May 29, 2024

Exploring the Transformative Powers of Energy Healing with Jan Thompson

Exploring the Transformative Powers of Energy Healing with Jan Thompson

Welcome to another enlightening episode of the Spiritual Geek Podcast! Today, I’m thrilled to have Jan Thompson, an esteemed energy healer from Calgary, Canada, joining us. In this episode, we delve deep into the transformative powers of energy healing, exploring the incredible ways our thoughts and environment interact with our physical and emotional well-being. Whether you’re familiar with Reiki, acupuncture, or just starting your journey into energy healing, this episode offers essential insights into achieving personal harmony and balance. Jan brings her extensive experience and heartwarming healing stories to the table, making complex concepts accessible to everyone. So, tune in, open your heart, and let's embark on this journey of self-empowerment and healing together. Remember, your path to wellness begins with a single step of awareness. Let's get started!

About Jan: Jan Thompson lives in Calgary, Alberta, Canada. As a person who is consciously on the ascension path, she loves to talk about her own ascension journey, energy healing sessions and coaching, and aligning with her Higher Self in service to humanity. Jan is passionate about helping others to become self empowered, to realize the divine power within through personal healing sessions, and to create harmony and balance in living and working environments through ascension dowsing.

About Sheila: Sheila is a coach, author and energy healer. She helps others see the way forward so that they can consciously create a life they love and celebrate. You can discover more at

DISCLAIMER: Please note that the opinions and views expressed by the host and guests are solely their own and do not represent any particular religious or spiritual belief system. The information provided in this podcast is for educational and entertainment purposes only and should not be taken as professional advice. Thank you for joining us on this journey of self-discovery and spiritual growth.


Jan Thompson's Website

Ascension Dowsing Website

Divine Healing Stories


Course: Live a More Balanced Life

Spiritual Geek Podcast

Sheila Franzen's Website

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Experience a Powerful Torus Energy Healing

Sheila Franzen

Welcome to the Spiritual Geek podcast, Wisdom for Modern Times, where we focus on living with intention to consciously create a life you love and celebrate. I'm your spiritual geek, Sheila Franson, and I'm so excited to share another episode with you. Today, we have Jan Thompson with us, and we're going to talk about energy healing. Jan lives in Calgary, Canada. As a person who is consciously on the ascension path, she loves to talk about her own ascension journey, energy healing sessions and coaching, and aligning with her higher self in service to humanity. Jan is passionate about helping others to become self-empowered, to realize the divine power within through personal healing sessions, and to create harmony and balance in living and working environments through ascension dowsing. So welcome, Jan. It's wonderful to have you here.


Jan Thompson

Thank you, Sheila. It's great to be here as well. Yeah, I'm excited to talk about this session. There's so many things that are popping into my mind right now about energy healing and Yeah, it's exciting. I'm excited to see where our conversation is going to go.


Sheila Franzen

Yeah, me too. This is a topic that is, I think, talked about more and more in today's world. And so it will be fun to see where we're guided and what amazing inspiration comes forward. As we get started here, is there anything else you want to share about yourself and what you do, or are you ready to dive in?


Jan Thompson

I think I'm ready to dive in. The one thing that is first and foremost in my mind right now is one of the things you said in the intro was about self-empowerment and how this is such an important... It's a very important aspect of energy healing, that's for sure. And this is one of the things that the Ascended Master, Saint Jermain, tells us is that this is one of our most important learnings on Earth right now is self-empowerment. So that's first and foremost in my mind right now.


Sheila Franzen

I love that. Actually, as I read your bio, I was like, yes, that is such a... When we request and claim healing, that is a step in our self-empowerment. And so that really stood out to me as well. I was like, yeah, we need to speak about the aspect of how it contributes to us standing in our own power.


Jan Thompson

Oh, I totally agree. And one of the things that, and I suppose it's a fine line. So it's a fine balance. How about if I put it like that? Is that a lot of times people feel that they need someone to heal them. They don't know what to do. They're maybe at their wits end with something, and they're just not sure to do. And it's like, Oh, I need to see somebody. Somebody needs to heal me. And it's not about giving your power away and expecting someone else to do wonders for you, because part of this unspoken contract, I guess, if you want to call it that, is that you, as the seeker, as the person wanting the healing, needs to be open to receive that healing. And then once that openness is there, healing can be received. And often then the person who's receiving the healing, they probably don't even know it or are not aware of it, but they are helping and contributing to their own healing as well. And we can talk more about that as this conversation goes along.


