was probably my first true introduction to the concept of Higher Self and of course the Violet Flame.  I couldn’t get enough.
My focus & life's passion then became learning more about ascension with an active desire to ascend.  I spent more hours and money in New Age bookstores than I care to remember. Last night, I pulled an old notebook from the book shelf to take notes in while helping my daughter.  Odd that I picked the one that I did... There doesn't seem to be many accidents in my life anymore...  And in it was a set of papers that were my daily morning and evening spiritual rituals. The perfect reminder as I wrote about what I wanted to share with you today. I smiled deeply in appreciation of my commitment to my spiritual path.  It has been a rather serious part of my life, probably left over from lifetimes in monasteries and nunneries where God and the Goddess had to be so serious.  Yet, that is just it... spirituality and a spiritual path does NOT need to be so serious. It's about presence and joy in every moment and I think that is the origin of this podcast!
I am truly a Spiritual Geek and a Technical Geek and a seeker of knowledge.  I have been studying the world of spirit and how things work for 30 years now. I love talking about Spirit and the Divine. I love teaching it. I want to share it. This podcast is an inspiration from the Ascended Masters guiding me to have conversations with others and bring some of these esoteric terms down to earthly terms that are easily understood.
I'm honored that you have listened so far and I hope that you enjoy the conversations as they unfold. Living consciously is a daily task for me. May you find inspiration to live with more intention and more consciousness and create a love you love and enjoy!
Thank you for listening!  I appreciate you.