Sheila Franzen

Yeah. Well, and I think it's a subtle shift, but it is the most powerful piece of energy healing or any healing is being willing to receive. And if we were to think about steps of energy healing, the healer in their role is really just the channel and the guide and the witness and providing space for somebody to create their own healing, to move into that aspect of being able to shift their energy or receive their energy or modify their energy. And I always love coming back to words because words actually do have power, and we use this aspect of energy healing. So I looked at the Oxford Dictionary, the word energy, the first description from the noun is the strength and vitality required hard for sustained physical or mental activity. And that's this aspect of the energy that's within us. And we often think of energy as electricity, which it is. There's energy, our energetic bodies, which we can probably touch on of why energy healing is so powerful when we talk about this human form that we live in. And so what we're really trying to do, what comes to me as I read that and we talk about energy healing, is we want to bring our energetic systems back into alignment so that we have that strength and vitality for physical and mental activity.


Sheila Franzen

And if we were to think about why would you want energy healing, it's so that we bring our energy in our our own bodies and our own emotions and our own thoughts back into harmony and alignment so that we have the opportunity to be the most authentic version of ourselves. Because when we're able to have our energetic systems into alignment, we get to be more of ourselves because that can be expressed. We're not being blocked by stuff in our physical body or emotional body or mental body or ethyric bodies because that becomes imbalance. What comes to me is to maybe we to talk a little bit about what are these aspects of energy in the human body? Before we even get into then more about some examples of stories that we could talk about of how energy healing has made shifts in things is when we talk about energy healing, what are the aspects of energy within the human that are being affected by energy healing?


Jan Thompson

Oh, my gosh. Well, that's such a huge question because I think each and every one of us has had a time, had a moment where we feel amazing. We feel amazing within ourselves. We feel like everything is right and good, and we're feeling that we've got a wonderful positive... We're in a wonderful positive state of mind. We are happy. Our bodies feel vital and energetic, and we feel like we're in sync. We feel like we're in, and I used this word before, we feel like we're in a flow, and it's like you feel like you can do anything. And I think all of us have at one time or another We haven't felt like that within our bodies. And it's not that we maintain that state of being continuously on and on and on. It doesn't happen that way. Our bodies aren't like that. We're not like that. As human beings, we have so many different factors that affect our state of being. And you're right, we are energetic beings made up of different energies bodies and different energetic systems. I think when we are in that state of flow and just it's almost like a euphoria, a state of euphoria.


Jan Thompson

It doesn't last for a very long time. But I think when we're in that state, everything is in harmony with everything else. Every body system is in harmony within itself and with the rest of the body. Every energetic body that creates our whole being is in harmony within itself and with each of the energetic bodies that make us up, make us who we are. I think for those moments, everything is in harmony and everything is in sync. And so we know what the possibility is to feel well, to to feel well physically, to feel well mentally, to feel well emotionally. We know what that can feel like. Our bodies are incredibly intelligent and incredibly miraculous. Even within our own physical body, we have different energetic centers, and we know about those that all talk with each other. And communicate with each other and let us know what's possibly going on and that our body adjusts in particular ways. I mean, it's quite miraculous. We can be walking down a dark alley and get some spidey sense of something going on that sends a message to our brain that puts us in a fight or flight state of being.


Jan Thompson

So our bodies are like sensors Sensors. They're a sensory being as well. So they have sensors out there all the time, and we're not always aware of that. The other part of this is that we We, as a human being in a body with all of these energy bodies and energy systems that make us up, are not separate from our environment. And we like to think we are. Sometimes on one level, we think, Oh, yes, we're all connected. Everything's wonderful, and we all have this connection. But on another level, we also think that we're alone and we're separate. And, Oh, it's only me going through this situation, or it's only me having this sore knee or this achy shoulder or illness or whatever it is. But all of the energy within us that are creating these different aches and pains or situations, anomalies, are created from all of the energy bodies that make us up, as well as their communication and sensory interaction with our environment. So we're always, always in communication with our environment. And that is, to me, one of the basic things of energy healing is It's about communicating energetically. It's all about communication.


Jan Thompson

And so when a person comes to an energy healing session and they have decided in their mind that they want this healing session, that they are open to receiving this healing, that, yes, please bring it on. They have already given their body permission to communicate with the environment and with whatever is going to be in their highest good. And so the person who is facilitating that healing session, and we call them healers, even though I don't believe it's the person themselves that's doing the healing. As you mentioned earlier, they're facilitators, they're channelers, they're communicators as well. They are the go-between. But it's about receiving that communication and allowing it to travel through the healer to the receiver. So it is all communication exchange on an energetic level. And that's what the body understands is communication on an energetic level. And going back to what you talked about with words having their own energetic frequency The things that we say and what we talk about and what we tell ourselves as well have an energetic frequency. And so energetically, what are we communicating? So yes, everything has this frequency, has this vibratory frequency and electromagnetic frequency.


Jan Thompson

And that's how we all feel things, interpret things, communicate with each other. Yes, We use words, and we look at one another, and we have body language, but that's all energetic frequency. It's all energy. That's a huge answer, isn't it?


Sheila Franzen

Yes, it is. I love the... Going back to where you started, that aspect of knowing that we all actually can remember or have some aspect of a memory within us of where everything felt in alignment. What popped into my mind was I can remember, I don't know, somewhere in my early 20s, I was out taking a walk in nature, and I started jogging, and then I started running, and I just felt like I could have ran forever. I was an athlete, but I never honestly loved running. That was not a distance. It was not my thing. But there was something that happened. I can almost still see the path and the trees, and it was like being fully present, and everything just felt in flow. You use that word flow. My body just I had had asthma as a kid and athlete, but it was like everything worked. I could breathe, I could run.


Jan Thompson

It was like it felt amazing.


Sheila Franzen

I'm like, Oh, I need to spend a little time remembering that moment more, because sometimes It's a memory of those moments that bring us even back to healing just because we're like, We can realign our energies. And so I love that aspect of tapping into remembering what it's like. That is really a beautiful thing. And then I found myself when we were talking about energy and trying to help people understand why would you want to do energy healing, I think that sometimes there is so so much out there, like trying to understand the human body energy systems. That's a whole lifetime in and of itself, right? You've got many lifetimes because you've got the aspects of the aura, right? We talk about layers of the aura and our atheric body, and emotional, and mental, and astral. And so there's aspects of just our physical body that actually there's a structure to the energy. And I've read many, many accounts of people that see the auras and see these layers. And I know you have experiences where you see incredible things in some of your healing sessions that we'll touch on in a little bit. Then I was reminded of one of the places where I've learned so much about energy medicine is Donna Eden's work.


Sheila Franzen

And so she defined what she has learned to see and seen all her life, and then researched through all of the different modalities and things on the planet that we know about She speaks about the energy systems of the meridians, the chakras, the aura. We have a grid, a Keltic weave, a triple, the radiant circuits, the electrics, and the five rhythms. And so that's nine energy systems going on in our just physical body and the layers of our energy bodies. And so it's becoming more and more of a science as we have more more people that are able to bring words and language to the sight and the vision and the sound of our physical bodies. Our physical body itself is an energy. It's just vibrating at a much lower rate. And so that's the aspect of how all of these energetic systems connect to each other. And all of these energies that you talked about, the spidey sense, and you might have chills or you get goosebumps when people talk about something and you're like, Oh, wow, that really affects me. Or you watch a show on TV and your empathy kicks in because you feel what those people are feeling.


Sheila Franzen

And that's all the aspect of the energy that's going on in our bodies all the time. And then now in today's world, we have so many people wanting to serve serve others through this aspect of energy healing. That if you just look up types of energy healing on the web, the list that came up for me is 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, six. It's like 21, 22 things. And so It's everything from Reiki, one of the most probably well-known ones. We have sound healing, you have acupuncture, which really is an aspect of moving energy in the body, right? Acupressure, the pronic qigong, the breathwork, yoga, somatics. And I'm sure that doesn't even, EFT, cover all of the types of energy healing today. And yet all of it, coming back to where we started, is this aspect of bringing us back into flow, right? Saying, I want to feel better in my body. And if I don't feel good in my body, whether it's my thoughts, anxiety, worry, whatever whatever that is, then how can I shift my energy to feel better, right? How do I feel more in flow? How do I find more alignment? And I think that's when we talk about what energy healing is doing, And for me, it's been a part of my life now for a long time.


Sheila Franzen

Once I learned about it, I was like, I couldn't... I mean, it was like, I wanted to try every modality that existed. I I did my Reiki certification, and I explored acupuncture, and I did sound healing with people that did... Did you redo sound healings? It's just sound healings. And so it's like healing touch. I did somatic work with a practitioner for a long time because I was fascinated by this concept of how can I bring myself more into alignment, working on my mind with meditation. But then how How do I bring the body and all of these energetic bodies into flow and alignment? If we come back to just this principle of you have all this stuff out there, and we're trying to help people. Why do they want it? But even where do they start? How do you know where to begin? I often find people, and I try to tune in and help them. It's like, Oh, this feels like it would be really good for you, or this feels like, Have you ever heard of this? And guide people to different types of things. But how would people know where to start?


Sheila Franzen

How do you know even where to begin?


Jan Thompson

Yeah, that's a good question. As you were listing all the things that you have explored and investigated, it sounds like my list as well, because I went through all sorts of certifications for different kinds of healing. And one of One of the things that I learned several years ago that I don't think I had really known before, and I think this is a key factor to anybody's healing. It doesn't matter if you go to an energy healer or you're just sitting at home in your house and you're thinking about your state of being, how you are in this moment in time. Is that our bodies do not know the difference between the real event and an imagined event. And that was a very powerful learning for me. I thought, wow. So if my body doesn't know whether I'm actually going to, I don't know, fall and hurt my knee, or I think about falling and hurting me my knee, you can actually create a problem with your knee because you have imagined yourself doing this. So that's not really a great example, but that's the first thing that came into my mind. So if we go back to the idea that our bodies are so responsive, and here we come back to this communication thing again, our bodies are so responsive, our energy systems are so responsive that they respond to our imagination, to our thoughts, to our words.


Jan Thompson

And there we go back to the energy that words carry. Again. So what we are thinking, what we are feeling, what we are saying, whether we are telling ourselves something, whether we are telling someone else something, it all affects our bodies, whether it is real or not. We can be in a real live situation in the middle of a war or an attack or something like that, and we can have real life experience, or we can be watching something on a show, on a television show, where it's more like a simulation. We're just witnessing it. But our body doesn't know that we're not actually in that situation. So if we think about that, what if we, as the person, the seeker, the one who wants to be healed, the one who wants to be better, the one who wants to be in a bitter state of mind, what if we turn it back to our own self-empowerment and become more aware of what we are thinking and what we are telling ourselves and the messages that we are giving ourselves? That can have a profound effect on our bodies, totally on its own, just by our own thoughts and words.


Jan Thompson

So our imagination is that powerful, and we have control over that.


Sheila Franzen

Well, and I think the beauty of that coming to mind for you, of that recognition of our Our intention, our desire, you mentioned in there, awareness, the messages we're sending ourselves. So when we talk about where to begin with energy healing, how do you know where to start? What you're bringing forth there is this aspect of, one, imagination. There's a bit of this that happens through hypnosis. It happens through our meditations. It happens through our intention and our mind. But when When I think about it from a perspective of energy healing, that awareness of where are we at, right? How do we really feel? What is going on? There's a part, I think, for energy healing to have the biggest impact. I'm not going to say it won't work, but to have the biggest impact is our own self-awareness, our own to exactly what you're saying. What is it that we need help with? Because that's our own power, our own willingness to go, Wow, I'm having a hard time managing this in my life. Is there some part of this that might be helpful with me learning a new way to do something? Or maybe I need some energy healing that helps with if it's anxiety or if it's fear.


Sheila Franzen

Eft works a ton with fear work, right? If you take anxiety, you can find energy healing that works a ton with... Acupuncture can release a ton of anxiety in one's body. Breathwork is a self-tool that you can learn to manage anxiety. So depending on But it comes back to just our own self-awareness of what... If it's thoughts we're sending about ourselves because we've experienced trauma in our life, or we experienced a challenging environment growing up, or a teacher who was really cruel or rough, or whatever that was, then we realize that we're still repeating that to ourselves, right? That's the part you're talking about with that... Our body doesn't know the difference, real or imagined. Or the aspect... I don't want to go there. The way we allow our young children to see the violence on TV, they don't know what's true and what's not. That's a whole separate topic. It is. But it also is recognizing that's what's going on for all of us. When we watch all this stress on TV, it brings stress into our body, whether we understand it or not or even intend it or not. And so the healing aspect then becomes self-empowerment, self-awareness, self-knowledge.


Sheila Franzen

What am I having a hard time with? What system do I want to bring more into alignment? Is it my physical body? Is it how I'm thinking? Is it how I'm feeling? Is it how I approach working? Is it how I get things done? That's the first step to me of identifying, being willing to acknowledge, where am I struggling? To then identify, where do I need assistance?


Jan Thompson

Absolutely. That's the first step. And so when a person, for instance, when a person comes to me and they ask for a healing session or an energy healing session, this is what I explain to them. I would love it for you to be in a relaxed position and open to receive the healing. I usually assume that a person is going to be open to receive the healing when they've made an appointment to come and see me. But there is the odd time where fear can get in the way, and I'm not quite sure what that fear is about, probably a vulnerability. How vulnerable am I when I am lying on the reiki table and I'm totally open But from my point of view, from the facilitator's point of view, the messages that I receive are the ones that I then tell to the person who's lying in that reiki table in front of me after the session is over. I tell them what it is I perceive, and hopefully that information that I get will spark something in their mind. Maybe they came to me because, yes, they recognized that it was a problem, but they didn't know what it was or they didn't know how to tackle it.


Jan Thompson

They didn't know where perhaps it came from. And so some of the message that I receive I will let them know. And it's like, Oh, yes, that makes sense to me. So it's like an assistant. It's being an assistant, really, to their healing. So I'm providing the facilitation, the channeling of this energy to come through. And then with their openness and allowing me to receive messages, then I'm assisting them in their own healing. So That is really what unfolds. And for a person to feel vulnerable and fearful, I don't usually find out things that are going to be hurtful or harmful or embarrassing. I don't get those kinds of messages. The kinds of messages that I receive are all to be helpful and to assist and they're positive. They're benevolent messages that come through, and they're brought through with love. And that is my intention as a Reiki energy healer, and I'm just using that title, even though I don't think I'm a healer. But I'm using that title to say that is always my intention when I work with a person is to come to them and with openness, but also with love. I really have a great desire to be of help and to be of assistance.


Jan Thompson

And those are my intentions. I often get information. Sometimes, whatever I receive means absolutely nothing to me. It could be a metaphor. But when I let the person know what it is I've received, then they can decide whether not it fits with what they are needing at that point in time to move on their healing journey, if that makes sense to you.


Sheila Franzen

Yeah. Well, one thing that popped in my mind when you were talking there is if... This is the cautionary aspect, I think, of energy healing. If somebody gives you, I don't know, bizarre messages, or I don't even know how to describe it, you have to learn to trust within your own heart and your own being what works for you. Because to your point, if somebody's telling you really strong, do or don't do things, those are just cautionary moments to make sure you are always standing in your own power and not just taking what other people say as truth, right? Because there's all different levels of healers. I think it's Verna in one of the blog entries on the Alpha Imaging website talks about as you progress in your own spiritual journey, in your own human journey, you always want to make sure that you're working with healers or people that are assisting you that have advanced slightly beyond you. So if you are a Reiki practitioner and a teacher of Reiki, but you need your own energy healing, typically you would not go to somebody who just learned Reiki because you're not at the same level.


Sheila Franzen

So this aspect of knowing and understanding that the person you're working with is qualified, has integrity, has a level above you, whatever that looks like for any particular type of healing and engagement, or some of the things that were popping into my mind as you were talking through that, how do you know type thing. So the thing that I think about, and if it's okay with you, I'd love to share the story I spoke about before we got started with my shoulder, because I think it's a great example of trying to bring into really practical, real world, how the energy healing can help. I had a shoulder injury that seemed to appear out of nowhere a little over not quite 14 years ago. It's been a chunk of time. It actually occurred several months after we adopted two children, and my shoulder froze, and I literally could not move my shoulder, and I couldn't lift it up. I always felt like it was being stabbed. There were places I would move, and it was like I was being stabbed in the shoulder with a sword. I did lots of energy work at the time with healers that I knew.


Sheila Franzen

I did massage work, unending amounts of massage work. I finally did prolotherapy with somebody, which was an aspect of energetically, it's indicating to the body. It's sending mixed signals to the body that says, I'm injured again. Send more healing energy to my shoulder. I got more movement into my shoulder, and eventually, we're able to move it again, but never equality. Never could I get it back to where my left shoulder matched my right shoulder. I spent lots of time looking at Akashic Records' work, the origin of it. I just can't even tell you how many hours and probably thousands of dollars I spent on my shoulder. And that was all part of the journey, right? I mean, I just trust and surrender. I learned all kinds of stuff through all of my journey with the shoulder, where I'm trying to carry the world and carry everything and this past life and that past life. But my shoulder, I had a ton of... I actually, in December, late last year, I was doing Rolfing, and he was like, wow, your shoulder still really got some limitations. And did a bunch of work with it. Even then, I did my own energy healing and own energy work as Rolfing shifted more the energy.


Sheila Franzen

And I tell this story because It's been a very physical experience. And yet my understanding of our human bodies and world has always been that, frequently, many would tell you that our physical ailments often originate in our energetic bodies, and some aspect of our energetic systems are out of balance, and then it finally hits us physically. And in January, I had to go back and look at the date. In January of this year, I woke up one morning, and this has This has happened off and on over the past 14 years, even after my shoulder settled somewhat. If I had woke up on my left side, there would be something shift in my shoulder that literally felt like there was a knife in my shoulder again. I could frequently, I could try to roll around and I get it back in place and it would settle down some. But yet it would just... I literally couldn't get my shoulder back because it would feel like there was a in my shoulder, and it's the only thing I could describe it. And the chiropractor, people could never find what is the actual physical thing going on in your shoulder that's causing that.


Sheila Franzen

And so this time, when I was Feeling that pain again. I was like, Okay, what am I going to do? So I sat in meditation with my higher self. I asked some ascended masters to step forward. I was like, Okay, I can't see it, but I'm like, It feels like a knife or a sword. Can you remove it? And then I'm like, Okay, who Who else am I supposed to ask for help? I am so tired of this shoulder because it throws me. It would throw me into... It was physically so painful. I would just be taken out for the day. But there was no pain medicine that would help it. Nothing would shift it. I was like, Who do I ask for help? I went through my list of people in my life that I'm like, Should I ask this person? Should I ask this person? Should I ask this person? And I kept getting no, no. Should I ask Jan? Yes. Okay, fine. I will send Jan a note. Jan, can you help me? Because I don't know what's going on. And so I reached out to you and I said, there's something in my shoulder.


Sheila Franzen

Can you take a look at it sometime? See if you see anything, know what's going on. And you graciously did an energy healing for me. And the response that you shared, I'm just going to share it almost verbatim here, because I think these are the moments that are so incredibly powerful that people don't often share publicly because people don't like to share their inside world. But your response was, I got there was a trapped emotion in your shoulder from a past life. First, I thought it had to do with your children, but no, it wasn't. It was a similar situation. In a past life, you were under extreme anxiety and worry over potential problems that carried it forth to this life. It reared up again when you realized the responsibility of caring for your children. And this is me going back to, My shoulder froze months after our children joined our family, like two and a half months later. So it was so quick after that. Back to Jan's words, In a past life, you were stabbed in the shoulder and basically lost the use of your arm. You had a family and had a great deal of worry over how you would care for them.


Sheila Franzen

Our higher selves performed an ethyric surgery to remove the remnants of the blade. I think energetically, it created a cellular code that went on through lifetimes. Our higher selves with Saint Germaine and Mother Mary worked with the Violent flame and the... What was P. F? I don't know what P. F. Anyway.


Jan Thompson

I'd have to see. I don't remember that. It So you're like- VF, Violet Flaim.


Sheila Franzen

I can't remember. Violet Flaim and P. F. And the turnaround has happened, but the healing will continue. And your comment was remarkable, but I have to believe. And it's like, even you, as the healer, have these moments of, Okay, that is amazing. I don't even know where that came from. And then I responded, and I'm like, Yes. And that pain has been gone. I can sleep on my left side now. I never have the feeling of the knife being in my shoulder again, which has been there for 14 years. Out of the blue. That's what I could never... I was like, Oh, it's because I'm carrying my kids around. I tried so many ways to make sense out of this pain. And I would walk around. The pain that would happen, this is the part that is so freaky, even to me, when that pain kicked in and I couldn't move my arm, it was literally I would walk around with my arm hanging at my side. I could not use it. It was just like I lost the use of my arm. And when I, in my own meditations, went back into this past life and did clearing around it, it was, this is the part where we now play in the energetics of connection between ourselves and each other and past lives, that it's the being willing and being open to just ask for help, right?


Sheila Franzen

That comes back for personal power. I'm not asking anybody to do it for me at this point, but I'm like, Help me. I don't know where else to go. And I think that is an aspect of the beauty of energy healing. And when you talk about the insights that you get and the divine messages, it's not so much about personal information, but it's just about, does this inspiration as me being the assistant and the energy healer What does it bring forth that allows the healing to occur?


Jan Thompson

Exactly. And the PF is the pink flame, by the way. There you go. Pink flame, the third ray flame. Yes, pink flame with Mother Mary. No, You're absolutely right. And this is where the self-empowerment aspect comes in, is you're not totally relinquishing all responsibility for your own healing. And I mentioned it in that response to you, that email response to you, is that as the Reiki master or the healer, as the facilitator, as the assistant, I always, first of all, go into a meditation where I go into my own sacred heart. I connect with my higher self. I ask my higher self to take over. And then I also ask to connect with your higher self. With a person who's lying on the reiki table, I always ask to connect with them and ask that they help in this facilitation of this healing. And so you, as a person lying there on the table in front of me may, on a conscious level, not know what it is to contribute. But your subconscious, your higher self, your higher guidance, your intuition, your body knows. And so somehow, in some way, that message gets sent to me.


Jan Thompson

And I say that it is coming from your higher self, facilitating your healing. So that power is still in your hands by being open and willing to receive and willing to share some information. And then, yes, they can work together and amazing things can It's always going to happen. And you're right, I'm always amazed by what comes up. And the other point is that, yes, it's not always something from this lifetime. It's not always something like, I I fell and smashed my knee on a rock or whatever. It's not always something like that. It could be something that takes layers and layers of peeling back to get to what is the essence of the problem. It could be from a past life. It could be from an ancestral cellular memory that gets carried down because our cells are transmitted. Our cellular memory is transmitted down through our ancestry. That's a fact that we are carrying some of those cells from our parents and our grandparents and our great-grandparents. So our cells of memory as well. We can go back to that thing that we were talking about at the beginning, that our bodies are so incredibly intelligent, and they communicate, and they store all this knowledge, and they share between systems.


Jan Thompson

So Who's to not say that whatever memory is in those particular cells are not genetically recreating themselves and sending that message to our current physical body and saying, Hey, there's still a problem here. It hasn't been cleared. And thankfully, through all the work that you did, Sheila, and then with the work that we were able to do together with our higher selves and some ascended masters to get to the root of the problem, to get to the essence of the problem, then you were also able to go away and do some more clearing on your own. So it's all about bringing that situation, bringing the factors that created that situation into awareness. We go back to what you were talking about, being self-aware and once again, reclaiming that power, reclaiming the power. I think It goes back to that self-empowerment again and being willing to ask for help, as you said, being willing to ask for help, being willing to be open for assistance. Somewhere down the road, it could be that day during the healing session, it could be a few days later, something will come to you and it's like, Oh, yes, this happened, or I need to do this, or, I need to go here and do that.


Jan Thompson

Yes, it all works out in some benevolent way for the higher good. It does. It does. And it's totally amazing.


Sheila Franzen

Well, and I'm reminded, or maybe I'm hearing in this moment, is to just remember that life is a journey and our healing is a journey, right? Whether it's just a journey. And so the 14 years, was it time for my shoulder to be cleared? It There was other aspects of energy, of shoulder, and pain, and all those things that I needed to... Not needed, that I had the opportunity to learn, to deepen the understanding of myself and my body and my energy and my respect of it and all of those things. And so those times, I'm like, Why didn't I know Jan 14 years ago? Because it takes a lot of time and energy. But it wasn't the right time, right? I mean, this is the part of just accepting and surrendering to you start somewhere. And I think if there's a message that I would want people to take away from this podcast, in our conversation here, it's the aspect of you have the power to heal, right? And even though there might be cellular memory from your ancestors and cellular memory from your own past lives, or or physical pain and trauma that's happened in this life or any other life, healing is possible.


Sheila Franzen

And there are incredible accounts of spontaneous healings. If you want to be inspired about the power of our mind where you started reading Joe dispenses, the placebo effect is popping into my mind in the moment. And it's incredible, the possibility of what can be healed. And And there might be things that don't heal as easy. Maybe that's part of your soul's journey this lifetime is to walk through life living with something that's uncomfortable or living with something that doesn't make sense. And your soul is learning its reflection this time of that experience. And that's okay, right? So it's like, well, I'm going to always have this blah knee pain because this is, well, I didn't take care of my knee in physical form, my younger part of my life. And so I don't have much cartilage left in one knee, and I had part of it removed because of the amount of pain. And so this is my physical experience, but I can do everything around the rest of my body and life to support still being in flow. How do I strengthen things? How do I balance things? How do I make sure there aren't energetic components?


Sheila Franzen

And so it's this aspect of owning your healing journey and that just start somewhere. Start somewhere. If you're feeling stuck in any aspect of your life, just take that aspect of your life and explore what energy healing might help. Jan and I, you can reach out to Jan and I at any time. We both are individuals who are not about our own healing so much as you get the right healing. And so if you're stuck somewhere, I think either one of us would recommend, Oh, try this or try that, based on our healing experiences, because we're so focused on just you finding a way forward that we're always available. I take questions like that all the time, and I have conversations with people all the time, and they're like, You're just a weird font of knowledge. I never would have even tried that. And I'm like, Yeah, well, that's just been my journey. And so I love sharing possibilities with people. I'd love to hear Jan, what would you want people to take away from this conversation? What's the biggest thing you would want them to take away?


Jan Thompson

Oh, my gosh. Well, I think you're totally right. The words that just kept coming to me were, take a step, take a step forward and reach out. Just make a move. The old Nike logo, just do it. Just do it. There's nothing to be lost, nothing to be afraid of. Often what I say to people that come to me is, You may come in here with an intention of what you want, but you may go out of here with something else, knowing something else, learning something else about yourself. It's not always what we, as a human being, think is best for us, but our higher selves, our higher guidance, always knows what is in our best interest. So just take a step and trust in receiving what will be in your highest good. There is nothing to fear in this process.


Sheila Franzen

Thank you. Yeah, it's the first step, right? With any change in life, it's That's the first step.


Jan Thompson

It's the first step.


Sheila Franzen

Jan, how can people work with you? How can people find you if they're wanting to reach out and connect with you?


Jan Thompson

Well, I have the website that Sheila has so graciously and kindly helped create for me, ascensionarts. Ca. And my partner in Dowsing, Carole Anne Hallstead and I also have ascensiondowsing. Com, and those are paired up nicely. So ascensionarts. Ca would be the first way and easiest way to get a hold of me if you're interested.


Sheila Franzen

Wonderful. And on that, you'll find that Jan does energy healing sessions, of course, along with some other things there. So we'll have to do a future episode, I know, with you and Carole Anne on Ascension Dowsing and help people understand that curious, amazing service that creates sacred spaces in one's Home. So we'll do that in the future sometime. Okay. And then Jan didn't have a chance to mention, but of course, she's got her healing story in the book divine healing stories, which you can also find on her website. So I'll put a few other little plugs in there for Jan.


Jan Thompson

Okay. Thank you, Sheila. Yeah, there are some stories in there of healing stories that people are interested in reading them. So thank you.


Sheila Franzen

Yeah. So thanks, Jan, for joining me. I love talking about energy healing and trying to bring it back into this realm of simplicity, right? Trying to make it make sense because there are so many things out there. And so I hope that everybody listening finds some tidbit here that inspires you and that would inspire you to take a new step, a next step, whatever that is, in whatever aspect of your life where you might feel like you're stuck or not moving forward. Explore what energy healing might be of assistance for you. So thank you again, Jan.


Jan Thompson

Thank you, Sheila. This has been great. I think we could have talked forever and ever about this topic. It's endless. Thank you so much.


Sheila Franzen

Yeah, I think so, too. You're welcome. You just listened to the Spiritual Geek podcast. Thank you for joining us. If you enjoyed the episode, be sure to share a comment and a rating on your favorite podcast platform. It helps our beautiful information become more visible. So taking a few minutes, your rating makes the world a difference so that others can be inspired as well. If you were inspired, consider sharing with friends and family love and light to each of you, and may your day be filled with joy and wisdom as you consciously create your life.


Jan Thompson Profile Photo

Jan Thompson

spiritual seeker/healer/author/mom/grandma

My daughter says I never cease to amaze her with my curiosity and willingness to try new things. I have always felt that way about my life and life in general. We, as humans sometimes think we know everything. What I learn each day is how much I don't know and how amazing life is. I have always been curious and carried that curiosity into my teaching and library careers. Now, as a retiree, I am busier than ever discovering, learning and exploring.